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Chapter 539 Weakness Perception

Chapter 539 Weakness Perception
About ten seconds or so, Xiaoyi suddenly said: "Congratulations to the host, you have won a 500 billion RMB bonus, and a super hypnotist teaching."

"Super hypnotism?"

Lin Chen was stunned. He was already numb to the reward of 500 billion. After all, there is too much money now. To him, it is just a statistic, just like the old horse, which is meaningless.

But super hypnotism is a very good hypnosis.

"Xiaoyi, can you tell me about the super hypnotism technique?"

Lin Chen asked curiously.

"Hypnosis is divided into two types, that is, awake and trance hypnosis. Awakening hypnosis is when you are awake, guided by a certain action, to make people enter your hypnotic state in an instant. The second is trance hypnosis, which is Hypnosis in a daze is more common, and it is easier for people to enter a hypnotic state."

Xiaoyi continued: "But super hypnotism, literally, is an upgraded version of hypnotism. It can make a sober person enter a hypnotic state after a smile or a sentence of yours. Of course , It also depends on the mental strength of the other party."

"If the other party has strong willpower, the effect of hypnotism may not be so good, and more work is needed."

"Well, it's already very powerful, and few people have strong willpower."

Lin Chen was very satisfied, and continued, "Accept."

"Okay, host, this will load it for you..."

This hypnotism involved too many passive skills, so it took a full 3 minutes to load before a beam of light rushed into Lin Chen's mind, completing the teaching.

In fact, Lin Chen quickly interpreted the information in his mind and found that hypnosis is actually an upgraded version of psychology. A seemingly simple action actually requires a lot of hands and feet. Before hypnotizing others, some preparations must be made, and even Make some demagogic gas.

As for the method and how to configure it, Lin Chen has already mastered it.

In addition, he has the inheritance of a genius doctor, so he is very good at dispensing medicine.

"Host, the system has been upgraded to level 9, which means that you will reach level ten soon. After level ten, I will take shape and can appear in front of you in the form of a cyborg, and I will know more things. I can provide you with more information.”

Xiao Yi laughed.

"Cyborg? What do you mean?"

Lin Chen didn't understand.

"It's a projection person. You can't touch me, but you can see me and talk to me."

"Yeah, I understand."

Lin Chen thought that Xiaoyi could come out of the system by becoming a robot.

"Are you disappointed to see me in real life?"

Xiaoyi asked.

"How is it possible? Listening to your voice now, it seems to be very unique. It feels very cute and gentle. It changed my previous understanding of the system. After all, you always asked me to do things I didn't want to do before. I have an urge to kill, including you."

Lin Chen said truthfully.

"Hehe, don't worry, after the tenth level, your mission system will undergo earth-shaking changes, the mission will become optional, and if you don't complete it, you will only be deducted a certain amount of points, and there will be no previous punishment. "

"Huh? So good?"

Lin Chen was very excited. He didn't expect that the future development of the system would be more and more beneficial to him.

"Well, then you work hard, after the tenth level, more will be unlocked..."

Let Xiaoyi say it, send a direct message.

Lin Chen looked at his personal attributes subconsciously:
Attack power: 39;

Attack Speed: 39.

Dodge value: 39; (After 100, you will be invincible for five seconds.)
HP: 39; (After 100, it can be revived once.)
Hand speed, hit, movement, defense, smell, vision, hearing: full (100)

Inner strength value: 57
Internal defense value: 51
IQ: 158
Ailment Resistance: 13
Xueqing Island: 1.10 square kilometers.

Mobile garage: 800 square meters.

Storage space: 200 square meters

Domestic Portal: Intermediate (10 people can be teleported at one time)
System level: Beginner level 9.

Mission cumulative points: 400

Seeing that the points were already 400, Lin Chen directly exchanged 300 points for a weakness perception skill. He was also curious as to what form the skill would appear after the exchange.

There are currently only 100 points left.

The next moment, Xiaoyi came out again: "Host, there is an extra skill in your storage space. The system detects that you have it, so it stores it in the storage space, and adds a projection screen. Save it on the projection screen, if you want to use it for others, you must enter the storage space, and then click the corresponding skill button on the projection screen to accept the function transfer."

"That's it, I understand!"

Lin Chen said.

After turning off the system, Lin Chen quickly walked out of the bathroom and returned to the previous KTV. Cheng Feng was still there. When he saw Lin Chen coming back, Cheng Feng hurriedly stood up and said, "Boss, what are your orders?"

"Don't be nervous, it's not an assignment, but something for you. Listen to me, I will open a storage space later. After you go in, you will find a display screen in the space, which is touchable. There is a skill called "Weakness Perception", you click on it directly, and then you don't need to worry about it. After he accepts it, he will hear a woman's voice, saying that the acceptance is complete, I can see you, but he will directly let you out."

"So high-tech?"

Cheng Feng was surprised again.

"Okay, don't be surprised, go in."

Lin Chen looked around, saw no one coming, and said directly.

Cheng Feng nodded and entered the storage space opened by Lin Chen. Although it looked illusory, Cheng Feng did not doubt Lin Chen and walked in directly.

Sure enough, I found a lot of things inside, and I also found a monitor. I saw a button called "Weakness Perception" on it, and I pressed it.

The next moment, a light rushed into his forehead, and he felt a little uncomfortable, but this discomfort was fleeting and quickly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng felt that there was a lot of information in his mind, which was dedicated to explaining the perception of weaknesses, and he was surprised.

After driving with ideas, you can quickly perceive the opponent's weakness, but it must be within the reach of the eyes, and the distance cannot exceed one meter.

In other words, you have to post it in order to find out.

However, this point is not difficult. With his skill, it is very simple to get close to the opponent.

The next moment, Cheng Feng found himself in the box again, and it was Lin Chen standing in front of him.

"Chengfeng, have you finished accepting it?"

Lin Chen said.

"Well, weak point perception, boss, you still relied on this before to quickly find the cover door of the God of War No. [-]?"

Cheng Feng obviously remembered.

"That's right, the next step is to let you generate inner strength. I originally planned to make Lightning invulnerable first, but now that I think about it, I feel that quantity is not the most important thing, but quality. I want to do it one by one. Let's make you and Cheng Yun into top experts first, and then make lightning."

Lin Chen said.

"Thank you Brother Lin for your love to me."

Cheng Feng said gratefully.

"You are welcome, you are strong, and I am also strong."

Lin Chen said.

Cheng Feng nodded, knowing what Lin Chen meant.

(End of this chapter)

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