Chapter 263 Hello, Mr. Lu (39)


Yun Si didn't speak any more.

Looking at him steadily, slowly, took his hand.

Pull him, very quiet.

The black windbreaker was taken off immediately and put aside.

The bright lights were turned off, leaving only a small night light by the bed.

The curtains were drawn tightly, and the coats hung on the racks.

Throwing off the quilt, Yun Si lay down.

Slowly grasping the bed sheet under her body with a slight force.

It seems a little nervous.

Lu Yaoting untied the belt and put it aside leisurely.

when lying down,
He took Yun Si into his arms.

Hold her tenderly and tuck her in.

Her long hair was scattered on the pillow, a little messy.

He hugged her slowly and patted her on the back without moving.

It seemed that he was coaxing her to sleep.

Yun Si put her hand on his waist, blinked her eyes slightly,

The body is still a little tense.

His arms are warm and comfortable,

It's like being wrapped in a soft quilt, which is very comfortable,

Yun Si hesitated for a moment, then asked in a low voice, "Didn't you... want to do—"?

The man holding her kissed her forehead slowly, there seemed to be a bit of tenderness hidden in his shallow eyes,

Like the moonlight, light and silent.

"It's late, go to sleep."

"Si Si is tired today, please rest well."

"..." Yun Si was stunned.

The man lowered his head, touched her forehead, and pecked her.

In the intimate breathing, it seems that even the heartbeat that is about to jump out of the chest can be heard.

The embrace that is too warm, the shallow and gentle eyes, as if to comfort her, the breeze is gentle,

"Don't be afraid, I'll hold you, huh?"

Yun Si's eyes trembled slightly.

As if in an instant, it became wet and red.

The tip of the nose is slightly sore, and the eye sockets are also hot.
There seemed to be a thin layer of light fog covering the line of sight, which was a bit hazy and hard to see clearly.

A light and fluffy sentence seemed to be able to completely tear up the disguise in her heart, revealing her cowardly and cowardly heart.

As if the sun shines in, holding that heart warmly,

Being bullied and hunted down, she didn't cry;

She was ridiculed by others, but she didn't cry;
Always being disgusted and disgusted by others, she still didn't cry;

She really couldn't bear his gentle words - don't be afraid.

Yun Si sniffed, then buried herself quietly in his arms, and stopped talking.

She hugged his waist tightly and closed her eyes.

His eye sockets were hot, as if tears were about to flow out of control.

All the copper walls and iron walls in the heart can collapse in an instant,

There is nothing left, only the cowardice that is all over the place.

"Si Si."

"Huh?" Her voice was soft and muffled, as if she was still crying.

Lu Yaoting stroked her back and seemed to be smiling.

"Go to sleep, don't think too much, huh?"

Yun Si sniffed again, but said nothing.

Buried quietly in his arms, like a little fox with restrained temper, showing a soft appearance.

Very obedient, quiet, and clingy.

After a long time,

When all is still and the night is thick,

The person in his arms suddenly spoke, with a very low voice,

"Mr. Lu."


"I want to marry you."

The man paused.

good half sound,
He slowly clasped her hand, with a gentle voice, "Okay."

The serial killer's case is quickly closed.

The murderer, Bai Lu, killed ten young women and peeled off their faces. His methods were extremely cruel and bad, which had an extremely bad influence on the public.

Therefore, he was sentenced to death and executed seven days later.

(End of this chapter)

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