Fresh wife is amazing

Chapter 541 The Last Station

Chapter 541 The Last Stand

Thousands of miles above the sky.

Zero in the sky roared and flew towards the destination. Below was a vast sea of ​​clouds, above was an endless starry sky, and a full moon hung slantingly above the sky.

In the room, Aunt Thirteen was sitting by the window, holding an old notebook, watching the beautiful scene outside the cabin.

She finally realized a line of Yang Fan's poem: The moon rises from the sea.

The full moon like a jade plate seemed to jump out of the sea of ​​clouds. Under the moonlight, the magnificence of the sea of ​​clouds was displayed in front of her at a glance.

"It's so beautiful!" Yang Fan stood next to Aunt Thirteen, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

Aunt Thirteen, who was sitting on the "floor window", turned her head and saw that the door of the room was closed from the corner of her eyes. She put down her notebook, put her arms around Yang Fan's waist, and leaned her face on his body, continuing to look at the bright moon and sea of ​​clouds outside the window: "We How lucky!"

"Yes, very few people can enjoy this kind of scenery." Yang Fan nodded, she and Aunt Thirteen had the best understanding, even with the lights off, without using hands, any place, any posture, the gears could quickly and perfectly fit.

Although the Liu family sisters and Yang Fan have not worked together on this kind of project, but thinking about it, you know that in a short period of time, the tacit understanding between him and Shisan will not be achieved.

"Is the meal ready?" Looking out the window, Thirteenth Aunt asked.

"Hurry up, it will take some time to stew goose meat." Yang Fan lowered his head and stroked Shisan's beautiful hair.

"Where are Yueyue and Qianqian?" Thirteenth Aunt asked.

"When I played with Guoguo outside, I wanted to eat duck meat. When I was about to slaughter, I wanted the sisters to experience the fun of doing it by themselves, but they slaughtered the goose instead of a duck." Yang Fan laughed.

Thirteenth Aunt smiled: "I didn't expect them to dare to do it themselves, so I didn't dare."

Yang Fan said: "If Twelve was here, you would dare to do this kind of thing with her."

Twelve is no longer a taboo, so I can't mention it. Aunt Thirteen can face it calmly now, and said with a smile: "Well, it's really possible, two people will always be bolder. When I was in college, we often stayed together, and we never rode a motorcycle. I once saw an electric scooter coming from Twelve City, and the key was not removed, so I rode on it. Twelve sat behind me, slipped out together, and drove onto the main road... Now that I think about it, there is still some Scared."

"Haha, of you two, one dares to drive and the other dares to sit." Yang Fan lowered his head, holding Shisan's face.

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, she was still stunning and unbelievably beautiful.

"Get out quickly, there's no time." Sensing the changes in Yang Fan's body, Aunt Thirteen suddenly pushed him away, her face flushed.

Yang Fan sighed, why did she act like a beast when she thought Aunt Thirteen was so beautiful?

He was not like this before. Before he polluted Thirteenth Aunt, when he saw Thirteenth Aunt, most of the time, he only felt that Thirteenth Aunt was sacred and inviolable.

Now, he is becoming more and more shameless with his beastly behavior towards Thirteen.

But only he and Thirteenth Aunt knew about this kind of shamelessness.

Aunt Thirteen didn't think it was shameless, and she liked it very much.

"Don't worry, I'll be bored for a while." Yang Fan didn't go out, but he also gave up on trying to mess with Aunt Thirteen. There really wasn't enough time, so it couldn't be done in two or three minutes.

"That can't be done." Aunt Thirteen continued to push Yang Fan away. Time was running out, and she would suffer even more than Yang Fan.

"Don't move you." Yang Fan looked at the old notebook next to him and asked, "What is this?"

"My mother used to have a notebook." Aunt Thirteen picked it up, "I don't know how I got here."

Yang Fan looked over, and it turned out that Wen's mother made a daily recipe record when she was pregnant with her twelfth and thirteenth.

【year, month, day

Breakfast: half a bowl of lean meat porridge + two small meat buns (end before 07:30) milk + one egg (after eight o'clock).

Extra meal: a small bowl of Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum (after ten o'clock), half an apple after half an hour.

Eat calcium tablets to supplement vitamin D + multi-vitamin + blood.

Chinese food: crucian carp and radish soup + shredded lettuce + scrambled eggs with carrots, red peppers, mushrooms, and sour vinegar potatoes.

Snack: a mango.

Dinner: Stir-fried pork ribs with mushrooms + octopus + cold cucumber + cabbage enoki mushroom ham sausage soup.

Extra meal: 250ml milk + a glass of lemon honey water + fish oil.

Reflection: The meal schedule is getting better and better. In the future, insist on eating nuts, fruits, vitamin D milk, etc. in an orderly manner. The whole person will feel comfortable, and the babies will also feel comfortable.

Bonus points: More exposure to the sun, vitamin D supplementation, so that the two babies can grow up healthily. 】

After only reading one page, Yang Fan was a little silent. His mother was not in good health. When she was pregnant with him, she did and experienced more hardships than Wen's mother.

"Twelve has never had any relationship with my mother, because she has no impression of my mother. Maybe she wants to feel her mother's love for her through these." Aunt Thirteen put down her notebook.

Yang Fan wanted to say something, but Thirteenth Aunt said to him, "Let's go out together, I'm hungry."

"Yeah." Yang Fan tidied up his clothes and walked out of the room first.

On civil aviation airliners, passengers are not allowed to bring lighters on the plane. Air Zero is their own. There is no such restriction. Not only can they bring lighters, but they can even cook.

Yang Fan's family of five cooked a sumptuous dinner on the plane.

After eating, the plane just swooped down, preparing to land at Hailing Military Airport, more than 3000 miles away from Gusu City.

In fact, Air Zero can arrive at Hailing earlier, but since there are scenery and dinner on the way, there is no need to hurry.

At this time, the Hailing Military Airport, although it was night, was brightly lit.

Twelve is the god of the army, not limited to a certain military region. When I heard that her car was coming, a large group of people were fully armed and waited by the parking lot as if waiting for a review.

The bright moon is particularly round tonight, even rounder than it was on the fifteenth day, so that the bright lights in the suburbs look very weak in front of this jade plate.

When Air Zero landed on the runway, before taxiing into the aircraft stand, Yang Fan and his team saw the battle next to the aircraft seat from the window.

Liu Yueyue was a little nervous and excited, she had never seen such a big battle, only what her sister said before, when Yang Fan and the others arrived in Gusu City, there was a huge crowd.

"There are so many people again." Aunt Thirteen didn't like it very much, it was hard to imagine how Twelve came here before.

In the past, every time Twelve traveled, there was almost such a big battle.

Even if it is an annual vacation, where she goes, someone will arrange everything in advance, whether it is food or places to live and play, everything is covered.

Aunt Thirteen didn't like this kind of noodle arrangement, but she couldn't refuse.

Why did she agree to the old lady before and let the old lady arrange the basic necessities of life.

The reason for agreeing is that Thirteenth Aunt also hopes to inspire Yang Fan's creative inspiration through external pressure.

Without external pressure, Yang Fan would often utter golden sentences in his daily life, but they were never complete.

"This time, is there any pressure for the inscription?" The cabin door opened, and standing on the gangway, Aunt Thirteen asked Yang Fan who was holding Guoguo's little hand.

(End of this chapter)

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