Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 384 Welcome to my world

Chapter 384 Welcome to Minecraft (35)

"Time is tight, so I don't have much to say, so I'll just get straight to the point."

Shu Mingwu clicked twice on the computer screen,

On the projected blue screen, a long list of clear data was immediately displayed,
"Before the meeting, let me show you our current ammunition reserves."

"In just three days, our ammunition inventory has dropped by 70.00%,"

"Among them, bullets, grenades, rifle grenades, blasting cartridges, blasting cartridges, and blasters are the most consumed."

"Everyone has also seen the situation outside now. At this rate of consumption, I am afraid we will last for less than two days."

The base model began to change on the blue screen, and the zombies outside were detected,
The situation is quite grim and extremely difficult,
"Not only that, our system has detected that these zombies may have mutations."

Shu Mingwu stretched out his hand and enlarged the model on the blue screen,
There are many, many extremely inconspicuous places in the distance,
A series of slender and strange figures stood there, like people, but not like people.

Because they have three heads on their necks.

He is more than three meters tall, holding a huge ax in his hand, slowly passing through the tide of corpses,
Their movements seem to be very easy, not as slow as ordinary zombies,
The huge ax slashed across the ground, leaving sharp scratches.
There was a heavy voice, stepping on the ground, as if the ground shook a little.

They are slowly approaching the base at a very slow speed,

According to the test results, such weird-looking zombies appeared all around the base.

They seem to be organized, forming a circle together,

At an even speed, tighten the circle.

Those huge axes seemed to be able to cut a hole in the solid protective wall with a single swing.

With a figure of more than three meters and a height of nearly four meters, calculated according to human proportions and physical speed,

If you jump hard, there is a certain possibility that you can jump over the protective wall directly.

Obviously, their combat effectiveness is much higher than that of ordinary zombies.

This is the footage detected by the base surveillance system,
Everyone's face changed after watching it.

The twenty or so people present looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them spoke first.

They know the situation is bad,

It's just that I didn't expect it to be so bad.

Shu Mingwu continued, "Looking at the current situation, it may be difficult for us to keep this place."

There are too many zombies, too many to be ridiculous.

People from all directions are flocking here, and there are even mutated ones approaching.

According to the data analysis, if you want to survive, you can only abandon the base and flee.

"Everyone is the best performer in every outing mission, let you come, even if it is the last mission assigned by this base."

General Shu Ming turned off the monitoring video, and then clicked on a base point under the base,
"Under the base, there is another secret passage."

"This is our last escape route and the highest level of air-raid shelter the government has ever built."

"When it was built, due to the rush of work, the government hadn't had time to block some side roads. Therefore, there are many side roads inside."

"Due to the limited power of our system, it is impossible to further detect the underground bifurcation, so this time the task is-everyone leads the team separately, enters the underground passage, and evacuates in turn."

"Team Shu, what do you mean?"

one of the men asked.

(End of this chapter)

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