Prime Minister

Chapter 701 Party

Gao Zunyu left in anger, and even sent out a message to ask Wang Shao, Zhang Yue and Zhang Yue looked good, and Zhang Yue let him go.

But Li Xian did not go with Gao Zunyu. Instead, he offered to go to Weiyuan Fort with Zhang Yue to inspect the situation of the farmland, so as to give further feedback to the officials.

Zhang Yue and Wang Shao were overjoyed when they heard the words, which meant that Li Xian chose them both in the battle for the frontline generals.

So Zhang Yue, Wang Shao and Li Xian returned to Weiyuan Fort together.

Li Xianxian and Zhang Yue inspected the salt wells in Niaoshu Mountain, and heard that if they were fully put into production, they could boil more than [-] catties of salt per day, and Li Xian looked happy.

With the income from Yanjing, the Song Dynasty's rule in the Qingtang Dynasty would not continue to make ends meet.

Li Xian came to Weiyuan Castle again, looking at the banks of the Weishui River, the winter wheat seedlings in the field had already sprouted, and the green and green seedlings on the high fields beside the river valley looked really lovely.

But Li Xian frowned when he saw that the Weishui River was shallow and clear.
Li Xiandao: "It's time for watering when the wheat seedlings emerge. I see that there will be less rain after winter, and the Weishui River is shallow. If it is a river valley field, it is good, but if it is a tall field beside it, it will take a lot of manpower to water it!"

Zhang Yue smiled, and immediately asked Li Xian to go to the front to watch, but saw a mountain ridge turned around, and the sound of water rumbled here.

Li Xian could only see an overturned cart five or six feet high, which was continuously drawing water from the river, while three or five Tibetan children were stepping on the pedals of the overturned cart, laughing crisply.

Li Xian did not expect that the overturned keel that can be seen everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River had been applied by Zhang Yue to the Weiyuan farmland.

Not only this one, but Takata near the river valley has repaired several such rollovers.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shao couldn't help saying: "It's like a wheel turning, and it's like drinking from a river. It can move rain and rain, and it's from Meihe Miaomin."

Li Xiandao: "This is the poem of Mei Gong (Mei Yaochen)!"

Zhang Yue praised: "My father-in-law is very knowledgeable, this is exactly Meigong's poem."

Li Xian laughed and said: "In front of Zhang Longtu, our family should not be so knowledgeable."

Li Xian said again: "Back then, both Deng Ai and Jiang Wei were famous generals, but Deng Ai's garrison of Jianghuai made great achievements. But Jiang Wei's garrison of Tazhong was in a dilemma, why?"

Tazhong, where Jiang Wei farmed, is Quzhou County, Gansu Province, only fifty or sixty miles away from Weiyuan Fort. Now it belongs to Minzhou, which is based on Muzheng, and part of it belongs to Qinfenglu Jiezhou.

In history, Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition was defeated by Deng Ai. In order to shorten the supply line for attacking from Hanzhong, Jiang Wei set up farms here, which can be used by [-] soldiers a year.

Zhang Yue said: "Jiang Wei's defeat lies first in national strength, and secondly in the garrison of troops. Attacking is possible, but defending is a desperate situation. In the past, it was possible for Shu to attack Wei, but if Shu defended Wei, if Jiang Wei did not defend Hanzhong, If you divide your troops in the center, you will be defeated."

Li Xian and Wang Shao nodded.

Zhang Yue said: "So Lintao can be taken. The terrain of Shaanxi can be divided into extreme sides and secondary sides. The extreme side is used to garrison troops, and the second side is used to garrison fields."

"Now that we have Lintao, Dingxi is outside, and Guwei and Weiyuan are the next borders. We can farm here, and we won't be afraid of people disturbing the farming!"

Li Xiandao: Exactly. "

Li Xian also looked at the corridors, workshops, wells, yamen, forage yards, etc. in the fort, all of which are well-organized and neatly planned.

After seeing Guang Ruijun's drill, Li Xian was very satisfied, and when he played the song at the end, he heard the love folk song compiled by Zhang Yue.

"Everyone in the three armies listens carefully. When marching, you must love the people first.

The thieves and bandits have harmed the people, and they all rely on the officers and soldiers to save their lives. "


When hearing this sentence, Li Xian and Jing Sili showed a shocked look.

Such strict military discipline is really rare.

Li Xian couldn't help asking: "Isn't Zhang Long trying to rule the army with class law?"

The class law is the military law established by the Song Dynasty in view of the five dynasties of "Arrogant soldiers chasing generals, handsome and strong rebelling against the superior", from the top to the military commander, down to the Changxing, and the absolute subordinate relationship from bottom to top. In short, the army is ruled by the law .

Zhang Yuedao: "This is a way of relaxation. In the Five Dynasties, the army was leniently governed, so the Taizu corrected it strictly. But now it is different. The Guangrui army once rebelled against the imperial court. If it is stricter, it will be counterproductive." And in our army, the Fan army also accounts for as much as [-]%, if the military law is strict, the Fan people who are naturally loose will not come."

Li Xian suddenly said: "Then how does Zhang Longtu govern the army?"

Zhang Yue said with a smile: "Soldiers also have parents, siblings and children. I also come to educate them together. The main thing is to train them more on weekdays and practice closely. They practice every day, and after the drill, they talk about military discipline. This love of folk songs is also a first-class method. "

"Severe punishments and strict laws are of course, but we must learn from past mistakes and make clear the rules on weekdays. In this way, we can kill fewer people, and at the same time, soldiers will not resent each other."

Li Xiandao: "Of course!"

Li Xian admired the high morale of Zhang Yue's army.

After inspecting for several days, Li Xian left Weiyuan Castle with a lot of harvest. He wrote a memorial to his experience and sent someone to Beijing immediately.

In the capital city, with the arrival of the end of the year and the end of the year, it is another scene.

In the corridor near the Chongzheng Hall, the new censor Cai Que was warming himself by the fire, and beside him were Zhang Zhi and Huang Lu from the new Tongzhi Liyuan.

The three of them were chatting, talking about the military affairs in Xizhou.

When Zhang Yue recommended Huang Lu to the Imperial Academy, he fell ill and stayed at home all the time.After Huanglu recovered from his illness, he learned that Zhang Yue had contradicted Wang Anshi, so he was demoted to Qinzhou as a general judge.

Huang Lu didn't say anything, what should he do every day, Wang Anshi saw that he was easy-going, and he was indeed talented. In addition, Shen Liao and his father-in-law Shen Kuo recommended each other in front of him many times.

Wang Anshi promoted Huang Lu to be the supervisory censor.

After Huang Lu became the supervisory censor, he went up to criticize the Shiyi Law today, said Wang Anshi suppressed the way of speech tomorrow, and said the new law would be inconvenient to implement in Fujian the day after tomorrow.

Wang Anshi was so angry that he wanted to demote Huang Lu, Shen Liao and Shen Kuo interceded again.Wang Anshi heard that Huang Lu was willing to give up his bright future for his fiancée, resigned from office and returned to his hometown.

Wang Anshi knew that the other party had no intention of being an official, so he asked Huang Lu to serve as the Tongzhi Taichang Liyuan and Zhang Zhi's companion.

And Cai Que was a pusher in Kaifeng Mansion before, when Liu Xiang was the magistrate of Kaifeng Mansion.When Liu Xiang was appointed as the transshipment envoy of Hedong, he refused to implement the Qingmiao method and opposed Wang Anshi in many matters.

When Liu Xiangxin came to office, the subordinate officials wanted to perform the ceremony of attending the court, but Cai Que refused to perform the ceremony.

Cai Que said that the ceremony of attending the court was adopted by the envoys of the past five dynasties. Later, Emperor Taizong and Emperor Zhenzong served as the prefects of Kaifeng. You can no longer use this etiquette.

When Liu Xiangxin took office, Cai Que gave him a big blow.

Liu Xiang was ashamed and asked to remove Cai Que from his official position, but Wang Anshi refused.

Liu Xiang resigned in anger and went to Taiyuan Mansion to take office.

Because Cai Que expelled Liu Xiang for Wang Anshi, Wang Anshi immediately recommended him as the supervisory censor.

Now Cai Que, Huang Lu, and Zhang Zhi have become good friends in Beijing, hang out together all day, and often support Zhang Yue's development of Xizhou in the court. People at that time called it the Zhang Party.

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