Chapter 373

It's not that Luo Binhan can't leave the Silence at all.In fact he could have gone out with proper protection, not doing it just to save trouble.Bangbang and his own experience are enough to prove that this place is full of unexpected risks, and all protection is obviously not as safe as staying on the Silence.

Safety, more than anything, doesn't necessarily include a particularly huge pelican.Luo Binhan didn't know what the reasoning was, but the reasoning was the biggest attraction of this matter.He felt almost powerless to resist.

"Pelican?" He confirmed to Bangbang again and again.

"Pelican," said Bonbon, adding his favorite word, "It's amazing!"

"You know a pelican?"

"I checked your biopedia." Bangbang said convincingly, "all the characteristics are very consistent! Except the shape is not the same. But this place is quite special, isn't it? I must say that you really have A vast and strange wilderness."

Luo Binhan does not intend to correct some of Bangbang's misconceptions about the alliance.He hoped that they could find Upsilon as soon as possible, and then send Bangbang back to his hometown safely, at least in the hands of Tiaozi safely, and then let the officials handle this diplomatic matter.He doesn't hate Bang Bang, but he doesn't have much interest in the story of this distant guest.Except for the pelicans.It's just too specific.

That's not to say that the Silence never encountered more animal-like life here.Before Bang Bang appeared, there were several times ∈ asked to adjust the course, in order to "avoid some possible creatures wandering in the vacuum".They are said to be giant pan-ancient fishes that can only be observed by certain subjects, cruise along etheric waves, pass through most physical entities, and are usually carnivorous.After listening, Luo Binhan asked solemnly whether they would still be hiding in other people's garages and breathing fire, and the answer he got was no. ∈ assures him that these creatures cannot usually be domesticated in a particular area, and that fire-breathing is unforgivable to fish.

"But that's certainly possible." He added to Robinham, "A potential charizard swims out of the ether, invisible to anyone except the lucky ones who happen to be chosen, but the flames that spew out just happen to become physical entities. It's perfectly doable, just don't lock it in the garage. Haven't you ever seen an animal like that? No one in your old town walked down the road and suddenly caught fire?"

Robinhan declined to discuss the topic further.He asked ∈ to provide at least what those "ghost fish" might look like, so ∈ gave him a few images, which looked like a few transparent long strips of plastic bags writhing far away in the void, and ∈ claimed that they were Image analyzed with the ether detection system.

In addition to these "ghost fish", there was another thing that tried to hit the Silence.Luo Binhan witnessed its image through a virtual image in the bridge room: a kind of swimming insect with a gray-black body surface and a long and slender tail like a manta ray.Their bodies are covered with triangular hard shells and slender limbs, and purple-black gas is ejected from the tangled limbs.They seem to rely on that gas to move in small increments in the void, rolling back and forth freely.

At that time they were landing on a planet covered with several centimeters thick mold, all the mold emitted this substance that was identified as highly poisonous to Robinhan.Even Allerica was advised to stay on board and observe the situation from the bridge room.Those wandering insects appeared continuously from the cracks in the ground. In the virtual image, they were only the size of an eagle, but it was claimed that each one was big enough to fill the bridge room.They flew around the Silence, looking malicious, but when they flew to the bottom of the ship, they fell back to the ground as if they lost interest, and burrowed into the cracks in the ground.

"Oh, it looks like they are some magic insects." Luo Binhan heard ∈ say this, "What a big insect ball!"

Robin Han, please explain more clearly. ∈ said: "Do you remember the little decoration under our boat?"

At first, Luo Binhan didn't know what he was talking about, until ∈ directly typed the stereoscopic image.He remembered that he had actually seen a strange pattern engraved on Heiyan's abdomen several times: a hideous devil with countless tree-like limbs dancing.Although its location is quite difficult to be noticed, Luo Binhan is no stranger to it.Because that's what their figureheads look like when the Silence turns into a pirate ship.

Before that, Luo Binhan had never had any more thoughts on the image of this tree-shaped devil.He thought it might be some kind of personal expression, like telling someone that there was never a single good thing on board.But now he couldn't help noticing that the shape—specifically referring to the limbs—was somewhat similar to the dwarf star guest he had seen in his dream.

"That's proof of faith," said the ∈, "the embodiment of the Devil of the Abyss. But you can scare off a lot of Covenants when you hang it on a boat, or attract some, depending on their own attributes. I never did it though. Know the rules."

"What the hell is that?" Robin Han asked.

But ∈ can't say more.This image appeared on the Silence before he did.Its ancient and primitive style can be integrated with the Silence, and it also makes people feel that it has been a part of the spaceship from the moment it was designed. ∈ can only find some information about this image from the star network, but like most of the second-class civilization information across the star layer, tracing its source of information seems to be an impossible task.But he stresses that the image is not free to use, as it has been proven in numerous cases to bring serious misfortune to unauthorized users.

"Do we have any?" Robin Han asked.

"I think you have," said the ∈, "think about what you've been through!"

Robinson admitted he was right.But also thought it had nothing to do with the decorations on the Silence.If anything aboard the Silence was responsible for his misfortune, it was undoubtedly Briar and his hair.

It can be said that they got rid of those bug-like "corrupters" without any danger.Afterwards, Luo Binhan went to ask Jing Huang about the tree-shaped devil, and after pulling his hair three times, the answer he got was that he didn't know, and those "corruptors" who were said to be enough to destroy large conventional battleship groups failed to impress him at all. .He just felt that the living things in this place were grotesque and incommunicable.

There was once a creature that broke this rule.But that was not what Luo Binhan saw, but what he heard from Bangbang.On the way to stay on a certain high-temperature planet, Bangbang and Jinghuang went out to explore together, while Luo Binhan lay on the bed, relying on the light of Momoro and ∈'s spiritual healing medicine (the only book that was not deleted by Jinghuang's request. A popular story about the family ethics of the League, which begins with the father being killed by the spaceship) recovering the spirit damaged by the nightmare.

Bangbang and Jinghuang disappeared together for sixteen hours.At that time, Luo Binhan was very worried about the mental safety of this foreign guest, but when Bangbang came back, he seemed to be in a good state of mind, and told Luo Binhan the adventure story of him and Jing Huang.

According to Bang Bang's description, under the leadership of Jing Huang, they found a mountain range full of extinct volcanoes.In the depths of the extinct volcano with winding paths and dark passages, they found a large pool of mud-like slime, with an area estimated to be thousands of square meters.Under the fluorescent light of the ore deep in the ground, it appears translucent dark green, and there are some semi-liquid nerves and trachea inside.Some worm-like offspring are continuously split from its body, climbing to the crevices of the volcano to multiply and eat.These "descendants" can eventually grow as tall as a human, and have quite complete body tissues and bones.At that time, they seem to have some kind of strong desire to return to the mother body that made them born, and drink the mucus frantically like an addiction. This kind of gluttony will last for several minutes as far as they have observed. After half an hour, their bodies will melt and flow into the green pool.

This scene fascinated Bang Bang for two hours.During this period, Jing Juan disappeared into the maze-like volcanic tunnel, and he was accompanied by Ohhot, a luminous bubble covering it, and several emerald sparks lying on the surface of the luminous bubble.When he was busy recording this wonderful ecological landscape with O'Holter, a certain extremely pleasant sound came out from the quagmire, very close to Jing Juan's voice, but did not form any meaningful words.

Bangbang approached the green pool full of curiosity.He didn't forget to keep a certain distance from this unknown substance, but when its shadow just hit the pool surface, the slime differentiated into huge semi-liquid limbs at an astonishing speed.It pulled the entire light bubble into the pool, and tried to digest Bangbang for the next half an hour, until Jing Huang pulled the light bubble out of the pool with a gloomy face.

"Do you want to die?" Jing Huang said.

Bangbang thought it was a warning to him, but it was not he who responded to this sentence, but the mucus rich in various raw substances.Under their watchful eyes, it quickly formed organs and tissues, and finally piled up on the surface of the pool in a human shape very close to Jing Huang's size.

The creature has a complete set of vocal organs, and can communicate with them in a very rational way.It first promised to live in peace, and then talked with Jing Juan about the current situation of this planet and the outside world—all of this was done in one of the common languages ​​of the alliance.

It tells that it was born in a closed laboratory, and was able to travel through the universe when it was the most healthy, but now it is trapped on this nutrient-poor planet.That makes it face the double loneliness of body and spirit, but survival is the ultimate of all meanings after all.Survival, it thinks like this, and asks the two foreign guests, what is the meaning of survival?Why is everything born?And why continue?Its life form is so changeable, can it be said that it is dying and being born all the time?

"Get out of your mother." Jing Huang said, "Don't chatter. Have you ever seen a glowing idiot? Not to mention that I killed you."

kill.die.fade away.The creature repeated Thorn's threat.It laments that that is the harshest punishment for life.But is that really?Would that really be more painful than the long and unknown wait?Or in the inevitable cycle of eating and being eaten, everything will eventually become a chaotic unity, so that even the concept of pain will lose its meaning?

Bangbang was full of surprise and appreciation for this strange life.He listened with joy to the wise and philosophical conversation between the legendary wandering mage Jing Juan (this is what he knew about Jing Juan) and the mysterious life form, and told O'Hot to draft a record for future writing.The conversation went on for about two hours, until Jing Huang, who pushed up his right sleeve with his mouth, drove Bang Bang out of the pool.What happened afterwards is no longer within the scope of Bangbang's knowledge, but when they left, those extinct volcanoes seemed to be showing signs of erupting again.

Bang Bang doesn't care about this.He has already figured out how to polish and adapt it into a dialogue article after returning to school.

"This is amazing!" he exclaimed gleefully. "I don't know what else to see!"

(End of this chapter)

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