Chapter 610 I Only Have You (37)

Yun Si clicked her tongue and looked at him, "Sneaking at me?"

The big milk cat stared at her quietly, with slightly puffed cheeks,

"Yes, look at it openly."

He earnestly corrected her mistake.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, and turned to the next page,
After seeing the above picture clearly, she was slightly taken aback and opened her eyes wide.

"This is, I dreamed, dreamed about."

The boy hugged her, swallowing her gently, and said word by word.

Yun Si: "."

She blushed slightly and turned to the next page.

Turn the page, turn the page,
Keep turning, turn till the end,
Song Jing almost filled the entire thick picture book, and many of them were colored.

Yun Si's face turned completely red, and she turned to stare at him,

"How can you draw these?!"

The young man looked over with dazed eyes, and he didn't seem to understand her when he met her.
"You said you wouldn't be angry."

He carefully repeated what she had said before.

Yun Si: "."

Rao is a thick-skinned old hooligan, seeing this kind of scene, he couldn't help but his face became bloodshot.

She grabbed his ear, a little annoyed,

"Did you dream about this?"

"What are you thinking about every day?"

Yun Si closed the picture book, feeling ashamed and annoyed,

"Don't draw these next time!"

She thought he was very obedient, but this kind of thing was on her mind? ? ?
The young man was silent for a moment, lowered his eyes, and did not speak.

It seems that he is wronged,

"You said you wouldn't be angry."

He swallowed slowly, pursing his lips.

"Si Si, you're lying."

He lowered his head, completely plunged into the shadows, twisted his fingers, and stopped talking.

It's like a little daughter-in-law who finds out that she has been cheated. She is very sad.

Yun Si choked, "I—"

There seemed to be a moment of stagnation in the air.

"In short, you are not allowed to draw these again in the future."

She blushed, her tone slowed down.

"These paintings are not allowed to be seen by others, you understand?"

The boy lowered his head, still not speaking.

It seemed that the grievance was almost bubbling.

It's also because Yun Si really dotes on him too much on weekdays, and she never treats him fiercely.

As a result, he has become more and more petty-tempered now, and is very squeamish.

Yun Si had no choice but to pat his head, leaned over to look at him,
"I'm not angry, it's just—these dreams can't be drawn, you know?"

She has always known that boys will have that kind of hazy dream when they reach a certain age, but she never thought that his dreams would be so detailed.

Yun Si's face was still hot, as if she was cooked.
Seeing that he still didn't speak, she hesitated for a moment, leaned over, and kissed the corner of his mouth lightly.

Just stick to it and leave soon.

"It's not sad, okay?"

"." The boy seemed to be stunned, looking at her quietly.

Yun Si's face is hot and hot, it's all made by his paintings,

Facing his clean and blank gaze, she dodged slightly, feeling as if she was leading a child.

But in the next second, her face was straightened vigorously, and a warm touch was pressed against her.

"." Yun Si's clear eyes blinked and blinked, and there was a flash of astonishment.

The 19-year-old seemed to be showing his active side for the first time.

He closed his eyes, and looked closely, his eyelashes seemed to be trembling indiscriminately.

The ears were completely red, as if they were about to drip blood, as if they were still steaming.

He was very jerky, probably only relying on the memory of his dream to kiss little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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