Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3337 The ending is not the end

The small one burst out with an astonishing cry - causing the god who was about to commit suicide to stop his movements.

Children, she left him a child.

No thoughts were left behind, only a child was left behind.

The child's face was red, and he was forced to leave the mother's body before he was full-term. His eyes had not yet opened, but he was so hungry that he cried loudly and kept crying.

The cry was loud and clear, and she kept crying, as if calling her mother, hoping for her return.

Crying, crying heartbreakingly, with her face turning blue, failed to summon the person she wanted to find - only her father who was holding a knife, his eyes red, and calm and indifferent.

Her father looked at her with cold eyes, as if looking at a random cat or dog on the roadside. He held the knife in his hand tightly and looked at her for a long time.

The appearance of the child did not change his eyes at all, as if he was stunned. He was holding a knife and was about to stab her——

Without Si Si, he didn't want to live anymore. The child... would die too.

In this way, their family can be reunited.

He thought indifferently and decisively, almost crazy.

Finally, at the moment when he was about to pierce the child's body, Fu Sheng, who came in a hurry, waved the knife out of his hand in time.

The blade fell to the ground with a loud sound. Fu Sheng was furious, her eyes turned red for a while, and she scolded him: "Are you crazy?! That's your and Si Si's child——"

His own child, who was closely related to each other by flesh and blood, was actually willing to kill him——

The man who was thrown away from the knife and couldn't stand still for a moment lowered his head and didn't respond, as if he couldn't hear her.

The knife was thrown away, his hand was raised, and the knife levitated and returned to his hand.

If he didn't kill the child, he would kill himself - he no longer wanted to live, he just wanted to die.

Fu Sheng carefully picked up the child who was still crying on the ground, looked at him, was angry and anxious, and choked with sobs: "Don't die - how can you be worthy of the child Si Si left for you?!" She said alone She held him tightly with her hands, preventing him from moving. The baby in her arms was crying, and she had no time to comfort her. She lost her voice and said, "If you ignore me like this and give up your life, how can you have the face to see Si Si? What's wrong with you?" How can she feel at ease——"

"Mom," the person who had not spoken for a long time slowly raised his head.

The face was thin and extremely pale, and the helpless eyes were so red that they almost lost control.

His voice was faintly trembling, his emotions had almost reached the limit, and his endurance had reached its limit.

He restrained himself tightly, his eyes were filled with thick mist, but he could not block the vulnerability in his eyes.

The bloodshot threads under his eyes were visible one by one, his thin lips had lost their color, and they were trembling violently, making a soft voice like a child, choking and helpless.

"Please, please save her, please?"

"Please, help her..."

"My son has never asked you for anything. Just this time, just this time, please..."

"As long as I can save her, I can agree to any request. Really..."

"My son can promise never to see her again... As long as she is well... I don't ask for anything... I don't dare to ask anymore..."

It was the first time he cried, the first time he was like this, begging on his knees and shedding tears in front of her - he was not a crybaby, he had always been very sensible and would not ask her for anything.

This is the first and only time.

He said: "Please... please save her..."

"As long as she is alive, as long as she is well... my son can promise anything... I really can promise anything... please..."

"..." Fu Sheng looked at him, couldn't help but blush, looked away, and said nothing.

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