Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 31 The Moon at the End of Spring Reflects in the Lake

Chapter 31 The Moon at the End of Spring Reflects in the Lake

When it was almost noon, Jing Huang came.He landed in front of the expedition team on a red cloud, and several villagers happened to be there.However, facing this kind of trapeze, these people dressed like medieval farmers behaved quite calmly.

"Bandu," they took off their hats or headscarves, and bowed to Jing Huang, "Lu Xiwa Bandu."

Jing Huang was extremely polite to this, he nodded in return and said, "Luxivarankadu."

Seeing this scene, Luo Binhan touched his face vigorously.He has been in a trance since he woke up in the morning, always suspecting that he is still in a dream.

The villagers scattered and walked away, Jing Huang turned to look at the expedition team.

"You're staring at your mother," he said, "I don't do shit all day long, so I just pick up shit everywhere. Let's go, I'll open the door, and get out of here where I came from."

"Door?" Keore said in surprise.

"What's the matter with the cave you lived in since childhood? Have you never seen the door?"

"No, no," Keore scratched his head in confusion, "the door you mentioned...does that mean the tunneling point? How did you do it? Just one night? Where did you get the energy and What about the material?"

"Shut up, don't give me pressure." Jing Huang said.

A red cloud appeared under his feet, this time much thicker than before.The gorgeous smoke enveloped the members of the expedition team and took them into the air together.

Everyone screamed in terror, and Keore and Ozzis sounded more like exclaiming with joy.

"You can fly with people!" Keore said ecstatically, "God, my life is so perfect, why didn't you do it before?"

"If you say one more word, I will send you to the West for Consummation."

Keore happily took two steps on the cloud, then fell headlong.Na Yun's riding experience was very different from what it looked like, no one stood firm except Jing Huang.

Luo Binhan also felt that it was very novel, but at the same time it was uncomfortable.The feeling of riding a cloud is completely different from riding a car. He doesn't feel any support under his body, but is simply lifted into the air by a force in the cloud.It was a bit like being weightless or floating in water, and his internal organs were itching because of it.And if you try to walk on it, it will be even more troublesome. Yunyan has no substance, and the deeper you sink, the greater the buoyancy. It's like stepping on a huge soft sponge pad, and you can't keep your balance at all.

In the howling wind, he quickly had the urge to vomit, but he still crawled forward firmly, leaning against Jing Juan.He grabbed Jing Huang's two palms and looked at them.

"Why?" Jing Huang said.

Both palms were intact, not a single thread was broken.

"The dream is shattered." Luo Binhan said heavily, and then crawled to the edge of the cloud to vomit.

Jing Juan kicked him lightly: "You are not allowed to throw objects in the sky."

When they came to the edge of the forest, Luo Binhan had almost emptied his stomach of breakfast.He saw a large area of ​​simple shacks, with only some abandoned debris left outside, but no living people.

"Where's the person?" he asked a little terrified.

"Entered the forest." Jing Huang said impatiently, "The gate is inside the forest, it will take some time for so many people to pass by, let them go first."

Luo Binhan suddenly felt a strange feeling.He touched his forehead suspiciously, it had been a little hot since he woke up.

"There won't be a lake in the forest, right?" He asked doubtfully.

Jing Huang ignored him.A few emerald green fireflies floated out from under his collar.They flickered like fireflies and flew towards the temporary settlements.

A gust of wind blows from the forest, and a green fire burns where the emerald green insects fly, and spreads to the entire shed in a blink of an eye.Luo Binhan heard Keore let out a few unnatural coughs, and the expressions of the members of the expedition team were not very good-looking.

The flying insects wiped out the entire colony.They burned everything surprisingly clean, with no scorched smoke, no black carbon, and only a little pale ash left, which was quickly blown away by the wind.

"Yes, young master," Luo Binhan couldn't help patting Jing Huang and said, "Look at how professional you are, you have been in the cross talk circle, right?"

Jing Huang knocked off his hand, sat down under the tree and closed his eyes.Luo Binhan followed and asked, "What are you doing? Are you practicing?"

"Sleep." Jing Huang replied listlessly.

"Aren't you going to open some door?"

"Wait tonight."

Jing Huang fell asleep.Luo Binhan turned his head to look at the other people. They were still standing far away from the ruins of the burned sojourn, burying their heads in studying the ashes.

He felt a little empty, so he took out the small reddish lens and looked at the forest.

"Oak. Not harmful."

He flicked the mirror: "Really?"

No one answered.He had no choice but to take out his lighter again and play with it.The engine oil is very low, and occasionally it will fail to light up a few times.Luo Binhan estimated that the cotton wick inside might not work either.

He looked at the forest boredly, and in a trance, he felt that the forest seemed to be watching him secretly.Any ideas for trees here?How long have they been here?Will they get bored?Speaking of being bored, he suddenly thought of Li Li again.He hasn't seen Li Li since the Silence turned into a sea ship, and Luo Binhan estimated that her situation should be similar to ∈.

In this way, if there were no other ghost crew members, there would really only be Joan, Yarelliga, Momolo, Eighth, and himself on the Silence.Even if it is not compared with the refugees in Senlando, just using the Fishbone encountered on the way as a reference is too sparse.He doesn't think the Silence can't hold more people, it's probably just that Jing Huang doesn't like too many people on board... But then again, why did he let the other three people come on board?

Luo Binhan suddenly came back to his senses.He found that the setting sun had already set in the sky, and the sunset glow was as bright as a peach blossom.

"Huh?" he said strangely.

"How much longer will you stay in a daze?" Jing Huang said behind him, "Let's go, hurry up."

Luo Binhan pressed the lighter in surprise, and a cluster of tiny flames flashed out of the nozzle.He walked towards Jing Huang and sighed deeply: "Is this the power of an emperor?"

"Are you going to die, you?" Jing Huang said angrily.

"Not at all." Luo Binhan touched his forehead, "I had a nightmare last night, and it seems to have left some sequelae."

Jing Huang paid no attention to him.A red cloud emerged from under his feet, and lifted Luo Binhan and the expedition team into the air again.They crossed the woods and flew into the depths of the forest with the returning birds.The experience was good at first, until Keore noticed that their clothes and hair had a lot of bird droppings on them.

The red cloud reaches the middle of the forest at sunset.It was a huge, unusually round lake.Around the shores of the lake floated pockets of rootless fire, illuminating the vicinity brightly.The refugees gathered by the lake, keeping a distance from the floating flames.

They landed next to Allerica.She smiled at them, then turned to Keore and said, "When the moon shines on the lake, the captain will open the water channel. You just need to go into the lake. Please go and speak to your commander now." , Let him count the number of people."

When Keore was about to leave, Jing Juan raised his head listlessly and added: "Also, throw away all the things you have here. Otherwise, don't blame me for the bad luck."

"Does it count in the stomach?" Ozzie asked.

"You have the guts to cut it out for me. A bowl is counted as a bowl, and I will count it for you." Jing Huang said coldly.

Ozzie hummed a little tune as if nothing had happened and left.

Luo Binhan noticed that the researcher also left with them.He felt a little uneasy, so he quietly pulled Jing Huang over and told him about the soil and leaves the expedition team had collected on the way.

Jing Huang didn't seem to care about it after hearing this: "It doesn't matter. They can't find anything when they take it back with their level."

"So you're just scaring them?"

"No." Jing Huang frowned and said, "It's also against the rules to hide mud and wood, but the owner here is quite polite to me, and I should turn a blind eye to let it go."

He turned his head to end the topic, but Luo Binhan still felt a little uneasy.He looked into the depths of the forest, and the wind howled and wailed in the darkness.

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(End of this chapter)

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