I may be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1011 Battle Mansion

Chapter 1011 Battle Mansion
The first stop of Bailiyuan was the battle scenic area in the south of Liuli City.

Since you want to pursue excitement, why not do... Bah!

Since you want to fight, why not continue to challenge!
The battle scenic area is a relatively famous battle location near Liuli City, and it is also a place where trainers are more concentrated. However, it has not been born for a long time, and many facilities are still under construction.

When we came here, Bailiyuan had already inquired about it, and the main battle facility open in the Battle Scenic Area is the Battle Mansion.

The battle mansion here is modeled after the battle mansion in the Carlos area, and there is also a slogan in front of the battle mansion - Battle mansion!Copy the building!Reproduction of the Carlos area, the birthplace!

The battle mansion in the Carlos area is stationed by a trainer called the battle female city lord. Although there is no battle female city lord in the battle mansion in the famous battle area, there are also trainers stationed there.

And the most important thing is, if there is no battle female city lord, they can invite them!
"Special report! The battle female city lord of Carlos area is visiting! Meet the challenge! It will last for three days!" Baili Yuan became interested when he saw the official news from the battle scenic area on the communicator.

"The battle in the battle mansion has level and skill restrictions. The battle in the battle mansion is not only about strength, but also skill, and every battle female city lord is the best among them." Caroline said, she Also checked the information about the battle mansion.

"Level and skill restrictions?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"Yes, in the battle mansion, the level of the elves used cannot be higher than level [-]. It is forbidden to use duplicate elves, and it is forbidden to carry duplicate props and heart drops. Trainers cannot use props during the battle, and cannot obtain them after the battle. Pocket money, when using moves such as self-explosion and same life to cause both parties to enter the near-death state at the same time, the user will be sentenced to lose, and the legendary Pokémon cannot enter the battle facility."

"Legendary Pokémon?" Baili Yuan opened his mouth.

Leaving aside whether to let in or not, this is not a game. How many trainers can own Legendary Pokémon?
"But the level cannot be higher than level [-]..." Baili Yuan frowned.

Although it is for battle, the Frog Seed is the first thing that needs to be fought now. However, although the Frog Seed has degenerated, the level has not dropped. That is to say, the Frog Seed cannot be used in the challenge battle mansion?

"If it comes later, maybe the frog seed will be able to participate in the battle." Caroline said.

"How to say?"

"Right now, a battle tower is being built in the Battle Scenic Spot, but it hasn't been completed yet. There is still a battle tower in operation in Larus City where Angela is located."

"Uh..." Baili Yuan was a little embarrassed, and went to find Angela if he knew it earlier, "But since you are here, let's challenge the battle mansion and learn the battle skills here."

"Well, and there are only level restrictions inside the battle mansion. There are some ordinary battle venues outside the battle mansion, and there are no restrictions there."

Bailiyuan began to prepare for the challenge to the mansion.

Before the challenge, Bailiyuan counted the elves who need to fight. Many elves have grown up in such a long time. Although there are quite a few elves below level [-], not all elves like to fight with each other. Good at fighting.

After excluding those who were above the level, as well as those who didn't like to fight and were not suitable for fighting, Bailiyuan quickly confirmed the team.

Hot Meow, Hack Dragon, Fangtooth Land Shark, Big Tongue, Fire Dinosaur, Lobster Minion, White Stone, and Shiny Kentaro.

Six official positions and two substitute positions.

The big tongue shell that is on the edge of evolution needs to play, and the lobster minions and fire dinosaurs that need to be trained for battle also need to play. Hack dragon and sharp tooth land shark are in the growth stage and need to fight frequently, and the last position is given to those who rarely come out for activities Flash Kentello.

Hot Meow and White Ghost Stone are substitutes.

"Okay, let's challenge!" Bailiyuan smiled confidently, and then changed into Ezreal's skin.

And then……

He didn't even enter the door of the battle mansion.

"Why are there so many people?" Bailiyuan looked at the large group of people blocking the entrance of the dueling mansion, a little speechless,

"They all heard that the battle female city lords from the Kalos area came to challenge, but the opening time of the battle mansion was delayed because of the arrival of the female city lords, so the trainers were all blocking the door." A The trainer explained beside Bailiyuan.

"Then when will the door open?" Baili Yuan asked.

"An hour more."

"Then why are you here so early?"

"Come early and challenge early." The trainer rolled his eyes.

"By the way, are you also the trainer who came to challenge? Do you want to fight?" The trainer took out his elf ball and pointed to a direction in the distance.

From Bailiyuan's perspective, there was an outdoor battle field in that direction, and some trainers were currently fighting there.

Facing the challenge, Bailiyuan nodded: "One thousand yen!"


The trainer understands the meaning of Bailiyuan, this match, bet a thousand yen.

Although the trainer was a little speechless about Baili Yuan asking for money, but a thousand yen is not too much, not to mention that if he wins, he will be the one earning the money.

Those who can come here to challenge are all trainers who are confident in their own strength.

Then Bailiyuan followed the trainer to the distant outdoor arena, and the queue quickly waited for their chance to play.

Some onlookers even became referees for free.

"Next, the trainer Xiaocai from Liuli City will fight against Ize from the Baili Dojo. The rules of the battle are the internal rules of the battle mansion. Only one elf is allowed to fight. The battle begins!"

After the trainer who acted as the referee finished speaking, there were discussions among the trainers onlookers.

"Baili Dojo? I seem to have some impressions, wait, isn't Jiaozijiang from this dojo?"

Baili Yuan's ears moved, and his hand towards the poke ball slowed down.

"Arrogant sauce? Is it a superior pride? I didn't expect her to be in the same dojo as this man, but the members of this dojo are so good-looking, the superior pride is beautiful, and this guy named Yi Ze is also very handsome!"

"What is the Baili Dojo?"

"I'm not very clear about the specifics. I just read Jiaozijiang's post on the forum. I heard that it seems to be a fighting dojo, but I don't know the specific strength."

"A fighting dojo? There doesn't seem to be a name for Baili Dojo among the well-known fighting dojos."

Bailiyuan was very happy when he heard someone talk about his ashram in Fengyuan area. The reason why Baili ashram is not famous yet is because he didn’t have any outstanding achievements. At most, he is famous near the old coast. It takes an opportunity to become famous, and it also needs a bigger stage.

On the other side, Baili Yuan's opponent, Xiaocai, also heard the surrounding discussions.

"People in the fighting dojo? They should be using fighting-type Pokmon, then..." Xiaocai moved his wrist, changed the poke ball in his hand, and then threw it out. At the same time, Bailiyuan also threw out the pokemon in his hand. Pokeball.

"It's you, Great Wang Yan!"

"Big Tongue, let's go!"

Xiaocai's expression froze for a moment.

What about the fighting system?
The trainers onlookers also discussed.

People who come out of the fighting dojo use non-fighting Pokémon?

Didn't your dojo master beat you to death?

(End of this chapter)

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