weirdness came to me

Chapter 129 The Circle of Relics

Chapter 129 The Circle of Relics
The four leftover envoys, two men and two women, are in a group and can be said to be teammates.

Among them, the cute and smaller woman is called Xu You. Although she is the smallest and has a cute baby face, she looks like she is in charge of the four.

Another taller woman is named Liu Yan.

The big man, that is, the one-brained, somewhat straight man with a strong body, is called Jiang Jun.

The missing male legacy envoy is called Liu Shengyi.

They are all good players, and their relics are all medium relics.

Now they are trapped in the hospital together with sister Xu and others.

The birth ghost still needs to be dealt with, but you need to find the location of the birth ghost first, but this is not an easy task.

It is impossible to destroy the hospital. There are still many patients and doctors in the hospital. There is no way to ensure the safety of everyone.

In addition to destroying the hospital, we can only try slowly.

"Maybe we can try to find out what clues can be used here." Yan Man suggested.

Although her strength is the lowest and her words are the weakest, her words have some truth.

"We can try it together and try not to separate." Gong Jiujiu said.

"But in this case, what if the childbirth ghost enters the delivery room first." Liu Yan said.

"For me, it's better to destroy it..." Jiang Jun said slowly, talking about a proposal that he thought was feasible.

"Anyway, let's experiment first." Xu You interrupted the male legacy envoy.

After making a decision, the group looked at the surrounding doors.

"So, which door do we take?"

Now they are on the operating floor on the eleventh floor of the hospital, surrounded by five doors.

Two elevator doors.

Two operating room doors, but one was locked.

There is also a door for doctors to enter for preoperative preparations.

Now they have four doors to choose from.

"Let's vote to decide." Sister Xu said.

Others have no objection.

After some voting, it was finally decided to go through the door of one of the elevators.

Everyone pressed the elevator, and the elevator came up quickly, but there was no one in the elevator.

"The hospital is affected by the ability to give birth to ghosts, and the hospital should have started to become chaotic now." Yan Man said.

"That's right, so we have to solve the birth ghost as quickly as possible." Gong Jiujiu said.

It is Gong Jiujiu's intention to quickly resolve the birth ghost and then protect ordinary people to avoid serious consequences.

Legacy envoys were not required to "protect human beings", and not all bequest envoys have such a lofty awareness. After all, bequest envoys are also human beings, and many bequest envoys also want to live a stable life, and it is impossible to demand that all bequeathers The legacy envoy carries the banner of righteousness.

But if there is a special situation and ordinary people are involved, by default, the leftovers will protect ordinary people as much as they can. Shi will also try to avoid using special abilities to affect the lives of ordinary people.

This can be said to be an unspoken rule, or a moral constraint.

These are not written into the laws and regulations, nor do they come from some unspeakable existence regulations, and it doesn't matter even if you use the ability to make your life better with a little bit of legacy.

But if these rules are seriously violated, then you will be rejected by other bequests and society, and such bequests will often not have any good results, and there will always be stronger people who can't stand it Let's kill these troublemakers.

Of course, no one will be too jumpy now, after all, the general relics can't hold bullets, and although the people's police can't beat ghosts, they may not be able to defeat relics.

Have you ever fought a sniper with a headshot from 800 meters away?
All Legacy Envoys who fought against are dead.

It's like among ordinary people, "be brave" has not been written into the regulations, nor is it enforced, but everyone knows that "be brave" is correct, and some people are willing to do it. Of course, there are also some People do not "be brave for justice" for various reasons, but even if they do not "be brave for justice", they will not violate the law, and at most they will be condemned by others.

Some people do things that harm others and benefit themselves, but not all things that harm others and benefit themselves are illegal. In some cases, they are just detrimental to morality.

But if you really go to the streets to hurt people, then the nature of the matter is different.

The earliest laws of human beings were also considered from the two aspects of habit and morality, which was the so-called "customary law", and the rules in the circle of legacy envoys were similar to this situation.

Legacy envoys are also human beings and cannot be separated from this society, so they also have to bear the responsibilities and obligations of this society, and can also be bound by laws and regulations.

If you drive too fast, you will still have to pay a fine, and if you drink and drive, you will still have to report to the detention center. If you leave behind, you can kill ghosts, but you may not be able to bargain successfully in the vegetable market.

Moreover, there are also killings among legacy envoys. Although it is rare, it is not uncommon.

Normal bereavements can live in peace and harmony, but if there is a very jumping bereavement, it is not necessarily so.

The higher the jump, the easier it is to die sooner if the nerves of the other remnants are stimulated.

Ordinary people go to the streets to hurt people, and there are many special operations, such as reverse complaints, mental illness... and so on.

However, if a legacy user provokes other legacy users, the psychiatric medical certificate cannot save his life. When using other relics, you must be prepared to be counter-killed, and the other party will not reason with you.

This is the circle of legacy envoys.

In order to avoid too much confusion caused by the birth ghost and affect too many people, Gong Jiujiu wanted to solve the birth ghost as soon as possible.

Others had the same thought.

As for the impact that has been caused, it doesn't matter. Even if the people in the hospital tell the situation at this time, not many people will really believe it, and it will not have an impact on the stability of society. At most, there will be more urban legends That's all.

I don't know which great man said "seeing is believing, hearing is believing". Although many people have avoided being confused by false news, some real news can easily be regarded as false news, especially now" In the era when "P pictures" and "video special effects" became popular, it used to be possible to say "use pictures to talk, and no pictures to tell you about yourself", but now even if you take out the video, the other party will say "5 cents special effects".

After all, AI face-changing technology has appeared, and some strange pictures will not make people amazed. After all, there are many special effects movies.

Reality is not important, what is important is realism.

Humans are such creatures.

I have learned wisdom from the predecessors, and passed on the wisdom from generation to generation, becoming more and more intelligent, but because of the stacking of wisdom, I have become more dogmatic, thinking that I have obtained the truth, and have lost the adaptability to accept the unknown. Ability to become stubborn because of this wisdom.

It is not terrible to be blinded, but what is terrible is wisdom.

Just like modern people, they think that ghosts and gods are non-existent.

(End of this chapter)

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