one person is right

Chapter 687 Cause and Effect!cause and effect! 【middle】

Chapter 687 Cause and Effect!cause and effect! 【middle】

"Although I got rid of the Chen family for the time being, I must not delay for too long. I must quickly determine the time point. Otherwise, as time goes by, the only remaining water in the long river will evaporate!"

Within the mist, the Lord of Myself floats forward.

A little golden light around him is slowly disintegrating.In addition to a thin layer of golden protection covering his body, the projection of the Buddha that held and pulled him earlier has disappeared, and the light of the Buddha that led him here has also gradually faded away.

Looking at the Buddha's light that was about to disappear completely, the Lord Sovereign showed a mocking expression.

"He is known as the World Honored One, and he aspires to be the Taoist master. Whenever he encounters a problem, he runs faster than anyone else! With such a mind and structure, it may be difficult to accomplish anything, unless the person opposite him is too useless. But then again , according to the character of the ancestor of the legendary blood sea, it should be right to make a move, why is there no sound at all? It's like deliberately avoiding contact with the gap between the long rivers, is this courage inferior to the World Honored One?"

Thinking of this, he withdrew his eyes from the completely disappearing golden light, wandered around, and swept his eyes around.

The scene inside the mist is completely different from the scene outside the mist.

Within this mist, there is a shimmering light band coming from a distance, spreading towards the endless void, like a long corridor, and on both sides of this light band, there are discs one after another.If you distinguish carefully, you can see its essence from the details on each disc——

It turned out to be sundial discs!

However, the materials of these discs are different——

Some are emerald green and seem to be made of jade; some have ancient faces, but are made of stone; It is made of ice; some are white, but they are made of silver...

At a glance, although there are some with the same material, but the shimmering luster and the size of the outline are seldom similar.

Not to mention, under the influence and influence of a mighty force, most of these sundial discs will be distorted, as if thrown into the water, and the light will be refracted.Not only that, on the many distorted sundials, fragments of scenes emerge from time to time, like a picture scroll, sometimes unfolding, sometimes shrinking, sometimes disappearing, sometimes appearing, changing!

This kind of scene goes continuously along the light belt, extending from the infinitely ancient end to the infinitely distant end.

"Cage of time."

A name was spit out of the mouth, and the face of the only my lord showed awe.

"Although it's not the first time I've seen it, it's still so shocking!"

After sighing, he calmed down, raised his right hand, and stabbed fiercely in the chest!
This pierced into the chest, and then grabbed out a mass of throbbing black fire.The black flames seemed virtual and real, changing indefinitely.

"If it wasn't for the fact that the fakes are so troublesome, how could they pay such a price? Even the heart of fabrication has to be sacrificed! If you get through today's events, you must let him know the price!"

After thinking about it, he spread his right hand and let the black fire burn!


Many small sounds came from all directions, and then slender black lines shot out from the surrounding sundials, all of them converged towards the black fire in the hands of the Lord of Me!
In each silk thread, there are words of legend revealed, telling the past experience of "Chen Fangqing".These are the legends of the Chen family that have been handed down to the world by many storytellers!

The words of many legends, as the black thread volleyed in the hands of the Lord Solipsus, lingered and lingered, covering the black fire in the center, like a mess.Countless words of legend gathered together and spoke at the same time, causing chaos and noise to the extreme!
If ordinary people hear such disturbing sounds, their minds will immediately become confused!

"The counterfeit dominates the false legends about the Chen family in the world, but it cannot restrict the past history. Now that it has been condensed, it should be effective!"

Holding the messy black thread in his hand, the Sovereign Lord floats forward along the light belt, his eyes are like lightning, and he keeps scanning the twisted sundials one by one.As far as the person's line of sight goes, his eyes seem to turn into substance, causing changes on the corresponding sundial disk, just like being thrown into stones one by one, causing ripples and many reflections, forming a distorted, complex and strange scene. character.

These characters are not any kind of characters, but the information contained in them can be understood naturally at a glance.

"This is not...not...not...this is not..."

My lord looked over one by one, and the more he looked, the more anxious he became.Suddenly, he stopped, and his eyes fell on a sundial in front of him.

This is a stone sundial, in which many scenes can be vaguely seen, including luxury and gold, and gold and iron horses.

My lord watched intently, and immediately there were fragments of picture scrolls turned over on the sundial, like books that had been opened by someone.Finally, his eyes fixed on a vague figure.

Different from other clear clips, many things related to this figure seem to be covered in a layer of fog, making it impossible to see clearly.

"The Chen family fell ill within a few days after receiving the title. After recovering from the initial recovery, he soon became a blockbuster. Soon he entered the Taoist practice. After killing Chen Quanchen with a sword, he officially entered the Yunxiao Sect of Taihua Mountain. After many years of retreat, he came out of the mountain. Climb to the top of the Star Luo Ranking, with eight famous legends! It is indeed the protagonist!"

Since the Lord of Myself listed Chen Cuo as the main opponent and devoted himself to the layout, he collected all the details of "Chen Fangqing"'s life.

"Except for the final Nanchen battle, I couldn't investigate clearly due to external interference. I already know Chen's life well, and I have to choose a suitable time to attack in the past time period..."

Looking at the ever-changing scenes on the sundial, the Sovereign Lord narrowed his eyes slightly, and the slits in his eyes flickered.

"After the Chen family enters the Tao, as long as it appears in the world, there will be huge disturbances, at least eight sects will be affected, and even the Tao of good fortune and life and death will be uneasy. Picking this time to do it will involve the history of the world and suffer backlash It's unbearable! In contrast, before he enters the Tao, it's the time to strike, but he has to make a choice."

Searching for all kinds of deeds about Chen Cuo in his memory, the expression of the Sovereign Lord became more and more serious.

"Before and after he won the title, he was protected by Nanchen's luck, and even Buddhism was closely related to him at that time. At this time, it is easy to be detected by these forces! Besides, what he did at that time was not as good as After entering Taoism, there are many rumors, and the prototype of the legend "Dream Fairy" was born. If you act rashly, the cause and effect will be confused, and it will come back to me!"

Thinking about it, he approached the sundial step by step, his thoughts kept changing.

"In the final analysis, Chen Fangqing was born in the royal family of the Southern Dynasty. Not only after he won the title, but before he inherited the title, because he did not build an independent mansion, it belonged to the Nankang Palace and was protected by the dragon spirit of the dynasty. Contact is also difficult to do. Rush to confront the Yin Division and leave traces in history is also a huge hidden danger! From this point of view, the time to choose is already very clear..."

The eyes of my lord gradually opened.

"That is, the day he inherited the title!"

His eyes burst out with breathtaking brilliance!

"On that day, he was going to leave the Nankang Palace, open a mansion, build a government office, and have an independent door, but the edict was incomplete. Before he received the edict and left the palace, he did not have a complete personality. There will be looseness and gaps, which is a good time to get your hands on it!"

After clarifying his thoughts, the Lord of Myself took a step forward, turning into a stream, and rushing into the sundial at once!
"You can't kill him on the spot to avoid changing history! But you can leave a foreshadowing in his life and soul, create a weakness out of nothing, wait until the current time point is turned back, and then ignite it, and burn Chen's life to death all!"

The moment the thought fell, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear!
It is a resplendent royal court.

The youthful and joyful young man was receiving the imperial edict, thanking the emperor for his kindness, and getting up slowly.All around, the purple dragon aura that had shrouded him was slowly receding, but another dynasty purple aura gushed out from the imperial edict, trying to spread and envelope the young man!
"That's it!"

Only the stream transformed by my lord comes from the void, hiding its traces, and ordinary people can't see it at all!Even the purple aura of the dynasty that permeates everywhere has no response to this stream that originated from the long river of history!
A mass of pitch-black mess shot out, and then condensed into a jet-black short arrow in the middle, pointing directly at the boy!
"This Chen family is still a mortal body at this moment, but he will become the pinnacle of the world in the future, and he will be the protagonist for a while. His luck, fate, and personality are all extraordinary. We can only use his false legends as a guide, turning words into swords, Only then can he break through the defenses of his mind! Otherwise, he will definitely not be able to break through his fate, let alone leave a foreshadowing in his heart! So... eh? How is it possible!?"

The black short arrow broke through the boy's Niwan Palace and entered it!Immediately afterwards, the young man's life spirit was pierced in an instant and collapsed on the spot!The brilliance in his eyes gradually dimmed!

"What's going on!? Why is it just an ordinary person's fate? It's also a short-lived fate! It doesn't make sense! This, this, this... I used too much force, and I directly killed Chen Fangqing!? Because of his future in history. How can I bear such a huge backlash!?"

Amidst the chaos, the stream trembled, and my lord was surrounded by endless doubts and fears!

But at the same time, a ray of light flew out of the void, merged into the young man's body, wrapped the broken true spirit, barely gathered together, and protected it, so that he would not die suddenly on the spot, but the true spirit was shattered. It's exhaustion.

The young man staggered, coughed twice, physically and mentally exhausted, but it was only caused by excessive joy. After encouraging and supporting the etiquette in the palace, he returned to the mansion and fell ill.

In Jiankang City, rumors quickly spread that Hou Yinde of Linru County fell ill due to his overjoyed title.

(End of this chapter)

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