I Wore It Back After 60 Years

Chapter 672 Too Greedy

Chapter 672 Too Greedy

Xia Mingqi did not immediately question Lin Lan about his second brother's wedding date and his own return date, as his younger siblings expected, because he knew that asking too suddenly might not lead to results.

Lin Lan is not smart enough, but she is not stupid.

What's more, Xia Mingqi felt that he couldn't shirk his responsibility for Lin Lan to become like this.

Teach your son in front of the hall, teach your wife by your pillow.

He did neither.

An upright person always examines himself first. One of the things Xia Mingqi does when he brings his wife and children home is to make a report and send registered letters when he goes out.

Lin Lan was so happy that she immediately packed her luggage and prepared to leave.

Clothes, bedding, daily necessities, etc., I want to take everything away.

Seeing her impatient look, Father Xia and Aunt Xia felt a little cold in their hearts.

It is indeed a good thing for a family of three to reunite, and it was facilitated by their elders, but the daughter-in-law lived and lived with her in-laws for eight years and never subsidized the family. Such behavior makes people feel cold-tempered.

"Father, mother, the young couple live in a foreign-style house in Shanghai, and they buy what they need locally. Many things they received when they got married are stored in Wutong City. They don't need them, right?" Lin Lan stared at Xia Xingxing and Li Xingxing. Things, especially brand-new silk bedding, fabrics, woolen blankets, towel quilts, hot water bottles, tea trays, spittoons and other necessities for daily life.

All good stuff, barely used.

When Li Xingxing and Xia Mingxing went to Shanghai, they only took a small part, leaving most of them locked up in the new house, especially the bedding, leaving at least half of them.

Xia Mingqi took her son out to send letters, and Lin Lan asked her parents-in-law.

Aunt Xia scolded after hearing the words: "Lin Lan, are you crazy? Your natal family won't buy you a dowry, so you miss Xiao San and Xing Xing? I don't see any of you dare to touch their things!"

Lin Lan disagreed: "I don't think they can't use it? Bring new things to the camp where Ming Qi is, and move into the house allocated to us. It saves face and doesn't need to spend money to buy it. Ming Qi is the eldest son, Qinghui It's the eldest grandson, they have good-looking faces, you should be happy, it also means not to waste. Those things will rot after a long time."

"Don't worry, nothing will break!" Aunt Xia has the key to her youngest son's house, and she goes to clean it every now and then, taking out the bedding, clothes and fabrics to dry before putting them back.

Even met Li Xiuhong.

Presumably, they are all mothers, and they have the desire to jointly maintain their children's houses and belongings.

Father Xia loosened his slightly frowned brows, and said lightly: "Ming Qi and Xiao San are brothers, Xiao San is not his father, and he will let you get what you want. You can take all the things in your room, and the things in the second and third rooms are not It belongs to you, don't stare."

Lin Lan looked dissatisfied: "Ming Qi is the eldest son, Qing Hui is the eldest grandson!"

The eldest son, grandson and eldest daughter-in-law should receive preferential treatment.

"What about the eldest son and grandson? Isn't Xiao San my son? It's not a feudal society now, and I treat all my sons equally." Aunt Xia's attitude was very direct, and she quickly stretched her fingers on Lin Lan's face, "Don't worry, it's up to you, I don't expect you and Ming Qi to take care of us for the rest of my life."

Not angry enough.

In the middle of Lin Lan's arms: "Then break up!"

She doesn't want her husband to become the richest man, and the wife of the richest man will still be on the head of the old man and the old lady, lest she be partial, take money from the eldest son, and subsidize the other two sons in private.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in rich people.

Xia Mingqi carried his son into the door, just when he heard Lin Lan's words, his expression changed, and he said loudly, "Lin Lan, what nonsense are you talking about? What kind of separation? I don't agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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