Fresh wife is amazing

Chapter 334 The water is not as clear as your eyes

Chapter 334 The water is not as clear as your eyes

If you teach that there is no hatred in your eyes, you don't believe that there is a white head in the world.

After 3 minutes, Yang Fan couldn't let go of Liu Yueyue in his arms.

This girl, holding her, feels like holding a small stove, and the small stove tends to get hotter and hotter.

After making out for such a short while, not only did she start to pant, her face flushed, and a layer of pink appeared on her bare skin, and her whole body exuded waves of heat that could be felt by Yang Fan next to her.

In the heat, there is also a refreshing fragrance.

Her face is like a peach blossom, and there seems to be a clear spring in her eyes, flowing with a provoking coquettishness, her slightly opened mouth seems to be instigating Yang Fan to do more embarrassing things.

Occasional awkwardness can really promote the relationship between couples.

At this moment, Liu Yueyue, no matter physically or mentally, has no defense against Yang Fan at all, and she is at her disposal.

He can do whatever he wants with her if he wants.

But obviously, the timing wasn't right.

And the timing doesn't stop there.

She purposely went there to lock the door first, and then came back, maybe Liu Yueyue would get out of the state of no hesitation, no complaints and no regrets, and would not let Yang Fan go to base.

Even after locking the door and returning, Liu Yueyue is still in a frenzy, but as long as Liu Qianqian, Aunt Thirteen or Guoguo knock on the door in any subsequent link, all previous efforts will be for naught.

As a single-minded, considerate and good man, Yang Fan couldn't take advantage of this unsafe time and place.

Such a good girl, the first experience should be a relaxed and happy memory that can be cherished for a lifetime.

Instead of ending in a hurry and in a state of anxiety.

Yang Fan sat back on his seat, then pulled Liu Yueyue over and sat on his lap.

"It would be nice if there were only the two of us in the family now." Hugging his girlfriend and taking advantage, Yang Fan said regretfully.

Love is naturally strong in the depths.

Once you catch up, you won't be able to control so much.

"En." Liu Yueyue was still in a lost state, turning a blind eye to Yang Fan's salty hands.

Half of the bra has fallen off, the scenery is beautiful, and the seasons are like spring.

Yang Fan loved to eat one kind of fruit since he was a child, but because his family was poor, it took him a long time to eat it once.

At that time, he had a dream that he would have a fruit that could never be eaten.

Now, he has finally achieved it, and still exceeded his quota - two.

No, it's four.

It can also be said to be six.

The diamond is forever, and one is forever.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Liu Qianqian's voice came: "Sister, what are you doing, I'm going in."

Liu Yueyue woke up with a start, her pretty face flushed, and she hurriedly escaped from Yang Fan's embrace.

Yang Fan was not surprised, he had expected that it would be difficult for him and Yueyue to have their private time and space for a long time at Aunt Shisan's house.

"Come in." Liu Yueyue tidied her bra and skirt, sat on Yang Fan's bed, and didn't look at the door.

The next moment, Liu Qianqian opened the door and came in.

After entering, she closed the door immediately.

What surprised Yang Fan was that Liu Qianqian seemed to have just been exercising vigorously, her complexion was rosy, and the base of her ears, which were usually crystal clear like white jade, now had a tinge of blood.

"Just finished eating, did you run on the treadmill just now?" Yang Fan asked Liu Qianqian.

Liu Yueyue then turned her head and looked at her sister, very surprised: "Qianqian, are you... like me?"

Liu Qianqian didn't answer her sister's words, but said to Yang Fan: "Yang Fan, you go out, I'll talk to my sister for a while."

Yang Fan was stunned, almost thinking that this was not his room, but Liu Yueyue's or Liu Qianqian's.

After he was stunned, although he was sure that this was his room, Yang Fan still got up and left.

In the living room, Aunt Thirteen was nowhere to be seen, only Guoguo was reading at the coffee table.

The three treasures didn't want to move after they were full, and hid in their nests to recuperate.

In addition to reading picture books, Guoguo has also begun to read some children's books that focus on words.

Aunt Thirteen intentionally asked her to learn characters, but she didn't force her.

Recently, when Yang Fan told her stories, he would hold a book and put on a show, saying that the stories he told were all in the book.

Every time I stopped talking after half of the talk, the little girl would bring the book over and wanted to read it by herself.

But she couldn't read it.

Gradually, she wanted to learn writing herself.

In this way, she can know the whole story without her parents.

"Where's Mom?" Yang Fan sat down on the sofa behind Guoguo and watched her sit on the small bench and read a picture book.

She dare not kneel down or read on the sofa, for fear of being scolded by her mother.

"I don't know." Guoguo read her book without looking up.

Yang Fan had nothing to do, so he got up to find Aunt Thirteen.

Aunt Thirteen is warming up before running in a room that combines a study and a gym. On the yoga blanket, she is wearing a sports suit and is stretching her legs.

She was wearing gray gym shorts, so tight that they didn't come up to her knees.

The sportswear on the upper body is also very tight. Since it is indoor sportswear and she is still at home, she naturally does not wear a bra.

Probably except for bikinis and some underwear, this type of sportswear can best show a woman's figure.

When Yang Fan opened the door and came in, Aunt Thirteen was holding onto the yoga blanket, her two long legs were in a forward and backward position, slowly sinking, first her calves and knees were pressed on the yoga blanket, and then her thighs, seamlessly.

After holding it for a while, Aunt Thirteen put her hands on her front legs, and slowly bent down until her hands could grasp her ankles, and her upper body was close to her front legs.

After sticking to it, she held it for a while, then stood up and turned around.

Seeing Yang Fan, she paused for a moment without making a sound, and continued to practice her own.

Next, the front and rear legs became left and right, and Aunt Thirteen slowly lay down on the yoga mat.

After lying down, she put her face on the yoga blanket, blinked at Yang Fan, and tied her long hair around her waist.

Yang Fan looked at her straight legs.

It's a bit terrible, this line with straight ends, you can't look at it too much.

Yang Fan withdrew his eyes and met Aunt Thirteen's eyes.

Aunt Thirteen showed a smile on her face.

Yang Fan's face remained unchanged, but he felt a little embarrassed.

Peeping at girls' most private parts was discovered.

The relationship between him and Shisan hasn't reached the point where they don't know each other, there is still a bit of estrangement and distance.

"Do you need my help?" Yang Fan closed the door and walked over.

Thirteen had a yoga blanket on his face. He had never seen a smile from this angle before, which gave him a refreshing feeling.

"Take it easy." Thirteenth Aunt whispered, propped up her upper body, and still sat on the yoga blanket.

Yang Fan squatted down in front of Shisan.

She blinked, and Yang Fan kissed her down.

She told Yang Fan to keep it quiet, but she was very honest.

People in the upper class are very polite and high-quality.

Aunt Thirteen was not worried about the Liu sisters breaking into the study suddenly, they would at least knock on the door first.

A child as young as Guoguo would knock on the door first when entering Yang Fan's room.

Unless the door is open.

 I will take a day off tomorrow and go on a date with Shisan.

(End of this chapter)

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