All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 232 Skilled in Business 【Order】

Chapter 232 Skilled in Business 【Order】

Pick up Yu Ruyi and turn a group of unfriendly enemies into friendly corpses.

Luo Feng turned to look at the three Taoists, and said with a smile: "The three fellow Taoists went to identify the face of the deceased."

"Look and see if there are a few missing."

"Pindao is merciful, and he will definitely let their family reunite and go on the road neatly."

The three Taoists trembled and hurried forward to identify them.

After looking around, I was about to answer.

Luo Feng suddenly said: "Please come one by one, don't pass it on to the third person."

Separate inquiry is a representative example of non-zero-sum game in game theory, reflecting that the individual's best choice is not the group's best choice.

If AB and AB commit a crime together, they will be arrested and interrogated separately.If A tells the truth but B does not, then A will be acquitted and B will be sentenced to 5 years in prison; otherwise, B will be acquitted and A will be sentenced to 5 years in prison; if both of them tell the truth, If both of them do not speak, they will be sentenced to 2 years in prison; if both of them do not speak, they will be sentenced to 1 year in prison.

This is a matter of choice for a strictly dominant strategy.

Talk to three people and combine their information to avoid collusion and concealment.

After a cup of tea, Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully.

The explanations of the three Taoists are similar, and it can be judged that they are not lying.

The probability of lurking as a spy is extremely small.

It is known from Taoists who practice the Canopy Method that Daxiong Tianxingsi, similar to Jinyiwei and Dongchang of Ming Dynasty, even has more power because he has to supervise the monks in the world, and is directly under Emperor Daxiong.

The Tianxing Division has three levels: the left and right first seats, the lower points, the gold medal, the silver medal, and the bronze medal.

A skywalker of the bronze medal level, stationed in Daxiong City.

This time, it was Qinglong master and apprentice who exposed their whereabouts, and Mr. Li, the bronze medalist, was eager to make meritorious service and brought out most of the elite forces in the company.

Lying here now can be described as annihilated.

"Mercy, mercy."

Luo Feng read a sentence, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, it would be nice to have a neat family, so that he would not have to do it himself.

With a slight smile, he raised a torch and completely cremated a pile of corpses, to prevent the corpses from turning into zombies, to prevent the possibility of someone recalling memories from the corpses, and to prevent...

Immediately afterwards, Luo Feng resumed his old business, reciting the scriptures of the Three Religions, and a document was issued to the Daoist Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun, and the ten halls of Yama judged the good and punished the evil.There is another document, with Dongfeng Mingwang Buddha copybook attached, sent to the Western Paradise to open up relationships.

There is another document, handed down to Mingming Shendao, on which there is a taboo of the name of the star king under the Haotian seat, supervising good and evil.

From birth to death, the arrangement is clear and clear.

He has been playing this business since he practiced, and he is very proficient

Three Taoists on one side: ( ̄□ ̄;)

I was terrified in my heart, the two were fighting, and I couldn't help myself.

Especially Taoists who practice the canopy method, want to cry but have no tears. Who stipulates that only gods can meet gods.

In addition to gods, there are monsters and demons in the heavens. Demons and gods with the same personality can also meet the Patriarch of the Canopy!

Maybe it was foreseen on which battlefield

The behavior of this unknown power in front of him is the true inheritance of the Demon Sect, the reincarnation of the Heavenly Demon.

After dealing with everything, Luo Feng clapped his hands and turned to look at the three Taoists nervously waiting for their fate.

Smiling calmly, put away Yu Ruyi, took out the dust whisk, and said Tianhe Tianzun.

"Three friends, there is no need to be like this. The poor Taoist is the most kind and cautious person."

"Sweeping the floor may hurt the lives of ants, and cherish the moth gauze lamp."

"The official just now didn't give the poor Tao any face, and made the poor Tao very frightened. He was afraid that he would let him go, and he would lead the imperial army to encircle and suppress the poor Tao someday."

"For the sake of my life, I can only reluctantly send them on the road."

I believe you a ghost, you bad old man is very bad.

But for the sake of their own lives, the three Taoists miraculously nodded in unison, like three repeaters.

Seeing that the three Taoists were extremely cooperative, Luo Feng was quite pleased.

Sure enough, there are still many good people in this world, and everyone is reasonable.

So he took out a pair of scissors from his robe, smiled slightly, and forced the three Taoists back several steps in fear
"The three fellow Taoists don't need to be nervous. The poor Taoist just wants to burn your clothes to prevent accidents."

Luo Feng smiled warmly

Taoists who practice the canopy method make sense at first glance, and the situation is stronger than others.

You can listen, and you have to listen if you don’t.

Sighing, he was about to take off his cassock worth a few gold.

There was a rustling sound in my ears.

Turning his head, he saw that Qinglong master and apprentice had already stripped off their clothes, the master even drew a talisman to gather water, and the two simply washed up.

In broad daylight, the world is bright and clear, I can't bear to look directly at it!
The corners of Luo Feng's mouth twitched, these two Taoists are also talents, full of action, with a strong sense of escape.

So he stepped forward and thoughtfully handed over two pieces of clothes to cover up their embarrassment.

"Thank you, ex... Thank you, Daoist."

Master Qinglong paused for a moment, and said gratefully: "The real person reminded you just now that Typhoon has many tricks, so we must guard against them."

"Pindao remembers that there is a Taoist Liu in the Tianxing Division. He is notorious for harming his colleagues based on the search method."

"Our master and apprentice were discovered so quickly, maybe it was the fault of the clothes."

Luo Feng nodded, and then asked: "I see, I don't know the names of the two friends."

Master Qinglong formed the Dao seal and bowed: "Xiao Daoming Etsuko, this is Qing Long, Xiaodao's disciple."

Seeing Luo Feng with a warm smile on his face, Ming Yuezi hastily added: "Thanks to the real person for saving me this time, my master and apprentice can't repay you."

"But there is a mission, and life and death are worth it!"

"It doesn't have to be like this." Luo Feng said with emotion, how can he be someone who asks for favors in return.

Just ask the common people of Daxiong, who doesn't know the reputation of sweeping the floor for fear of killing ants, cherishing the moth gauze lamp, and being merciful to Tianhezi.

what do you not know?
Isn't that right~!

"What is the Taoist name of this fellow Taoist?!" Luo Feng looked at the third Taoist
Daoren Liu rolled his eyes and said with a embarrassed smile: "Ashamed, ashamed, the poor Liu Lao Liu is the notorious Liu Daoren that fellow Daoist Mingyue said."

"I used to work for Typhoon, and I was deeply heartbroken, but there was no way out."

"When I saw a real person today, it was like a light in the sea of ​​suffering, a guiding sign of life, and our savior for Taoists!"

"Although I, Liu Lao Liu, is an ordinary monk, I still have the world in my heart. Today I will abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and return to the right way!"

Liu Laoliu said impassionedly
After some words, the master and apprentice were stunned, and they could still play like this.

Luo Feng responded with a smile, acquiescing.

Liu Laoliu is a member of the original Tianxing Division, although his stand is not as firm as Qinglong's master and apprentice.

But also a talent.

What is the core of the rebellion is to gather people, with many friends and few enemies.

In addition to its own advantages, the reason why a certain dynasty on Blue Star was able to quickly dominate the world in the late stage.

It is also because Guo Dang's operation is too coquettish.

Forcibly forced all his allies over.

The talents have all gone to the other side, how can we not lose.

(End of this chapter)

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