one person is right

Chapter 232 For God

Chapter 232 For God
"Being a god and being a man, seeking incense and seeking longevity, have completely different ways of thinking, but now if you want to leave here, you must first learn the heart of God, and learn how to get along with the believer, or from the heart of the believer. The more intense the heart is, the greater the harvest will be, and when you have accumulated enough power, you will be able to communicate with the incense in the world, and overcome the barriers of the world in one fell swoop..."

The Taoist in Chen Cuo's heart reacted immediately after he got the experience. Under the urging of the Sanshenghua Shengdao, the mysterious pearl descended, and the power of the incomplete talisman in it was transmitted, and quickly entangled with the Taoist in his heart together!
Immediately, the Taoist's aura surged all over his body, and invisible ripples continued to spread out.

The ripples went beyond the palace in his heart, and beyond Chen Cuo himself.


Zhang Jingbei and the others were aware of it a little bit, but immediately calmed down, realizing that it was Chen Cuo who was doing it, so why bother?
Ling Ya even vaguely felt that his soul was touched by a hand, and then he came to his senses, with a little panic in his eyes, and quickly guarded his heart, which made the strange feeling fade away.

Immediately, she looked carefully at Chen Cuo, only to see that Chen Cuo just closed his eyes, his expression was normal, and the incomplete talisman on his forehead was faintly shining with luster.

Chen Cuo is feeling it with all his heart.

After the ripples spread, what they touched was not matter, but the soul. After spreading out from the palace where everyone lived, it was like a breeze, sweeping across the underwater city.

As a result, hearts appeared in front of Chen Cuo's eyes, like flowers blooming in different colors.

Some flowers are flourishing, some are bright, some are drooping, some are budding, but some are dim, and some are about to wither...

"The flower of life."

Chen Cuo savored carefully.

What is presented in these flowers of the soul is the life of each believer.

The history of people's hearts is recorded, and the things recorded by people's hearts are gathered together to present the history of this underwater city.

Chen Cuo's thoughts were concentrated on one part of his life, and in a trance, his eyes traveled through the long river of time and saw the birth of a mermaid.

"Thank you, Shui Jun, for your protection, this son was not killed!"

With the gratitude of the weak voice, the merman was born into the world.

A few years later, the mermaid grew into a teenager, listening to his parents talking about the virtues of Shui Jun every day.

In a daze, the name of the Lord of Water had already been rooted in the heart of the young mermaid, and a vague figure emerged from the bottom of his heart.

A few years later, his father went out hunting and did not return, and finally sent back a torn garment. His mother wept bitterly, pulled the young mermaid boy, and said, "Absurd, you must remember that if you treat Shui-kun Your Majesty has other thoughts in his heart, if he does not serve wholeheartedly, he will suffer disaster, this is retribution!"

The merman boy nodded blankly, but he was already in awe of the figure in his heart.

As time went by, Yuren Yao grew up gradually.

"Shui Jun bless me to be in the city, so that I can be safe."

"If you disrespect Suicune, you will be kicked out of the city!"

"The virtue of the Lord of Water can make us live in peace, the power of the Lord of Water can make the beasts in the water retreat, but the anger of the Lord of Water can also make us perish!"

"Everything we have comes from Sui-kun, it cannot be violated!"

"Our lives were all born for Shui Jun, but because we were born as different species, we have inherent sins, so we will be denounced as inferior!"

In the ensuing years, all kinds of people he met did many things, but in the process, no matter whether they were older than him or younger than him, they all repeatedly told the story of that person. The majesty and terror of Suicune!
Gradually, the merman's awe of that Water Lord grew day by day, forming a reverence for that Water Lord.

Finally, the blurry figure stabilized completely, turned into a majestic person, and suppressed the thoughts in his heart!
This merman is more and more peaceful and gentle, with the thought of worshiping God in his heart all the time!

This idea was like a plague. Originally, following the words of outsiders, it continuously infiltrated into the mermaid's heart. But after it took root, it absorbed the will of the mermaid, and continued to grow and grow stronger. Occupy the mind of this person.

Accompanied by this reverence for the gods, there is also the awe of the sacrificial temples and the obedience to the high-ranking race of human beings.

"This should be the Shinto law established by Naer Zhurong. Like a shackle, it locks the hearts of believers, restricts words and deeds, and even shapes customs and traditions. He even divides into five castes in this secret realm, and divides those Submissiveness is called the virtue of believers! This is already shaping the ethnic group, and even civilization!"

Deeply perceiving the heart of the merman, Chen Cuo gradually realized that only by breaking the shackles of the original divine way and establishing his own laws, can he truly gain the hearts of believers and restrain the thoughts of believers!
"However, it has always been easy to destroy and difficult to build. What is the connotation of this law, how to establish it, and in what form it is established, it is worth pondering..."

He was not in a hurry, but was savoring the original Shinto law system, and wanted to get nourishment from it for reference.

It was still the past life of the merman.

After his middle age, he felt the meaning of Suicune more and more, and began to spread the majesty of Suicune to others, children, relatives and friends like his parents, and spread the thought of serving and worshiping God to others. others.

The will of the gods, following this spread, began to plant seeds in the hearts of others, and after taking root, they thrived...

Chen Cuo's mind moved slightly, and he drew his attention away from this mermaid, covering a piece of flowers of life, and the goal was one individual after another. After being infected by the thought of serving the gods, he began to spread to other people During the process, each merman is like a node, with the heart as the root and thoughts as the thread, slowly forming a huge network of worshiping gods!

A network completely controlled by the gods!
Those mermaids, no matter what they were like when they were born, as long as they grow up gradually, they will eventually gradually integrate into this network.

Even occasionally, some rebellious mermaids are born. In the process of growing up, they resist the preaching of others and begin to question the so-called water king.

But such individuals are so conspicuous in the entire Fengshen network, many of them will be identified immediately, either suppressed, or simply wiped out, and occasionally there are some mermaids, because the family has some influence , or those who are close to the superior humans will be exiled outside the city!
Of course, there are also some rebels who took the first step and fled before the upper echelon did anything!

"But no matter what, those with a rebellious spirit were either eliminated on the spot, or escaped outside the city, and those who stayed in the city have either 'reformed' or were imprisoned and continued to 'reform'..."

Feeling such a change, Chen Cuo couldn't help shaking his head.

However, I don't know whether it's because of the remote sensing or the almost uniformity of these mermaids. After the ripples he radiated gradually stabilized, the many mermaids in the city seemed a bit illusory, as if a strong wind was blowing over them. , this entire city, together with the sharks inside, will be torn to pieces!

"Could it be the feeling brought by the authority of the gods?"

Thanks to Dugu Xin's experience, and the fact that he started from the heart of the painter, Chen Cuo quickly grasped the scope of the ripples of the mind, and did not expand blindly, but after touching the boundary of the underwater city, Chen Cuo , it converges and maintains within a balanced range.

Immediately, the scene of the entire underwater city became clear, and the thoughts of believers gathered continuously, spanning time and space, and they all penetrated into the spiritual light of the Taoist in their hearts!
The thoughts of believers are like silk threads, endless.

However, Chen Cuo had experienced it once before when he was fighting against painted-skinned evil spirits with the thoughts of human beings, and he knew its usefulness. At this moment, when he thought of it, the little gourd popped out, and led all the thoughts of these believers into the dream.

"If the thoughts of believers are mixed in the hearts of Taoists, they will definitely be infected. Although I want to control the Hejun talisman, I don't intend to use this path to replace my own path, so it can only be used as a reference..."

The thoughts of many believers in the dream pool gathered, but they couldn't find a support, and they were about to collapse. Chen Cuo was driven by his thoughts again, and suddenly, a distorted figure fell down.

It was Chen Cuo's third incarnation!

 The second update should be around midnight, you can watch it tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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