Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3318 The ending is not the end

Chapter 3318 The ending is not the end (3)

Such behavior aroused the confusion of a newcomer next to him, who asked curiously: "Why are you all so afraid of the little princess? Is she fierce? Can she beat people up?"

"Of course!" The ghost dealers nodded in unison, and one of them said, "She is really scary when she fights. She beat that guy half to death last time."

"That's right..." the voices next to him echoed.

"It's so scary. That girl hits people for no reason. She is so arrogant and domineering. She uses her power to bully others. She can do whatever she wants just because she is the little princess of the God Realm..."

"Who says it's not the case... She actually doesn't have much ability. She just relies on her good background and having a good father..."

"It's just... I think that's all she's going to be like, and she will suffer retribution sooner or later."

"It's just..."

"...What are you talking nonsense about!?!"

Suddenly a little female ghost interjected with fierce eyes, "Last time, that person scolded her dead mother in front of the little princess, and the little princess got angry and took action. How could it be unprovoked?"

These bad guys who like to talk and gossip don't care about hugging each other, and the same goes for swearing.

"If you were scolded, could you bear it!?" She was so angry, "If it were you, could you do better than the little princess?"

The sound was so loud that it caused passers-by from further away to stop. The ghost dealers who were about to chatter immediately fell silent for fear of attracting the person involved in the topic.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore..." After being interrupted, they dispersed in a hurry and shut up.

I sat there honestly, not daring to mention it again.

At this moment, there is a steaming wonton shop in the distance.

The beautiful and cute little princess is sitting at the table, breathing hot air and eating hot wontons happily. His short legs were dangling under the stool, and his eyes were curled up into bright little crescents with a smile - he still knew nothing about the discussion in the distance.

With the fragrant little wontons in front of her, she focused entirely on what she was eating. She scooped up a bite, blew it with her small mouth, and stuffed it into her mouth.

The cheeks on both sides are bulging, like a beautiful and greedy little tabby cat, eating happily and satisfactorily, extremely happy.

"Does it taste good?" Yun Yan sat opposite her, looked at her, and touched her little head, full of affection, "Did dad punish you again because of the fight you had last time? But are you okay?"

The pretty little dumpling smiled and shook his head, "It's okay. Daddy punished me to copy the book a hundred times. I have copied it eighty-one times now. Come on, come on, I can do it."

"..." Yun Yan looked quietly and asked, "Did you tell him that you beat him because he scolded your mother?"

Xiao Jin thought for a while and said, "Daddy knows, so dad has locked up that person and said he will deal with him properly."

"It's just that, even though it was the person who was at fault first, dad said I can't hit people so rashly. The impact will be very bad."

The little girl who is still a baby is raised as an heir - if she hits someone easily, no matter what the reason is, the impact will only be bad rather than good.

She knew this, so she accepted the punishment calmly without any complaints.

She may look young, but actually she knows a lot.

Very well-behaved, but it only makes people feel distressed.

Yun Yan looked at her quietly and sighed in his heart, saying, "He was too harsh on you...A hundred times, I'm afraid his hands will become useless."

(End of this chapter)

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