Chapter 480 I'm Delicate (37)

Song Jingzhao nodded, as if he couldn't understand the rejection in her words, and said to himself,

"My cousin is so benevolent, it's really because my cousin didn't think well."

"Since that's the case, my cousin will hunt some foxes and bring them back to you. If there are any foxes you like, you can keep them for recreation in your spare time."

"At that time, my cousin will raise a female one, and I will raise a male one, okay?"

"." Yun Si smiled and remained silent.

Song Jingzhao looked at her slender and white neck, soft and fragrant waist,

Even if the beauty smiles slightly and does not speak, she looks pleasing to the eye.

She always wears a veil, wanting to cover up, wanting to moan,
So beautiful and moving, charming and charming,

Song Jingzhao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, dare to vouch for——

Yun Si is definitely one of the best beauties in a million,
To have her, he would probably die on her bed.

"Cousin, we are leaving soon. Is there anything you want to say to cousin?"

He seemed to want to get closer again.

Both hands stretched out, as if wanting to touch her delicate hands.

Surrounded by female relatives with excellent eyes, he was not afraid of ruining Yun Si's reputation in front of them.

Yun Si smiled and didn't move, as if she had acquiesced.

But the next second,
A tall and generous figure stood in front of Yunsi like a wall,
Pulling out the sword, the shining blade intercepted Song Jingzhao without mercy.

"Your Highness, please respect yourself."

His voice was low and deep, faintly air-conditioned.

A loyal dog, he will protect his master fiercely, without hiding his fangs.

I don't dare to tarnish half of my treasure, and I don't allow others to covet it.

Even if the other party is as honorable as a prince, he remains unmoved and even hides his anger.

Song Jingzhao's face changed, and he was furious.
"What are you!? Dare to stand in my way?!"

"Do you know who I am! I am—"

He suddenly realized what was going on, and turned to look around.

The surrounding female relatives all lowered their heads and fell silent.

His angry voice even attracted the majestic and displeased eyes of the emperor on the other side.

If he bullies others and flirts with Yunsi openly,
I'm afraid that the prime minister will immediately form a dispute with him.

Song Jingzhao wasn't completely stupid, instead of saying a word, he gave Fu a vicious look.

If he could barely bear the anger because of Yun Si last time,

But this time, he might not be able to bear it anymore.

This guard, an eyesore, has exceeded his bottom line.

He had to figure out a way to get rid of him.

Song Jingzhao suddenly became murderous.

He didn't stay with the female relatives any longer, and left soon.

It wasn't until he left that the silent female relatives started whispering,

From time to time, some sympathetic and compassionate eyes looked at Yun Si.

Presumably - everyone knows that the eldest prince is absurd and lustful, and his private life is extremely disorderly.

Yun Si is beautiful, but such beauty has caused trouble.

The ancients said that the beauty is a disaster for the country, and it seems that it is not unreasonable.

Yun Si calmly pulled A Fu back behind her as if she hadn't noticed the gazes of the crowd.

Fu retracted the knife, stood beside her without saying a word, bowed his head,

"Master, he wants to molest you."

His low voice suppressed anger.

Once or twice, the person he held on top of his heart was always maliciously imagined like this.

As a man, how could he fail to understand the desire in Song Jingzhao's eyes?

Naked, dirty and nasty.

(End of this chapter)

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