Fresh wife is amazing

Chapter 154 Spring River Flower Moon Night

Chapter 154 Spring River Flower Moon Night

"Thirteenth Aunt, lock Yang Fan in a small black room and let him type. If he can't type, he has to type. Isn't it a little unreasonable?" Liu Qianqian said to Thirteenth Aunt after leaving the private room to go to the viewing platform.

"That's not a small black room, it's a diamond room." Aunt Thirteen reminded Liu Qianqian: "This guy actually wrote poems for Yueyue behind your back, aren't you jealous?"

"Eat!" Liu Qianqian immediately shared the same hatred with Aunt Thirteen: "If he doesn't satisfy us tonight, we won't let him out and stay inside."

Thirteenth Aunt was thoughtful: "Maybe he enjoys staying inside so much that he doesn't even want to come out."

The wall of the diamond room facing the viewing platform is also crystal glass, but the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

You can see the viewing platform from inside.

"It seems that there is a possibility. He can stay inside until we can't bear it and won't come out." Liu Qianqian agrees with Aunt Thirteen's words after thinking about it.

Yang Fan is a very patient and patient person, as long as he has food and drink, he can stay inside for a whole day without coming out.

Of course, this journey is only about an hour and a half.

In the Diamond Room, Yang Fan faced the wall, looking at the torrent created by the spiral blades behind the cruise ship, and the two sides of the river receded slowly in his sight.

There is spring, river, flowers, moon and night.

So, Yang Fan picked up the phone.

Click on the fruit group.

At this moment, the person he most wanted to share with was of course Liu Yueyue.

Unfortunately, the girl is now asleep.

But it doesn't matter, share it in the group, and she will be able to see this surprise when she wakes up in the morning.

There is no girl who doesn't like flowers or romance, and love letters and poems are a manifestation of romance.

Of course, if it is not sent by someone you like, it will become disgusting and disgusting.

Soon, Thirteenth Aunt and Liu Qianqian received a group message notification tone.

Is Yang Fan so fast?
Aunt Thirteen and Liu Qianqian hurriedly abandoned the scenery on both sides of the strait and opened the group to watch the news.

"The tide of the Spring River is even with the sea level, and the bright moon on the sea is tidal."

In the group, there are only these two lines of poems.

After reading it soon, Liu Qianqian's eyes flickered.

No, just like my sister shared the two sentences he wrote to her sister, "the moon rises on the sea, and the world is at this time", it is not suitable for the occasion.

Because Liu Yueyue was on the plane at that time, and the bright moon was hanging in the clouds.

The "sea" in "the bright moon grows on the sea", like many "seas", is not a "sea" in the traditional sense.

For example, the sea of ​​flowers and the sea of ​​people.

Thirteenth Aunt looked up, and the bright moon was in the sky, like a broken gold and jade plate.

"Hmph." Liu Qianqian was not very happy, and it had something to do with her sister.

At the end of the Yangtze River is the sea, and at the other end of the sea, there is a sister.

After tasting these two poems, Aunt Thirteen was about to speak when two more sentences came from the group.

"Where is the spring river without moonlight!"

The moonlight shines thousands of miles away, which Chunjiang is not under the bright moon?
Before I had time to taste it, the following verses seemed to be completed in one go, rushing for thousands of miles.


There is no dust in the sky, and a lone moon wheel in the sky.

Who first saw the moon by the river? When does Jiang Yue shine at the beginning of the year?
Life has been endless from generation to generation, and Jiang Yue looks similar every year.

I don't know who Jiangyue is for, but I see the Yangtze River sending water.


Spring, river, flowers, moon, night.

These are the five most beautiful things in the world, and they are common to everyone, but few people choose to pile them together.

Aunt Thirteen has read the most books in recent years, even more than when she was in school, and she has never seen such a poem.

Spring River, Tide, Crescent Moon, Fangdian, Hualin, Liushuang, Baisha...

Everything was originally ordinary, but under the illumination of the moonlight, the scenery progresses layer by layer, just like being covered with layers of veils, first the moon goes down the river, then the moon goes down the flowers, the moon goes down the frost, and the moon goes down the boat , the tree under the moon, the man under the moon...

Due to the illumination of the moon, they add a layer of wonderful haze, and the artistic conception is beautiful.

Liu Qianqian became envious of her sister, this is for her.

Therefore, the moon is colder than usual in her eyes, and the things under the moonlight in spring are also colder and more lonely. Naturally, people are more sentimental and lonely.

She felt that she was standing alone on the river boat with her dress fluttering, lonely and desolate.

Bianzhouzi, Mingyue Tower, makeup mirror table, Yuhu curtain, pounding anvil, a few quiet and cold things, but without exception, they are the most typical and fascinating things in life.

Boats on a moonlit night, the towers should be brightly lit, but now the cold moon is shifting, and the moonlight mercilessly penetrates into the Yuhu curtain and smashes the anvil.

"How about it, from your point of view, is this poem suitable for the situation?" Yang Fan came out and asked Liu Qianqian who was feeling very uncomfortable.

Liu Qianqian was taken aback.

This guy writes poetry from my point of view?
Thinking about it, it really fit her mood at the moment.

Aunt Thirteen took Guoguo back to the private room and let the young couple enjoy the scenery alone.

Not long after the boat sailed, the viewing platform was not yet open to tourists.

Even if it is open, the diamond room will have its own independent viewing area, and ordinary tourists will stop.

It's rare for this young couple to come out to play together. If the tickets hadn't been booked long ago, Guoguo hadn't come out to play for a long time. Aunt Thirteen didn't want to come over to disturb them tonight.

"If you don't marry me, I will never get married for the rest of my life." Liu Qianqian looked at the brightly lit mountain city on the river bank.

Yang Fan asked: "Why did I want you to be my girlfriend when I came back from the red trip, but you refused to agree, and now I come together again?"

Liu Qianqian didn't think about it, and said: "I didn't like you that much at that time, and later I regretted it without knowing why."

After speaking, she fell into thinking.

Emotional things, I really don't understand.

"But I'm on good terms with your sister." Yang Fan told the truth about Chi Guoguo, which was cruel to Liu Qianqian.

Liu Qianqian didn't speak, so she couldn't make unreasonable noises and say that I don't care.

It's even more impossible to say that maybe you're good with me, and my sister won't be able to escape.

I haven't tried that kind of thing, so I don't know how much impact it has.

If the two sisters feel the same way on both sides, they can only be tied together in this life.

Liu Qianqian was worried that her sister would not be able to influence her.

And she has been convinced and confirmed many times that it can affect her sister.

Therefore, as long as she and Yang Fan get along well, my sister will never run away.

And if it was my sister who fell in love with him and I was not affected, I might have to be single for the rest of my life and never get married.

One is that Liu Qianqian has really looked down on any boy for so many years, and now she has such a relationship with Yang Fan, and she has no expectations for a relationship.

The second is that my sister can't influence me, but I can influence my sister. Isn't getting married hurting my sister?

No man can accept that his woman burns himself for no reason, which is not much different from wearing a cuckold for himself.

Take it once or several times, or even for many years, most of the men in the real version may accept it and choose to forgive.

For a lifetime, forget it.

Unless the man is sure that he will not be able to find a wife after divorce, then he will make do with it, which is better than nothing, and has nothing to do with love.

(End of this chapter)

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