Chapter 23

Chapter 13: 'Magic'

It's magic - something you hear a lot when you're dealing with the denizens of the covenant universe.However, the truth is that, just as Baita sauce does not come from Baita, green beetle cake does not contain any green beetle ingredients, and most native covenants never use the word "magic" in their daily life.They use their own unique language (or writing) system to summarize all the phenomena around them, and regard it as an integral part of the natural law.

The Old Testament often uses the following images to describe those situations that we regard as supernatural—songs, waves, water, dreams, roots, destiny, abysses, moons, winds, and so on.Given the ambiguity of these imagery, it is often difficult for travelers to correctly understand what they are saying on first contact.

Relatively speaking, it is easier to communicate with the universal law class that communicates closely with the intellectual area.Words they used frequently included occult source, arcane, thaumaturgy, aura, mana, elemental, primordial, spirit, aether, phlogiston, mystic, chi... Words like these are familiar to us today.Quantitative research results based on such concepts are being widely applied in many areas of the alliance.If you have come into contact with the White Tower, it will be much easier to communicate with the Universal Law class.

However, the word 'magic' is traditionally disliked by all disciplines.Ancient covenants never understood the clear line between physical law and the supernatural, while general covenant groups (such as the White Tower, the organization that sponsored this book) dismissed 'magic' as imprecise, unprofessional folklore.If you are eager to form an intimate relationship with them or have a deep academic discussion, it will be wise to avoid using this word.And if your first meeting is not pleasant, causing these residents living in the irrational world to think that communicating with you is very difficult, distressing, and unnecessary, they will be lazy to make all conceptual explanations, and use in-depth The broadest saying in our world.

"It's magic."—that's how they'll deal with all your questions.

Luo Binhan put down "Where Does the Water Go" silently.

He sat in the rotunda.Keore was across from him reading How to Die Calmly in a Type [-] Civilization on the shelf.

"The mountain has turned over!" he exclaimed. "How is this possible? What does it use as a brain to think? What does it use to support body movement? Don't they really regard some kind of giant creature as a mountain?"

Momoro sat beside him with a friendly expression. "Mr. Keore, this is magic," he replied with a wink.

Luo Binhan calmly kept the position he just read, and then put the book face up in the place closest to Keore.This is his last concern for his own race as the only second pan-Homo sapiens on board.

It's a pity that Keore didn't pay attention.Much of his time on board was spent questioning, wondering, questioning, wondering, so often that even Momolo's light dimmed.

Still, Keore was allowed to stay on board.They later learned that Keore's status on that spaceship was not very high, but because he happened to be in charge of the observation room No. [-] (that is, the one that discovered the Silence), he was sent by the commander to talk to " Those primitive people who drove wooden boats” negotiated.

At that time, Keore obviously didn't realize how troublesome and critical it was, but because he was the only person on the spaceship who was familiar to the members of the Silence, he was designated by Yarérica as the leader of the Silence and the refugees of the spaceship. communication liaison between.While the thousands of people crowded on the buoyancy frame and followed the Silence on the phlogiston tide full of apprehension, this lucky man was able to stay in the cabin and ask questions.

However, those problems were clearly not his own. The commander of the crashed airship gave him a large sheet of densely written paper.The questions on that piece of paper were covered within the first two hours of Keore and Momoro's chat, leading to more than ten times as many questions.

Luo Binhan watched Momolo's figure gradually lose its brilliance, and he didn't even invite him to become his human body.And Jing Juan never reappeared after slipping away from the deck.

Keore finished How to Die Calmly in a Type II Civilization (a rumored best-selling novel based on a true story).He quickly asked a question that Luo Binhan was also curious about.

"In short, this is a world full of inconceivable things." Keore said, "Heaven and Wonderland, Demon World and Hell, I never expected to see this after tunneling out of the wormhole. The scientists on the ship are pointing at me now The answer is, in fact, I personally find it quite interesting-but then again, where are we now?"

Momolo started blinking again.Probably feeling that this problem cannot be solved with "magic", he finally said gently: "We are in the universe, Mr. Keore."

"I know, I know. A magical universe, completely different from my hometown." Keore nodded and said, "But we are in a sea right now, aren't we? This sea of ​​flames, and this ship , Where exactly are we sailing at the moment? Is it on the corona of which star?"

"We are traveling in the universe, Mr. Keore." Momolo said, "not on any planet. This is the void in a certain part of the cosmic universe, but unlike your birthplace, this part of the void is full of Aether and phlogiston, they are the composition of the universe and the masters of the universe. You have to sail under the rules specified by them."

Keore opened his mouth wide.

"But there are stars above our heads!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Aren't those all fake? This universe is so small that it can't even hold a single star!"

He suddenly stopped, and looked at Momolo and Luo Binhan in confusion.

"But you have boats. Where did you get the materials to build them? Do you all live in this horrible sea of ​​fire?"

"We are also from another world, Mr. Keore." Momolo said gently, "You will get used to this kind of thing after you join the alliance. But there are natives in this star layer, I think maybe There are also stars."

Keore's eyes lit up.

"Where? I want to see how they live!"

Momolo thought about it. "Some...should be in the sea." He said slowly, "And some will float in mid-air. Not every world has civilization, but usually a complete sky wall can brew some life."

"Sky wall?"

"The membrane that separates the void from the planet," Momolo said.He picked up "Starlight World" from the bookshelf, turned to a certain page and displayed it.The illustration on that page is a tortoise with a ring of stars under its feet and a sphere on its back with a planet suspended in the center of the sphere.

"The sky wall, the boundary between the void and the planet, allows different physical rules to exist inside and outside. They are distributed on the ether wave and phlogiston ocean, and there are independent galaxies or planets inside. Crossing the sky wall means entering a space that is completely different from the outer void. The world. Some void creatures have a special symbiotic and parasitic relationship with the sky wall, so they like to carry the sky wall or live near it. Once the parasitic relationship is formed, its concept will quickly flow into the sky wall, forming the "beast of the sky wall" 'type of legend myth."

Now even Luo Binhan is interested in this topic.He sat up straight, and Keore rushed ahead of him and asked, "All the planets here are contained in the sky wall?"

"Mostly yes," Momolo said.

"Can I see it?" Keore asked eagerly. "How big is it? What does it look like? My God, would there be elves and beast kings in there? I always fantasized about riding with elves on The crested lizard galloped across the entire battlefield! Wielding the magical forked sword hammered by the beast masters! Can I take one home as a souvenir?"

Luo Binhan twisted his body strangely.He wanted either that Yale Liga hadn't installed the language pack for him, or that the popular culture of the Holy Senlando Parallel Kingdom was slightly similar to his hometown.As a civilization capable of traveling across the universe, that's pretty sad.Besides, he still prefers monsters.

Momolo seemed to be looking at the two of them in distress.

"We will encounter a sky wall later." He said word by word, as if he was embarrassed, "We are going to enter the sky wall. Mr. Xuanhong will open a passage inside the sky wall and send you, Mr. Keore, back to the sky wall." Your own homeland. But there is one thing you must pay attention to."

Keore was already panting with excitement.

"You can't take anything from there," Momolo said. "There is no problem with the dust and bacteria on your body, but, Mr. Keore, please don't take anything subjectively and deliberately. It will probably give you Cosmos brings great conceptual catastrophe."

 Day, I didn't make it clear, so let's change it first
  Thank you for your rewards! !But stop hitting!Stop hitting! ! !I will not continue to add more! !Let's talk about adding rewards later! ! ! ! Σ(°Д°;
(End of this chapter)

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