Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 367 Its medicine Gantang is poisonous

Chapter 367 Its medicine Gantang is poisonous

When Luo Binhan woke up, he had almost forgotten his purpose, and he almost couldn't even remember his name.A glowing figure lifted him from the ground, shouting loudly.That would have been very disturbing, but the light around him surrounded Luo Binhan like steam, which actually made him feel much more peaceful.

He stared at the glowing young man, and gradually became familiar with his appearance.He was sure they knew each other, but he couldn't think of his name for a moment.

"Mr. Luo!" The young man held his hand and shouted with tears in his eyes, "Please hold on!"

Luo Binhan pulled his hand back reflexively.He felt that he should say something routinely, but couldn't remember.For a long time, his tongue seemed to be pulled out, and his language function became as erratic and ambiguous as the concept of time.

"Hello." He heard someone say, "Do you still remember who you are?"

Luo Binhan turned his head and saw the "human figure" in red on the other side of the glowing youth.The shape of the creature is like a young man with loose long hair, and his body is twisted like a flame, making it difficult to distinguish the gender.When Luo Binhan stared at "him", some kind of peach forest-like illusion appeared and disappeared before his eyes.He saw the bones exposed under the wrinkled branches, and the petals were covered with bright blood beads.

The hallucination of Huashu made his stomach convulse.

"Don't remember?" said the creature in an annoying, nerve-piercing crisp voice. "Did I warn you before? That thing was stuck in the gap in the high spirit belt, but it was not as fast as you imagined." It’s simple. But you won’t believe it if you tell it once, just experience it yourself. If you continue to challenge the boundaries, you won’t be able to go back sooner or later.”

The sound of gold and stone pierced through his eardrums, making him struggle uncomfortably.He was vaguely aware that the creature was dangerous, hostile, something to be expelled—something alien from another world.

He reached into the inside of his coat, trying to pull out some weapon.That movement was misunderstood by the young man emitting white light.He grabbed Luo Binhan's free hand and said, "Mr. Luo, I'm fine now, please don't do anything to hurt yourself!"

Luo Binhan couldn't shake off his shackles.It was annoying, and he regained a little strength in the white light.He couldn't bear it and shouted loudly: "Lao Mo let go!"

The other party let go of one hand, full of joy and wanted to help him up from the ground.Luo Binhan quickly lay back and said: "Slow down, slow down, the stomach is just connected. Let me take it easy."

Momolo put his upper body back on the smooth sand and let him continue to rest and recover.At this moment, Luo Binhan has retrieved most of the past, and barely figured out what he saw in the dream.He reached out to touch his intact stomach, and turned to look to the other side.

"What are you looking at me for?" Jing Huang who was standing there said.

Robin Han stared at him suspiciously.But Jing Huang looked the same as before, his face was tense, and the ends of his messy hair were raised at the shoulders.Luo Binhan also paid special attention to his voice, only to realize that Jing Huang often speaks in a deliberately low pitch, but in fact his original pitch is much higher than that, with a weird metallic feel.

He picked out his ears and asked Jing Huang, "Did you speak just now?"

"By the way, were you deaf just now?"

Jing Huang's reaction was still very natural, which made Luo Binhan feel the mystery of this matter even more.Was it Jing Huang that he saw just now?Or is it the delusion left by the crazy black star dream?

He rubbed his stomach and decided not to take this matter to heart for the time being.He rested peacefully in the light of Momoro for a while before forcing himself to get up from the sand.

"That bastard has changed his routine." He said to the other two. "That thing that Fuck made has appeared more than once. How did it do it?"

Momolo tilted his head in doubt.Jing Huang seemed not surprised at all and said, "The star has already been discovered."

"What did you find?"

"The one in your head, in the final analysis, is only judged according to your subconscious cognition. As long as you think you are facing death, that mechanism will be triggered. Conversely, if you are rescued from the brink of death, it will be triggered. The part of it will stop functioning immediately, and in order to maintain your mental stability, it will try to fade and erase all previous memories involving death threats-I guess that's the case, and I haven't asked the guy specifically."

Luo Binhan was still ruminating on his words, but Jing Huang immediately urged, "What did the star tell you?"

"Talk a lot." Luo Binhan replied.Until now he hadn't fully regained his sense of reality, as if half of his mind remained in the nightmare, in the endless loop of death.He knew he had a lot of important information to share, but there was no emotional urgency.He felt very calm, thinking that the hormone secretion mechanism in his body that stimulated the nerve excitation might also be damaged by some kind of electromagnetic wave.Even so, there was a sentence on the tip of his tongue, and he almost blurted it out without thinking.

"Medicine," he said.

"...Have you lost your mind to the point where you need to take medicine?"

"The enemies of Upsilon are taking medicine."

This sentence was like some kind of magic spell, which quickly activated Luo Binhan's own memory.He stared blankly in the white light for a while, and then began to tell Jing Huang what he saw in his dream.

Lu Fu killed him, that is the ending without any suspense.But that didn't happen just once, or ten, or a hundred times.Those superimposed deaths gradually changed from simple to extremely complicated: at first it was suffocation, burning or piercing, and the pain came and ended quickly; then the process began to be lengthened, and long torture was added before reaching the limit; finally, even death It also became a complex process in which he was able to subdivide the steps.He'd felt a live snake in his throat, or his muscles dissolved by injected toxins, and each memory ended with a thunderclap, only to fade and blur at the beginning of the next cycle.

But he never saw Li Li.Whenever the thunder sounded, the injuries on his body melted away like a hallucination.He was still intact on the iron sand, his tongue scalded by the broken sand, and then Luffer would chat with him, and they continued for the next round.

"This is interesting." He often heard Lu Fu say that in the earliest days.The black star was floating in the posture of a dwarf star guest, and it seemed to Luo Binhan that he was thinking about something.He was in good shape then, so he chose to fight back with a sore tongue, or take the opportunity to ask some questions about Upsilon and the winged monster.

"Both of them are pretty boring to me, you know?" Luver said, "Two shiny things, like those stars near me. But if you have to say, I think the feather bag is more annoying .He talks on and on when he's by himself, and always comes up with strange things, like... Hey! Compass feet!"

A huge iron part resembling a compass fell from the sky, and two sharp ends pierced Luo Binhan's eyeballs and mouth respectively.He twitched all over, and heard thunder rolling in the distant clouds.The instrument of torture that pinned him to the ground disappeared immediately, and the vision in his left eye was as normal as before, with only a slight bursting sensation remaining.Lu Fu burst out laughing wildly at this.

"No no no no, that thing looks weird on you. It's still good for something with wings—where were we? Yeah, that feather bag. I think it's definitely There's something wrong with him, talking to himself all day, and I saw him eat some small balls twice."

"Small ball." Luo Binhan repeated.Immediately afterwards his breathing was blocked.Some kind of finely divided pebbles filled his windpipe, multiplied rapidly, and then fell from his mouth and nose.He kept throwing up, but couldn't get a breath of air.Those gravels covered with sticky plasma fell all over the beach in front of his eyes.He grabbed one of them and scraped off the blood with his nails, and found that it looked like a red sugar ball.

The thunder resounded, and there was silence again.The sugar ball on his finger disappeared along with the tear in the trachea.

Luo Binhan was still staring at his fingertips, as if the sugar ball vomited out of his trachea was still there.A name flashed through his shattered thoughts.

"I feel like I've caught a little trick," Luffer said. "She's only there when you're gliding to death, isn't she? A caring devil, sort of a guardian angel. I'd love to hang out with her more. A few words won't do. Where on earth did you know such a wonderful person? Come on, let me see what kind of answer you have in your head... Hey, you're not thinking about it at all! You are missing a good friend who gave you candies—who is Zhou Wenxing?"

(End of this chapter)

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