Defect another world

Chapter 121 The password is Qingqing

Chapter 121 The password is Qingqing

Meng Fei turned on the phone.This time he didn't have time to investigate carefully, so he directly sent a message to the goddess AI.

"Do you know the confidential document of the ionized crystal nucleus of the Lynx Group?"

"Sorry, permission is limited, so I can't answer."

"Stop talking nonsense, speak quickly."

"I know."

"Has anyone downloaded in the last hour?"



"but what?"

"Someone is trying to download.

"It is estimated that there are three more steps, and the download can be successful in 15 seconds."

"Sister, stop it!"

"Block? How to stop legal operations?

"Wait a minute, what did you just call me? Big sister?"

"You should have a way to stop it, right?

"Just 404 a few pages.

"Don't let him open it, isn't it OK?"

Meng Fei anxiously entered the text.Of course, he no longer uses his fingers anymore, he uses his brain to connect to his mobile phone to quickly input.

"This document is the property of the Lynx Group.

"The legal president of the group downloaded this document, how can I stop it?

"Are banks prohibiting depositors from withdrawing money?

"I can't do this, okay?
"And what did you call me just now? Big sister?"

"No, no, that's a slip of the tongue...

"You must be able to.

"That's a state secret, right? If it is taken away by bad guys..."

"Call again."


"It's so cold."


"But what did you say you wanted me to do?"


While Meng Fei was fighting with AI, Zhang Ran, secretary of the board of lynx military industry, was also fighting with the mobile phone under certain circumstances.

He had already retreated from the back door of the conference room and sat back in his seat.

Ai Yi is handsome, with a ruddy complexion, a very naughty expression, and very curly hair. He is obviously a normal wandering boy.

But in his view it is very abnormal.

Perhaps it was because of the weird smile on his face, and the inexplicable confidence in his eyes that controlled everything was too frightening.

Also the other directors at the table were weird too.Everyone didn't say a word, even their expressions were unified, and they all stared at him.

The whole situation was so abnormal that it was like a dream. He tried countless times but couldn't wake up.

"Hurry up, when will you finish downloading?"

He has successfully signed to confirm that the resolution of the board of directors is valid, and Ai Yi is already the chairman.

After a series of agreement signing, face authentication, and fingerprint authentication, it stands to reason that Ai Yi can already download the confidential document he wanted.

But he tried several times tremblingly, but a certain page suddenly appeared in the middle of the circle and turned into a 404.

Although Ai Yi has authority, the various authentication operations in the operation process are still very lengthy.

One 404 is enough to ruin all the previous steps, and he has to start all over again.

Ai Yi cooperates with fingerprinting for a while, and face recognition for a while, and nods, opens his mouth, and reads numbers according to the steps.

But every time it failed again, he couldn't bear it more and more.

"Are you fucking playing with me? What the hell is going on!"

The impulsive young man suddenly pulled out the ion gun and aimed it at his temple, and turned the mode switch to the "explosive body" mode.

Zhang Ran was trembling and sweating profusely.He calmly wiped off his sweat and said, "The network of the Goddess system seems to be unstable today."

This situation is extremely rare.In the past, no network was more stable than the goddess system.

"But I have a way."

Zhang Ran's survival instinct played a role.

"In addition to the goddess system, there is an old version of the website that can also download the confidential documents kept by the State Secrets Bureau.

"It's just that I haven't used it for a long time. I can't use my mobile phone, so I have to find an old terminal."

"Find it for me!"

With a loud bang, Zhang Ran felt that his head had exploded.

But that was just Ai Yi firing a gun out of the window.


"They didn't download successfully, did they?"

At this time, Meng Fei estimated that the time had exceeded 15 seconds.


"The system network is unstable.

"But instability can't last too long.

"You know, if the network is unstable in this system, hundreds of engineers will rush to check it.

"You can't blow things up."

This time even the expression of the AI's goddess head became a little disturbed.

"I have an idea!"


"You can allow them to download that file. But you replace the file.

"I asked Fatty Chen to plant a Trojan horse in the fake document.

"When they open the file, they will quietly send a message to let me locate their location.

"Position a criminal organization for the country!"

Meng Fei intends to mention "for the country" because this AI is the country's AI, and it may be recognized by the AI.

What he wants is to completely eradicate the supernatural organization, so that he and Ai Ting will never suffer from future troubles. This is completely consistent with the national interest.

After sending this message to Goddess AI, he immediately called Chen Han to wake him up and asked him to prepare the Trojan file and send it to his mobile phone.

Although Chen Han's ability to find bugs is average, asking him to write code to create a bug or use the bug to do something is a good hand.The storage is done imperceptibly.

What's more, his things are all ready-made, and there is no need to make them temporarily, just pack them up.

Then he came back to see the goddess's reaction.

The goddess AI sent a bursting expression.

"You are too much!
"It's fine if I delay them from downloading the files, and I also provide fake files and spread Trojan horses?"

It's like the bank not only refuses others to withdraw the diamonds kept in the bank safe, but also secretly exchanges the diamonds for fakes...

No, not just a fake, but a bomb."Boom" as soon as you open it!
"Isn't this for the country, for the people?"

"This is a crime!"

"It's not a crime.

"It's just that some employees' careless operation caused the confidential document library to be infected by encrypted ransomware.

"But thanks to the strong security system in place, the virus was removed quickly. The vast majority of files are safe.

"Only a few files were encrypted and Trojanized.

"Nevertheless, during the daily routine scan of the security system, this problem will also be discovered through backup file comparison and the data will be restored."

Meng Fei explained seriously.

"No, I can't do that."




"Confidential document number 0938493127802X, downloaded successfully."

"Nimma, the operation is so complicated..."

Ai Yi opened the file on his phone, he only glanced at the file name.He wasn't interested in opening it at all.

After encrypting the file, he sent it via WeChat.

After a while, the other party called.

"Where's the secret key?"

Ai Yi said the secret key, and then added:
"The plan is completed, and what you want has been obtained. From then on, we can be clean."

"Wait for our people to confirm the documents."

"Hehe, what's wrong with the files I downloaded directly from the website of the State Secrets Bureau?"

(End of this chapter)

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