Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 376 Welcome to my world

Chapter 376 Welcome to Minecraft (27)


#Main meeting room#
When Yun Si arrived, the people in the conference room seemed to be waiting for her.

When the door was pushed open, the people inside looked back at her in unison.

They are all familiar faces, and the team members who went out together have all arrived.

There are also those who are sitting in the back row of the conference room taking notes,

It seems that they want to make a detailed summary of this trip.

Yun Si's face remained unchanged, she calmly pulled out a chair and sat down.

Then, looking at Shu Mingwu,
"Captain, are you looking for me?"

Shu Mingwu nodded and stood up, "Since everyone is here, let's start."

".Start what?"

Yun Si asked Zhou Xinhua beside her in a low voice.

Zhou Xinhua has already changed into some clean clothes, and she doesn't look so embarrassed anymore.
She lowered her voice and answered in a low voice,
"Start reviewing this trip, sum up experience, and reward the person who has done the most."

Every time the team returns from going out, it must be like this,
Timely review will help the base to fully absorb experience and prevent the minimization of mistakes in the next trip.

Therefore, everyone simply changed their clothes, tidied up a bit, and then assembled non-stop.

After the official review is concluded, this outing mission will be considered as a complete end.

They can also rest.

Yun Si understood, she didn't speak any more, and listened quietly.

Because the group splits up at first, everyone recounts what happened.

A row of silent recorders sitting in the back recorded everything in detail,

Every word, exactly.

After everyone explained, Shu Mingwu began to summarize,

"Yunsi, you have contributed the most to this trip, and you brought back the only supplies."

"According to the rules of the base, you can apply for a small reward from the base."

Small rewards, which means that you can make some demands that can improve the quality of life,
For example, changing to a bigger house with better lighting, or getting better food, etc.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows to show that she knew.

Shu Mingwu continued to conclude,

"We suffered heavy losses during this mission. Not only did we consume a lot of ammunition, but we also sacrificed four people."

"But don't be discouraged, everyone. The mission cannot be successful this time. As long as we are still alive, there is hope, understand?"




Yun Si looked at Shu Mingwu with a flash of admiration in her eyes.

Very courageous and leadership,

It is not surprising that such a large base can be established in the doomsday.

Shu Mingwu met her gaze,

Paused, then moved away.

The meeting was soon disbanded.

Everyone dragged their exhausted bodies and left slowly.

Yun Si walked at the back, talking to Zhou Xinhua,
"What kind of request can you generally make for that small reward? Can I take the gun?"

Zhou Xinhua gave her a strange look, shook his head,

"There are no guns in the base to prevent riots."

"Except for the gun, you can ask for some supplies in the base."

"For example, last time they brought back a lot of canned food. There are several canned fruit that have not expired. Many people are greedy. You can ask for it."

"Or the place you live in is too small and the light is not good, you can apply, and the base should be able to arrange for you to live in a bigger house."

All these things make your life more comfortable.

Others, basically can not be mentioned.

Yun Si clicked her tongue,
(End of this chapter)

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