Prime Minister

Chapter 699 Two Generals Compete for Merit

Wang Shao attacked independently, supported by Wang Cun, Wang Junwan and other generals, and although Zhang Yue did not send troops to rob Wang Shao of his achievements, he still asked Jing Sili to lead the army behind to protect Wang Shao's logistics in case the battle was unfavorable. , can also support properly.

As for Zhang Yue himself, he sits in Weiyuan Fort.

Wang Shao also marched rapidly, and led his army over Mobang Mountain to Zhuniu Ridge. At that time, the defeated army led by Mu Zheng who retreated from Weiyuan Fort was resting here, and there were still 2 soldiers and horses.

And Wang Shao has only 5000 people.

But Wang Shao knew that the morale of Muzheng's army was low, so he led the army to launch a fierce attack overnight.Under Mu Zhengxin's defeat, he had no intention of fighting, and Wang Shao's entire army was routed when he attacked.

Wang Shao led the army to take advantage of the situation to cover up and kill, captured the leaders of the Fan tribe, seized countless weapons and armor of all kinds, and burned all the family tents of Muzheng, and the whole Lintao was shocked.

However, Mu Zheng was still not reconciled, and gathered beside Taoshui, intending to fight again.

Its mastermind, blind drug, led the army to reunite in Mount Mabang.

Wang Shao said to the generals: "If the officers and troops go to Wusheng, Mobang Mountain can be decided at one stroke."

So Wang Shao asked Wang Cun to lead his army to bluff in Zhuniuling, pretending to be in a decisive battle with Muzheng and blind medicine, and his own submerged army approached Taocheng from the east valley route.

The Fan army is about to collapse at the first touch, and the chief leader, the fourth king of Qusa, Ake, surrenders. When Wang Shao is about to capture Lintao City, he finds that the city has been captured by the Song army.

Wang Shao turned pale in shock, only then did he realize that Gao Zunyu had taken the lead. It turned out that Gao Zunyu also came to rescue Weiyuan Fort, but he took the road of Qingping Fort. When he arrived at Qingping Fort, he learned that Zhang Yue had grown up. After defeating Mu Zheng, Wang Shao is now leading an army to pursue Mu Zheng.

Gao Zunyu was also taken aback when he found out, he was afraid that Wang Shao would succeed alone.

So he played tricks and told Wang Hou, who was guarding Qingyu Fort, to write a letter to warn his father not to go deep alone. Suddenly launched an attack to break through Yeren Pass, and took Lintao City in one step before Wang Shao.

Gao Zunyu obviously took Wang Shao's lead.

When Wang Shao found out, he was very dissatisfied and Gao Zunyu each issued a book, saying that he captured Lintao City.

After Lintao City, the state city of Xizhou, was captured, Zhang Yue, the magistrate of Xizhou, finally lived up to his name.

The good news spread to Weiyuan Fort, and Zhang Yue immediately ordered the soldiers to decorate with lanterns and festoons and set off firecrackers to celebrate.

For the Song army, this was another great victory no less than capturing the two states of Lanhui, but for the soldiers who made meritorious service, it was not a reward, but an accountability.

At the end of October, a heavy snowfall has fallen to Xizhou.

It was snowing heavily in Xizhou.

A group of people came from afar and arrived at Nanshi Fort in Xizhou.

The leader was an eunuch riding a white horse, who was Qin Fenglu's successor to Li Xian.

This person is also the only one who knows soldiers among the eunuchs, he has a strategy in his heart, and he is deeply trusted by the current emperor.

Li Xian came with an order this time, and asked Zhang Yue, Wang Shao, and Gao Zunyu to rush to Nanchuanbao to listen to the order.

This Nanchuan Fort was built in the north of Mobang Mountain, on the lower reaches of the Tao River, from here along the river to the valley, and finally to Lintao City.

Now that Li Xian has summoned Zhang Yue and Wang Shao here, he naturally has something to ask.

After Li Xian entered the city, he chatted with Zhang Yue and the three and sat down, then asked: "Our family is new here, I dare to ask you, now that Lintao City has been captured, how can food and grass be resupplied by transporting thousands of miles away?"

Don't look at Li Xian's casual question, it's actually a question of guilt.

You two generals competed for merit, saying that you took down Lintao City, but can you hold it?Can grain and grass go up?

Wang Shao said: "A pontoon bridge can be erected on the Tao River!"

Zhang Yue said: "It is also possible to set up a water army on the Tao River to transport grain and fodder by water."

Li Xianyi asked, "How to transfer?"

Zhang Yue said: "You can set up a commanding water army here, and use ships to transport..."

Li Xiandao: "Our family understands, Zhang Longtu is really thoughtful. This time we captured Lintao City, our family was supposed to be happy for the officials, but after looking at it, we knew that this time we sent troops to Lintao, every day It costs six hundred stone grains and four hundred guan coins."

"Don't talk about how much money you spend every day, just take down Lintao and send troops to guard here. How do you get food and pay? You are greedy for a while, and you captured Lintao City, and brought the lawsuit to the officials. But what to do in the future, but have you thought about it?"

Wang Shaodao: "Please don't worry about Ma Chengshou. Wang has arranged everything properly. After Xizhou is conquered, he can follow the example of the Tongyuan Army, and Huizhou has implemented the promotion of internal genus."

The so-called internal genus of the species is similar to the first item of the party item, and the same is true of the Meng'an Mouke system of the Jin Dynasty.

Point collection can be done for each department at any time.

This point collection is a mandatory point collection, not that you come with ten or a hundred people, or you can come anytime depending on your mood.

Instead, how many soldiers and horses and how much equipment should be brought together at the agreed time.For example, how many people and how many weapons, mules and horses you have in a tribe.

Wang Shao talked eloquently: "When the time comes to recruit foreigners to serve as an army and guard the fort and the city, we can save the imperial court's soldiers and horses stationed here."

Li Xian shook his head and said: "How can we blindly rely on the Tibetans? When the Prime Minister of Han proclaimed his favor, didn't he emphasize the foreign people and despise the Han people, which made the soldiers complain?"

Li Xian said to Zhang Yue: "Zhang Longtu, can you teach our family how to reply to the officials?"

Zhang Yue said: "The Tao River Valley can be used for reclamation."


Zhang Yue said: "After buying the fields, give them to the archers of the Fan tribe to cultivate them. In other words, all the archers of the Fan tribe will be granted the land."

Zhang Yue recruited troops by dispatching an archer in [-] or [-] acres of Weiyuan.

In other words, he is based on the amount of grain production.

This system is similar to the Shigao system implemented during the Warring States Period in Japan.

Japan's Warring States daimyo sites are counted by stone heights. The so-called stone heights refer to the amount of grain produced in the territory, and Japan counts them by stones.

When the daimyo issued the conscription order, he gave it to the land below.Landlords basically have the status of samurai, and the earliest identity of a samurai is to manage the fields for the daimyo.

They conscript peasants into the army according to the daimyo's conscription order.

For example, the daimyo ordered one person out of one hundred stones, or one person out of fifty stones, or even one person out of twenty stones.One person out of twenty stones is the ultimate mobilization, and the production in the basic territory must be stopped.

The same is true for Zhang Yue. It doesn't matter that one archer is required for [-] acres of land, and if there is a big war, one archer will be hired for [-] acres of land.

At the same time, the Fan tribe who leased and farmed the land had to pay taxes to Zhang Yue. In other words, it was actually land rent, and the tax was one-tenth.

In Japan, it is basically June Fourth, or even July Three. Yes, the big name is Liu Qi, and the farmers are Sansi.

Japanese people have been exploited in this way for many years, but they have never had much uprising (Ichikui).The largest ichikui in Japanese history is called Amakusa ichiki.Because the greedy lord Matsukura Katsuya actually collected [-]% of the tax, which eventually led to a large-scale peasant uprising.

After hearing what Zhang Yue said, Li Xian's eyes lit up immediately, thinking that this is a good way.

Hearing what Zhang Yue said, Wang Shao and Gao Zunyu were secretly grateful to Zhang Yue for helping them out.

The imperial court did not give them an order to capture Lintao City, but instead they claimed to capture Lintao City in order to gain merit. Now facing Li Xian's accountability, the two of them rely on Zhang Yue to cover them up.

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