Chapter 519 No Competitors
After Lin Chen left, many people followed suit, because Meishen Group's rebuttal was weak, but all the media were there, because what the media wanted was this kind of explosive news.

If Meiji Group cancels the press conference now, it will undoubtedly tell everyone that they have stolen the drug list of Aimei Group.

But if they continue to drive, then Lin Chen will send them a lawyer's letter, and if it is verified that the theft is successful, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Dad, ignore that idiot, let's continue with the press conference."

Lu Zhitao really thought that Lin Chen came to make trouble on purpose, but he wasn't too nervous.

However, Lu Wenyuan took a deep breath and said, "Pause the press conference for a while, and tell the leaders of the Beauty Skin Group to find a private room on the fifth floor for a meeting."

"This... okay."

Lu Zhitao also saw something strange, but didn't ask any further questions.


When it was close to noon, an explosive news came out on the headlines of Nanzhou. The press conference of Beauty Skin Group went smoothly, and their chairman personally revealed to the media that the inspiration for their new product accidentally had something to do with Aimei Group. The main reason for the collision is that their company has newly joined a research and development personnel. They used to be good friends with a certain research and development department personnel of the Aimei Group.

Lu Wenyuan expressed his apologies, and planned to modify most of the same parts to make a product of their own.

However, witty netizens obviously saw the truth at a glance

They all commented below the news.

"If you are caught, you will deliberately change the drug list. That is to take advantage of the legal loopholes. No more than 30.00% of the same product cannot be considered the same product. It can only be said to be similar. Although it will be sprayed, it is not against the law. Recruiting a real bull in public relations."

"Yeah, it's obviously embezzlement, and if it's found out, it's time to list the medicine and replace it with some type. They're really rubbish."

"Shameless, nasty!"

"Grass, that's okay too. It seems that I can also produce cosmetics. I can find a way to produce the original medicine, and then find substitutes one by one to become my own product."

"Draw key words, a new member of the R&D department, and a member of the Aimi Group's R&D department are good friends, good friends will talk about these company secrets? I'm afraid they stole them while others were not paying attention, and then sold them to the company to make a lot of money Bar?"


If you say one sentence to me, there will be 10,000+ comments in an hour.

Regardless of whether the Meiji Group's press conference goes smoothly, the direction of public opinion has begun to reverse, and most people have once again supported Aimei Group.

A company that steals other people's achievements, the products produced, no matter how cheap it is, the quality cannot be guaranteed, and it is only a conceptual product, which has not been verified by various trial productions, and who dares to buy a product that is just used casually?

Sure enough, the manager of the R&D department of Aimei Group immediately posted a long article on the official Weibo, accusing Meiji Group of shameless behavior. Although it did not cause any violations of the law, it has lost moral trust.

In addition, Wang Yang also pointed out that their next-generation concept product is still being improved, and there are many pharmacology and toxicity that have not been well matched, and their twelve main ingredients are the best combination after their precise calculations. After that, the effect will drop sharply, remind everyone to buy cautiously.

Meiji Group suffered from being dumb and dared not refute, because they had nothing to refute.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Chen came to Qin Xueqing's office. The situation had obviously turned around. The pre-sale at noon tomorrow was going on normally, and the fans returned to normal attention. influences.

"Lin Chen, you are so powerful. You turned the situation around in a flash. I love you so much."

Qin Xueqing said excitedly.

"Is that so, why don't we send it in the office?"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.


Qin Xueqing's pretty face flushed slightly, she was a little surprised, why is this guy so capable in that area, he only worked hard for two hours last night, still thinking about it today?
"You are so busy all day, let's wait a while, I'm afraid it will be bad for your health."

Qin Xueqing said with concern.


Lin Chen also casually talked about it to liven up the atmosphere. Of course, if Qin Xueqing agreed, he wouldn't mind doing it once in the office.

At this time, Qin Xueqing changed the subject and said, "Lin Chen, can we do nothing about Beauty Skin Group? We know that he is stealing our achievements, but we can't sue him."

"Of course not. I have my own way. In fact, it is not our goal to bring down the Meiji Group. Our goal is to occupy the Meiji Group."

Lin Chen expressed his ambition.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Qin Xueqing didn't quite understand.

"I have already set up a game for Lu Wenyuan. As long as they enter the game, Meiji Group can only sell it to me. I bought Meiji Group and it will become our industry in the future. Why are you afraid of it?"

Lin Chen smiled charmingly.

"Okay, but the Lu family is one of the four major families in Nanzhou. It might not be that easy to get them to sell the Beauty Skin Group to you."

Qin Xueqing said.

"Yes, it's not that easy now, but I already have a way, don't worry, I already have a way."

Lin Chen has a well-thought-out plan.

"Well, if you can really win the Beauty Skin Group, the top three cosmetics companies in Province A are all under our control. In the future, there should be no competitors in Province A. Will we fall?"

"Of course not, Xueqing. In the future, we have to look farther. What we are pursuing is not the province of A, but the whole country, or even the world."

Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, Qin Xueqing took a deep breath.

To be honest, before Lin Chen showed up, she didn't even dare to think about being the leader of the industry in the province, but now she has taken it all at once.

Now Lin Chen also said that he wanted to make the company world-class, which really surprised her.

"Can we really go all over the world?"

Qin Xueqing was looking forward to it, but also felt pressured.

She felt a lot of pressure in province A alone, let alone the whole country, or even the whole world.

"Of course, with me here, sooner or later, my Aimei Group will become the world's largest cosmetics company, believe me!"

Lin Chen said firmly.


Qin Xueqing nodded vigorously.

Next, Qin Xueqing took a nap, and Lin Chen had to run some errands, so he left the office. However, before leaving the company, Lin Chen went to a place, which was the R&D department.

When he entered the R&D department, Wang Yang was still working. When he saw Lin Chen coming in, he was about to ask something when he saw Lin Chen pointing to Liu Qingyin who was staring at the computer.

Liu Qingyin obviously also read the news. She knew who stole the medicine list, and she was very sad.

Not only has it brought so much trouble to the company, but the relationship between her and her best friend may disappear from now on.

"Hello, what are you doing?"

After Lin Chen passed by, he smiled.

Liu Qingyin was writing a self-criticism just now and accepted the punishment from the leader. Regardless of whether the company continued to let her stay or drive her away, Liu Qingyin would not complain at all.

After all, this is her fault, everyone is an adult, and should accept punishment, not escape.

(End of this chapter)

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