Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 386 Welcome to my world

Chapter 386 Welcome to Minecraft (37)

"Speaking of which, there's one thing I've been wondering about."

Shu Mingwu frowned, looked at her,

"In the past few days, the base has been monitoring the number of zombies outside."

"The data shows that the number of zombies outside has been showing explosive growth."

"Those things in a radius of ten miles nearby all rushed over."

"I don't understand. The base's concealment measures have always been done very well. Why are all those things suddenly rushing here?"

"If it's a simple group of corpses moving, the current number is completely beyond imagination."

"It's as if something is attracting them, and they are constantly approaching from all directions."

"Don't you think there's something wrong with it?"

"." Yun Si didn't say a word, looking at the blue screen, wondering what she was thinking.

after awhile,

She lowered her eyes and said, "What do you mean?"

"Knock Knock Knock-"


A hasty knock on the door interrupted Yun Si's words,
The door of the conference room was pushed open vigorously, and a panting man outside rushed in with a panicked expression.
"Captain Shu! It's bad! Someone in the base turned into a corpse!"

Shu Mingwu looked over, "What?!"

He strode out immediately, followed by the man,
"Captain Shu, we don't know what's going on, suddenly a woman staggered and started to attack, several people were bitten by her—"


The person nodded hastily, "It's just a small-scale corpse change, and it should have been dealt with."

"Take me to see."

Shu Mingwu left in a hurry, leaving Yunsi standing in the conference room, staring at the blue screen, silent.

This small-scale corpse change took place in Building [-] of the base.

This is the building assigned to the survivors. It is not big, and the outer skin is even a little tattered.

When Shu Mingwu arrived, there were a lot of people downstairs, and most of them looked worried.

The ground was covered with blood, and lay five corpses that had been shot to death, and the smell of blood was overwhelming.

Shu Mingwu walked through the crowd, went in to have a look, and then turned his face away.

The death was so disgusting, the whole body was bloody and bloody, as if the skin had been peeled off by a human being, revealing the meridians and bones that were still flowing slowly inside.

Congealed together, the blood even seemed to be burning, corroding the meridians and going deep into the bone marrow.

Not long after, the five corpses on the ground melted into a pool of bloody water.

His bones were turned into ashes, not even a corpse was left.

Some people who witnessed the whole process couldn't help covering their mouths and noses, ran out and vomited.

Strong and foul smell, pungent and sour,
It permeates in the air and lingers for a long time, making people's scalp numb.

Shu Mingwu couldn't bear it either, and stepped aside.

Suppress the urge to retch, speak,
"Have you confirmed the identity of the deceased? Who are the dead?"

The person who came to the correspondence replied, "Sheng Xiyue turned into a dead body first, and then she bit Grandma Song, Yao Xianzi, Xu Ji, Er Wazi, and Liang Amei."

"Their corpse transformation is extremely fast this time, almost as soon as they are bitten, they immediately transform into corpses."

"Fortunately, the person on duty came in time, otherwise."

"Sheng Xiyue?" Shu Mingwu felt a little familiar when he heard the name,
But for a while, he still couldn't remember this person.

Aunt Song on the side was so quick-spoken that she couldn't help interjecting,

"It's her. Just now I saw her go up and pry open the door of Yun Si's room."

(End of this chapter)

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