Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 364 Welcome to my world

Chapter 364 Welcome to Minecraft (15)

Red light flashes, very quiet.

A different kind of quiet.

"Are you human?"

Yun Si asked.

In this building, there is electricity, hot water, and clean clothes.

If she guessed correctly, maybe a certain layer——

There will be a lot of food and water hidden.

Here, is the territory already occupied by someone.

And they are alien intruders.

Yun Si looked at the red light that had been flashing, paused, and said calmly,
"Is this your place?"

"From the first floor to the ninth floor, you can see it, right?"

Although she is a question, but the tone is affirmative,

Even if she didn't see each other, she could feel something by relying on her intuition.


Hong Guang would naturally not answer.

Quietly, the flickering frequency is very high.

Because the light is very weak, and the location is very hidden,
Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary people to notice its existence.

Looking at it like this, it seems that Yun Si is the only one talking to himself, the scene is a bit weird.

Yun Si knew that it would not answer, and did not intend to wait for its answer.
Instead of looking at the flashing red light, she lowered her head and looked at the closed elevator.

Look left and right, as if thinking about something.

The girl paced slowly, even though she was trapped on the sixth floor alone, she didn't panic at all.

Her slender body was washed white, and her shoulder-length short hair was clean and neat.

She crossed her arms and kept her eyes on the elevator door.
It seems to be thinking, how to open it.

On Yingying's huge display screen, the picture stayed on it all the time, and the pixels were extremely clear.

Every move of the girl was monitored.

The virtual computer emitting faint blue light illuminates the figure on the seat in front.

In a dark place, nothing can be seen clearly.

Under the shadowy blue light,
On the single sofa, a pale hand was quietly revealed.

Infinitely pale, almost transparent.

Even the blood vessels that are constantly bleeding can be seen clearly.

That hand is beautiful, with well-defined joints and slender roots,

It's like a perfect work of art, beautiful, but lifeless.

It sat quietly on the arm of the sofa and moved slightly.

Under the blue light, that paleness seemed to be dyed with a biting cold color,

It's like a piece of ice, so cold that it has no temperature.

The huge light screen quietly shows the figure of the girl walking around,
And the sound of footsteps was also recorded.

On the other side of the light screen, there are hundreds of surveillance videos distributed in the building.

The scene is constantly changing, and all the pictures in the building are recorded.

Meticulous, but also has an extremely powerful control system.

The hand nodded slowly.

It seems a little careless.

after awhile,

Slowly, the pale and beautiful hand tapped a key on the light screen.


In the zoomed-in screen in the center, the elevator door in front of the girl opened.

It opened slowly, without warning.

Yun Si was thinking about whether to use violence to break open the elevator door,
Suddenly, the door opened.

As if he could sense her thoughts, he was very considerate.

Yun Si tightened her grip on the gun in her hand, took a look at the flickering red light,
Immediately, she walked in.

The inside is still clean, bright and spacious.

Yun Si stood in front of the elevator buttons, looking at the up and down buttons,

Raising his hand slightly, he paused between the two buttons,

Pause, hesitate.

(End of this chapter)

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