Fresh wife is amazing

Chapter 178 Low-quality socialization is not as good as high-quality alone time

Chapter 178 Low-quality socialization is not as good as high-quality alone time

"Brother Yang." As soon as she came in, after closing the door, she saw Yang Fan was the only one inside.

Yang Fan didn't work seriously, so this time he watched Wang Xiaoya enter the door.

It's nothing to look at, although the girl in front of him is quite attractive, it won't make him look like a pig brother.

But as soon as he heard her cry, Yang Fan couldn't help it, and shivered.

This shivering is not a natural reaction after exercising, but a reaction after the whole body is electrified...the two seem to be similar.

Why did you upgrade your brother after not seeing him for more than ten days?

It reminded him of an adulterer's love.

Sister, you take the bow, brother, I will press the dog.

Yang Fan didn't bother with such trivial matters any longer, and said with a smile, "Xiaoya, long time no see. Judging by your complexion, it seems that somewhere you have improved a lot."

Wang Xiaoya touched her face: "Isn't my complexion much worse than before?"

"Well, it's too late, so I don't look very good." Yang Fan said.

Chatting with a wise man really has a kind of hazy beauty, Wang Xiaoya secretly said, she has worked hard and worked hard during this time, and is a qualified host with professionalism.

"Brother Yang, why didn't you tell me when you came back yesterday? I can drive to the airport to pick you up at the high-speed rail station, and I can clean you up at night." Wang Xiaoya complained a little.

Yang Fan waved his hand: "That's not necessary, someone picked me up yesterday, but I drove too fast and got into a car accident."

"Ah?" Wang Xiaoya was surprised: "Is it serious? Are you injured?"

"I fell into the gutter." Yang Fan had lingering fears: "It took me a long time to crawl out. I was exhausted and almost killed myself."

Wang Xiaoya also looked scared, and said: "You have to be careful when driving, brother Yang, are you wearing your seat belt?"

"When I thought about being able to go home, I was so excited that I didn't care about it." Yang Fan said, "I didn't regret it until I fell into the gutter, and I'm still terrified."

"Don't be afraid, life is still very long, and you will still have to drive and sit in the car in the future." Wang Xiaoya said, "But don't worry, I will drive. If you take my car, you don't need to fasten your seat belt. No problem."

"That won't work!" Yang Fan said seriously, "It's common sense to wear seat belts while driving and in a car. We can't do things that violate the rules and regulations."

"Yeah." Wang Xiaoya nodded, and then said flatteringly, "Brother Yang, I've booked a table, let's go have lunch together."

Yang Fan thought about it, but he didn't make an appointment for lunch.

Yang Ruyi didn't even know that he was back, but Lao Zhao brought food today.

"Okay, let's eat together." Yang Fan didn't refuse this time, otherwise there will be a next time.

Not long after, the two went downstairs together.

Although it has been seen by many acquaintances, everyone can think whatever they want.

There are not as many handsome men and beautiful women in the stage as there are in heaven and earth, but there are also many.

So it is not surprising to see lonely men and widows walking together.

Few people will care about whether there is a relationship beyond friendship.

This time, Wang Xiaoya obviously paid more attention than before, and she was very particular about choosing places to eat.

It is inconvenient to be too far away from the TV station, and it is too close to feel timid, unable to let go.

So after driving for half an hour, I finally came to the opposite side of the river, a few miles away in a straight line.

"You drive really steadily." After arriving at the dining place, Yang Fan exclaimed as he got out of the car.

Wang Xiaoya is very proud: "Female drivers are not like your men when driving. We female drivers hate your male drivers' behaviors and don't care about other people's feelings at all."

"It's Jiasai. As a host, you must use precise words." Yang Fan educated.

"You just need to be precise." Wang Xiaoya said with a grin, "Go back and give you the steering wheel. I just need to sit comfortably."

"Let's talk about it, I rarely drive." Yang Fan and Wang Xiaoya entered the restaurant and went to the reserved viewing box for dinner.

Yang Fan didn't care about the private room with river view.

What he cares about is food, filling his stomach.

Traveling through the three rivers, five lakes and four seas, going deep into the mountains and forests farther than the Qianjiang River, and seeing many colorful ingredients, Yang Fan felt a little awe of food.

I don't remember whether it was Lenin or Marx who said, if you are afraid of it, you eat it.

So Yang Fan likes food even more.

When the food came, every time he saw a dish, Yang Fan wanted to discuss the cooking process with the chef.

But it is obviously unrealistic. The chef is busy with work and has no free time.

Too lonely, Yang Fan couldn't help discussing every dish with Wang Xiaoya beside him.

"Look at it, it's fresh and silky, and it's attractive in appearance. Take a sip, and your mouth will be filled with fluid."

"This one is also good. Take a bite, it's full of elasticity, and the juice in it accidentally spills out, and it's all over your mouth. One word, it's cool!"

"And this one, the color is good, don't be too anxious to eat it. You should appreciate it first, and then go up to smell it. If possible, lick it first. It's best to feel its vibration before swallowing it... Human world tasty!"

Wang Xiaoya was dumbfounded.

Are the people on Food Channel really a bunch of crazy people?

Eat a meal, you can taste so many things.

Her appetite and desire were wide open, and she couldn't wait, so she wanted to swallow it in one gulp.

"Why don't we have a bottle of wine?" Spring is here, Wang Xiaoya feels a little hot, so she can't help but suggest to Yang Fan.

"He came by car, how can he drive back after drinking?" Yang Fan said.

"It's okay, you can call a substitute driver. Don't drink and drive, and don't drink while driving, I know." Wang Xiaoya said.

"I still have to go to work in the afternoon, and it's not dinner, so I don't drink." Yang Fan refused Wang Xiaoya's suggestion.

Wang Xiaoya was a little annoyed why it was not night.

If it was at night, Yang Fan couldn't refuse her.

After thinking about it, she wondered if it was because the lunch break was too short and not enough, so Yang Fan refused.

There was only two and a half hours of lunch break at noon, and now an hour has passed.

After eating, it will take more than half an hour.

It will take about half an hour to drive back.

Is the remaining 10 minutes not enough for Yang Fan?

So Wang Xiaoya asked, "Brother, do you and your girlfriend exercise regularly?"

"Well, often." Yang Fan replied with a nod while eating.

"How long do you usually exercise?" Wang Xiaoya asked again.

Yang Fan thought for a while, if Aunt Thirteen runs by herself, it will take about half an hour.

As for himself, basically an hour.

If you go downstairs, especially when you bring four treasures, the time can only be measured in hours.

"One hour on average." Yang Fan said: "Exercise one hour a day, work healthy for 50 years, and live happily for a lifetime."

Wang Xiaoya understood that those 10 minutes were not enough for Yang Fan.

Low-quality social interaction is not as good as high-quality solitude.

If you can't let Yang Fan have a good time exercising, it's better not to, so as not to leave a bad impression on him.

(End of this chapter)

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