Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3345 The ending is not the end

Only the huge, bare tree trunks were left, dark and filled with the overwhelming smell of decay and dampness.

The fallen flowers on the ground were decayed and rotted, and the peach trees on the ground were lifeless, leaving only empty shells that were about to fall down at the slightest touch.

There was wind, a cold and damp wind, carrying the smell of decay and death, blowing coldly through her hair——

A bone-chilling chill began to wrap around her hands and feet from bottom to top, causing her originally warm cheeks to lose some warmth without her realizing it.

She stood, her little figure standing in front of the empty, withered, lifeless peach forest, and looked at it for a long time.

In the end, she pursed her lips tightly, said nothing, lifted up her skirt and walked into the woods.

Her delicate white feet stepped on the soft, slippery rotten earth. She ran so fast that she almost slipped at one point.

Holding on to the cold and dark wooden trunk, she followed the all-too-familiar path deep in her memory and ran towards the yard of the wooden house.

Deep in the peach forest - deep darkness everywhere, no daylight, no light.

The moon disappeared into the clouds, and the darkness of night shrouded the place airtight like a huge black canvas.

It's pitch black, you can't see your fingers, surrounded by the gloomy peach trees with teeth and claws, mummified demons, the cold wind howls, the dark wind whizzes, the deeper you go, the better it seems to fall into the place of death - making people involuntarily feel fear .

Walking inside, it was frighteningly dark, but Yun Si could still find the direction based on her memory.

The small and tender body was walking in the dark for who knows how long.

Finally, she saw the familiar courtyard located deep in the depths, hidden in the thick darkness.

That was the place she always thought about, always cared about, and wanted to come back no matter what.

But now, everything has changed.

The night was pitch black, everything was black and shrouded in twilight.

Abandoned, dilapidated and desolate everywhere, cold and lifeless.

Not a blade of grass grows, and the ground is covered with dry, sticky leaves. The warm fragrance of flowers is gone, and even the crisp and sweet sound of wind chimes is gone.

It was quiet, accompanied only by the sound of the wind, destroying this place indifferently and ruthlessly, erasing all the bright and vivid colors.

The fence of the yard was old and loose at a corner - Yun Si stood outside, staring blankly at this place and everything here.

I want to go in and see, I want to go back to the home I have always missed so much, but now...

She stayed there for a long time, her eyes seemed to be a little red.

Her beautiful eyes were slightly red, and a thin mist swirled in her eyes. She sniffed, as if she had finally returned home, only to find that her home was no longer there. She stood there, feeling a little aggrieved. And at a loss.

I don't know where I should go, I just want to come back to find him, but he is not here, and their home is gone.

She stood alone, looking at the place where the warmth was no longer there, without speaking, as if her heart was being grabbed severely.

Sad, lost, confused and aggrieved, she lowered her head and rubbed her eyes, only to feel that her eyes were extremely hot.

Tears were about to fall, but she was holding back at the moment, not allowing herself to cry.

Her home was gone, and he was not here either. Holding back the urge to shed tears, she turned around and wanted to leave and find him elsewhere.

But I didn’t want to, when I turned around——

The figure that she missed so much appeared just a few steps away from her.

Quietly, I don’t know when it appeared.

Holding a wine bottle in his hand, a man stood there with a thin back.

A pair of extremely dark, bloodshot, cold eyes stared at her for an unknown amount of time.

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