Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 356 Welcome to my world

Chapter 356 Welcome to Minecraft (7)

How dare Sheng Xiyue speak up?

He hesitated and couldn't say a word.

She was going to take it,

But the bag was too heavy, so she thought about it later.

Unexpectedly, the door suddenly closed——

"Oh, not enough success, more than failure."

Dalong on the side sneered.

The dainty lady, as if she came out to play,
Sure enough, women are trouble.

Shu Mingwu tried a few times, then aimed his gun at the buckle and shot again.
I don't want to, and I don't know what this door is made of, and it hasn't been damaged in the slightest.

Nothing moved, nothing changed.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Ah Sheng asked worriedly.

He is young, only 16 years old, still considered a child's age,

Although he had come out once before, he was still afraid.

Especially afraid - the dark environment around here.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that the whole floor was inexplicably cold.

The door was open just now, and the temperature difference was not so obvious when I walked in.
But now the door is closed, the whole environment is airtight,

Instead, it became cold, a kind of shady cold.

Ah Sheng didn't dare to stand on the periphery of the team, and approached the door, holding his gun tightly all the time.

After the door closed, the fear in his heart became more intense.

The legs even trembled a little.

The others didn't get any better, and their faces were more or less tense.

Only Yun Si leaned against the wall, motionless, and basically said nothing.

Shu Mingwu tried several times, but failed.

Finally, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said,

"Then there is no other way, let's ignore this door and find a way to find supplies."

"If you can't get out of the first floor, go to the second floor."

"There should be windows on the second floor. When the time comes, get a rope and go down through the windows."

He quickly regained his composure.

Turning around, calmly said to everyone,
"Don't panic, everyone, go ahead with the plan."

"I smelled it just now, and there is no obvious rancid smell on the first floor, which means that there should not be many zombies."

"Let's check it out again, if you find something useful, collect it, understand?"



All nine people agreed.

After stabilizing the hearts of the team, the three groups began to disperse again.

Bypassing the long line of shopping carts, he walked inside.

The whole building has a lot of space.

In the center is a sculpture of Venus with a broken arm, with his head lowered, staring straight at him stiffly,

The cool white paint looks particularly cool under the night vision goggles.

Bypassing the sculpture, there are long circular corridors on both sides,

The corridor connects one store after another, and the clothes inside are still neatly placed on the shelves, without any trace of being touched.

Even the plastic mannequins were still standing in the window, wearing new clothes, motionless.

Everywhere is unbelievably clean.

Yun Si came to the doorway of the innermost shop, stood quietly, her eyes fell on a certain corner inside.

The sound of black high-top shoes falling on the tiles was a click, not heavy.

Neat shoulder-length short hair, plain and calm face,
He was dressed in black loose clothes, his hands were hanging down, and his complexion was cold and pale.

His calm eyes fell on the slightly flickering red light.

The red light is actually very faint, and I don't know what device was added to make it difficult for people wearing night vision goggles to observe its existence.

The frequency of its flickering is actually not high, and it flickers once a minute, which is not easy to detect at all.

If she guessed correctly,
This thing—couldn't be surveillance, would it?
(End of this chapter)

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