Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 428 The Story of the Guardian God

Chapter 428 The Story of the Guardian God (23)

Asmodeus glanced at her indifferently, then opened the handkerchief,

Embroidered on the handkerchief is a vivid snow-white fish tail, curved in a beautiful arc,
On the tail of the handkerchief, there is Jira's name,
Evidently, it was her handkerchief,

Moreover, there seems to be some meaning behind it.

Asmodeus watched quietly for a few seconds, then looked at her calmly, his tone was very light,

"Dear Ji La, are you going to give the handkerchief as a gift?"

Ji La: "...I..."

She forcibly calmed down, took the handkerchief back,
He coughed lightly, without changing his expression.

"Dear Asmodeus, please don't say that, I just want to use it to wipe my sweat, why would I give it away?"

She said in a natural tone,
"Just now Britney told me that the sun is very strong today, so it might be very hot, so I thought about preparing a towel before going out."

"Oh? Is it?"

The man twitched the corner of his mouth emotionally and approached slowly,

Jira took a step back, he took a step forward,
She retreats, he moves forward,
Until the end, the little princess was forced to the bedside by him, unable to move,
"Dear Ji La, let me ask you one last time, who are you going to give this handkerchief to?"

The man propped his arms on both sides of her, perfectly confining her,

His brows and eyes became more and more gloomy, faintly, suffused with hostility,

The sharp and cold gaze, like an unstoppable sharp sword, directly pierced through her layer of camouflage,
He seemed to know everything, word by word, holding back his anger,

Gritting his teeth, the heavy divine pressure seemed to have cracked the gap in the glazed lamp beside him,
Those gloomy and dangerous blood eyes reflected the girl's face,
The monstrous anger spread ragingly with overwhelming force.

The little princess was silent.

Looking at him, silent.

The handkerchief in his hand tightened slightly.


She pursed her lips, her voice was a little soft,

She seemed to sigh,

"Okay, I lied to you."

She stood up slightly, and slowly embraced him,
"I'm sorry, Asmodeus, for deceiving you just now."

Ji La rubbed his face lightly and said,

"This handkerchief is actually a gift for Crossel."

"He's always been so sad, and I thought maybe he'd be a little happier with a handkerchief."

Asmodeus's veins bulged, and he sneered,
"Such a hypocritical mermaid only needs to pretend to be able to get your mercy."

"Miss Ji La, you are really kind."

Jira: "."

This yin and yang is strange, and even the breath he exhales is sour.


She was a little helpless, but also wanted to laugh,
"Dear Asmodeus, are you jealous?"

There was a smile in her eyes, "I'm jealous that Crossel can receive my gift, but you didn't."

This sentence was like the straw that broke the camel's back.
The man's suppressed anger completely swallowed his reason,

The emotion on his face completely disappeared, as if it was the last second of calm on the eve of the storm.

Ji La instantly felt herself being put down and her limbs being imprisoned.

She opened her eyes slightly, watching the man start to unbutton and undress,

His body, as heavy and hard as a stone, was pressed down like a mountain,
"Dear Kira, please forgive my irrationality."

"Tearing——" There was a sound of clothes being torn.

"Maybe you should have been my wife a long time ago."

(End of this chapter)

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