Chapter 608

After a lot of busy work, Yu Wenhuaji sat on the chair, pinched the bridge of his nose, and looked tired.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came.

He immediately cheered up and regained his majestic appearance.

After seeing who was coming, Yu Wenhuaji's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Master Daoist, you are here, and the situation is a bit complicated now..."

"The poor Taoist already knows." The Taoist was wearing a large Taoist robe, a long staff in his hand, straw sandals on his feet, his hair was hanging loose, and there was a faint smile on his thin face. If soldiers and horses go north to Liaocheng, they will gain the power to rectify their reputation, and then return to Guanzhong, and they will be able to travel unimpeded."

Yu Wenhuaji frowned as he listened, but he looked a little worried: "The news of the late emperor's death has already been spread. I am afraid that the rebellious ministers and generals along the way will feel disobedient. If they travel by land to the north , passing through the territory of those rebellious officials and thieves, there may be hidden dangers!"

As he said that, he lowered his voice and looked at the Taoist: "Daoist Lu Li, you are a master of Taoism. You were able to cover up the secrets and confuse the omens of the emperor's star before. Now, do you have a way to hide the sky again?"

Hearing the words, the skinny Taoist Lu Li took a deep look at Yu Wenhuaji, and said with a smile: "Prime Minister, the previous method of messing up names is really against the sky, and Pindao lost ten years of his life for this." This is the only way to deceive the world! Even so, it is only a few days, in order to buy time for the prime minister, but this kind of thing can never be done again. Beng Zhao has been noticed by many caring people, if you do this again, you will be discovered immediately!"

When Yu Wenhuaji heard this, his complexion suddenly became ugly, and the anger in his eyes appeared, and he was about to explode, but seeing the Taoist's calm look, he restrained himself and said: "Please teach the Taoist priest Me! As promised earlier, there must be no shortage at all! Thinking about coming to the position of national teacher, the benefit of Daoist cultivation is not small."

"People who practice Taoism, mixing with the world of the dynasty, actually have a lot of hidden dangers..." Taoist Lu Li said, seeing Yu Wenhuaji's face turned pale, so he chuckled lightly and changed the subject, "Of course, these rules are the ones that The way of life and death is imposed on others in order to favor one side and show off our prestige, but we good fortune monks are not restricted, and can even turn shackles into ladders. Since the prime minister treats me as a national scholar, then the poor should repay it with all their strength! "

Yu Wenhuaji's expression recovered a bit: "After listening to the words of the Taoist priest, it should be a decision."

Taoist Lu Li said: "For the current plan, we should use the method of gathering people to deal with it."

"The method of gathering people?" Yu Wenhuaji showed doubts on his face, "What does the Taoist priest mean to recruit more people? But... with my current reputation, I'm afraid it won't be that easy to get help."

"Pimpedao means to recruit strangers." Taoist Lu Li said, lowering his voice and showing a meaningful smile: "It should be noted that there are also many people in this world of practice who are not easy to show their names. I also want to change the situation. This matter, the prime minister can just leave it to the poor."

As he spoke, he bowed slightly.

Yu Wenhuaji was overjoyed immediately, and made another promise.

Taoist Lu Li bid farewell to Yu Wenhuaji, set up a cloud, left the big boat, and floated down to the small hill on the bank, followed by a wave of his hand, and a section of black banner cloth was unfurled in the wind.

Immediately, phantom figures emerged from it, and above each phantom, there were vague names floating.

"All of you incognito Taoist friends! Today there is a wild head going against the current and disrupting the order of the world! Although he is difficult to accomplish, it is an opportunity for us to intercept the luck of the world! Why don't you hurry to help!"

As these words spread, thick black smoke gushed out of the black banner cloth, and went away with the wind!


Jiangdu, outside the Yu Mansion.

The long-haired Taoist in black suddenly felt something in his heart, and couldn't help but look towards the northern sky.

"Who is calling Chen?"

Thinking about it, he suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and walked slowly on the street, his ethereal demeanor attracted the attention of people along the way.

The Taoist was obviously used to it for a long time, and he didn't change because of the eyes of passers-by. He just looked at the empty mansion and shook his head slightly.

"Not here? Obviously not long ago, I could still sense the figure of that person."

As he spoke, he sighed slightly.

"After all, I have not replaced that person. Although I can sense it from time to time, it is not stable, and there is even a gap in time. Although I came here immediately after realizing the position of the pious person, I still I missed it, but..."

After thinking about it, his eyes focused on the plaque with the word "Yu Mansion".

"At least I know who that person is, and it is not a problem to know where he is going."

With that in mind, he turned and left.

After a few breaths.

"At that time, Yu Shizhong was the leader of Southern Chen Shilin, and his two nephews were also the dragons among men, especially Yu Shiji. After the fall of the Southern Dynasty, he was valued by the Sui Emperor, and he was able to specialize in secrets and participate in the government affairs! We in the South He won many favors and preferential treatment in the court."

"It's a pity, good people don't live long, because of that..."

"Don't say it, don't say it, misfortune comes out of your mouth!"


Sitting in the tea shop, the black-clothed Taoist looked at all directions and listened to all directions, and soon determined the final candidate.

"The only remaining members of the Yu family's generation are Yu Ji's adoptive son, Yu Shinan!"

After figuring out the person's name and surname, it is naturally easy to figure out his whereabouts.

After a few breaths, the Taoist in black walked out of the tea shop.

"Nayu Wenhuaji killed Yang Guang, elected a puppet emperor, and took civil and military officials, celebrities and celebrities to the north, saying that he was going to return to the capital, and left on a big ship."

After understanding the cause and effect, the Taoist in black stopped staying and moved forward at a leisurely pace.

At this moment, several children playing and playing in front of him suddenly chased after him. One of the boys slipped and fell in front of the Taoist.

The Taoist smiled slightly, and while waving his hands, a gust of wind blew up, lifted the child's body, and then floated away with a smile behind, leaving behind many exclamations.

"Too addicted, so that I don't distinguish between the inside and the outside. Although I originally wanted him to confuse the real, the original intention was to let him mess up his name, not inherit his name!"

In the empty hall, the Sovereign Lord looked at the chessboard in front of him, sneered and shook his head slightly.

"Forget it, this chess piece is going to make the best use of it. He thinks he can really hide it from me? But thanks to him, he got one eye before Chen! It's just the right layout!" Shaking his head, he stretched out his hand Pick up a chess piece and put it on the chessboard, "Yu Wenhuaji hasn't left Huaidi yet, so it's not good to go there rashly, but he is going north to Liaocheng, so the chess pieces I have left over these years can come in handy!"

The chess pieces are on the plate!

Immediately, black lines danced in the void, spreading towards the eastern part of the Central Plains!

Immediately, in the teahouses and taverns of all sizes in the east, the heart of the storyteller who was telling the story trembled at the same time, followed by streaks of auras flying out from their heavenly spirits and mud pills!

In the dark, stories that are either true or false, or intertwined, slowly appear in the long river!
"Huh? I feel it!"

The land of the extreme east, Dongyue Taishan.

Inside the cave in the mountain, a figure sitting cross-legged trembled slightly.

"Finally, the true immortal once again set foot in the mortal world! This is the opportunity for us to go further!"

(End of this chapter)

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