Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 440 The Story of the Guardian God

Chapter 440 The Story of the Guardian God (35)


Asmodeus lost in this choice.

Uriel stared at Asmodeus with a cold face.

He didn't respond, it was indifferent, and he didn't mean to become angry in the slightest.
It was as if this outcome had been expected.

Ulier couldn't react to his thoughts of watching a good show.

King Haniway and the queen looked at each other, and then came to Asmodeus with some anxiety,

"Honorable Highness Asmodeus, please don't mind Jira's choice."

"In our opinion, you have always been a sacred and inviolable god, an irreplaceable existence like the sun."

"Jira's choice is due to her own will, not because of your badness, so please don't get angry."

Asmodeus, the god of the sky, nodded slightly, and said lightly,

"Your Excellency need not worry, I think, I am not angry."

"...You're not angry?" Haniway was very surprised.

Asmodeus looked at him calmly, "Yes, sir, I am not angry."

"Because... I want to ask you to marry your beautiful daughter to me."

He raised his hand slowly, covered his chest with pure white gloves, and performed a standard gentleman's salute,
"Mr. Harneyway, I would be most grateful if you would marry me your daughter Kira."


Haniway was a little dumbfounded, and subconsciously looked at his daughter.

Ji La and Crossel are on the edge of the high platform, waving to the crowd below,

Ribbons fly, gun salutes roar,
The patron saint has been decided, and everyone has accepted such an expected ending.

But now... Asmodeus said, he wants to marry Kira.

The king was in trouble for a while.

At this time, Uriel came over,

"Asmodeus, what are you talking about?"

He didn't miss the embarrassment on the king's face.

Asmodeus raised his eyelids, neither salty nor light,

"Uriel, I don't think you need to participate here."

Ulier held the wine glass, his smile remained unchanged,
"Asmodeus, please don't refute my face like this."

"As a friend, I just want to care about your emotions. After all... this seems to be the first time you don't refuse."

Ulier was completely watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, and his tone was a little bit like watching a good show,
Rather than wanting to see Crossel rejected,

He actually wanted to see what it would be like if the mighty dragon was rejected.

After all, dragons are not easy to mess with.
If he is really angry, I am afraid that all creatures in the sea will suffer.

Asmodeus sneered, and slowly straightened up,
A noble and handsome man with thin lips and deep brows,
He stopped looking at others, but focused on Ji La who came hand in hand with Crossel,
When Ji La raised her eyes, she saw his bloody eyes with mixed emotions.

It's ice-cold, as if soaked in blood for a long time, with a chill.

Ji La paused, with a decent smile still on her face,

When he came before the king, he let go of Crossel's hand and saluted politely,
"Dear father, mother, I choose Crossel to be my patron saint."

"As for Your Highness Asmodeus..."

Ji La lowered her eyes, a seductive blush appeared on her beautiful face,

The delicate little princess, shy, said softly,

"Dear father, mother, I think... I am pleased with Your Highness Asmodeus."

(End of this chapter)

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