Prime Minister

Chapter 672

Chapter 672
In the fourth year of Xining, the Song and Xia battles took place in February.

It can be advanced in three layers: strategy, campaign, and tactics.

First of all, at the strategic level, Wang Anshi presented the eight-character policy of "adjusting the world and controlling barbarians and Di Di" to the officials.

Since Wang Anshi became a political adviser in the second year of Xining, the entire country has been integrating and deploying the entire country's resources at the political, institutional, economic, cultural, and military levels around this strategy.

For example, the resignation of the main and (conservative) faction, the setting up of the Three Divisions and the reform of the Si Nong Temple, the strengthening of the country's mobilization ability through the Young Crop Law and the Exemption Law, the reform of Taixue and the "one morality" to control public opinion and customs, The disarmament of the forbidden army and the setting up of the West Court of Judges strengthened the combat capability.

In the second year of Zhiping's reign, Zhang Yue allowed Wang Shao to lay out the ancient Weizhai for a leisurely move.

At the battle level, it was Han Jiang who set up the Xuanfu Division in Shaanxi, and decided to attack Hengshan from the front, go out to Hehuang from the side, and attack Dangxiang on the back.

The central decision-making is thousands of miles away, and back and forth will delay the fighters, so the full power of the campaign is granted to Han Jiang.

Han Jiang set up the shogunate himself and took control of the local military and political power. He invested all his resources in Hengshan, and only gave limited support to Wang Shao and Zhang Yue.

Then came the tactical level.

It is Zhang Yue, Wang Shao, and Zhong Er, the executive layer.The record is changing rapidly, and it is too late to ask Han Jiang for instructions, and sometimes he has to make his own decisions.

Zhang Yue and Wang Shao fought three battles and three victories from leaving Weiyuan to crossing Maxian Mountain. When crossing the Yellow River to the north, they found Xixia cavalry appearing on the opposite bank.

At this time, there was a conflict in the choice of strategy and tactics.

In terms of strategic choices, Zhang Yue and Wang Shao should continue to cross the Yellow River north and attack their confidants directly.

On the tactical level, Wang Shao believed that crossing the river was too risky, so it was better to attack Tiandu Mountain instead.

Wang Anshi had discussed this matter with the officials. The imperial court had to make a big plan first, and implement it later. It could not continue the ancestor's law of generals from the middle, but if the generals were allowed to do whatever they wanted, the imperial court had no final plan.

The imperial court must grasp the details of the implementation of the campaign.

Specifically, how much power the imperial court granted to Zhang Yue and Wang Shao's first-line generals, and how much power Han Jiang, a minister of economics and strategy, had.

Therefore, Zhang Yue and Wang Shao rashly changed their strategy of crossing the Yellow River north, and then chose to raid Tiandu Mountain tactically, which was wrong strategically.

To put it bluntly, even if you win, you still lose.

All dynasties like to send eunuchs to supervise the army, because they are worried that the generals will not dare to take risks and refuse to implement the established strategy of the court.

In the Taizong Dynasty, they were all given battle plans before the battle. Wang Shao and Zhang Yue changed the marching route on their own initiative, and they would be severely punished, and the lightest would be dismissal.

But now, Zhang Yue doesn't have any number in his heart.

Now that he is the coach, he has also changed the established strategy that he promised in front of the official, Han Jiang.

But this is likely to disobey Wang Anshi and the official's wishes, not to mention killing Han Tong himself.

When crossing Quwu Mountain, Zhang Yue had already written to Liu Xishi and Han Zhen to explain his change of marching route.


Liang Yibu, a Han Chinese, is now a relative of Xixia and also the Prime Minister of Xixia.

Xixia knew that when the Song army captured Luowu City, it was a shock.

As the Prime Minister of the country, Liang Yi was buried in the city of Yinzhou. He called for the soldiers and horses of the country several times, but none of them came.

In particular, less than one-third of the Hengshan Fan tribe came, and the three military supervisory divisions of Xishou, Zhuoluo, and Ganzhou, which are close to Qingtang, have not reached a single soldier so far.

Liang Yi walked in the hall with his hands behind his back.

On the left is his confidant Du Luowei, who was the former defender of Luowu City, but was defeated by Zhong Er, and on the right is Wang Mengye, who is the confidant of the Empress Dowager Liang, but he is at odds with Liang Yibu. But it was the main combat faction that attacked the Song Dynasty.

This time, the Empress Dowager Liang learned that Liang Yibu was in a dilemma, so she also came to help Liang Yibu.

Du Luo said at the end: "The Song Army originally recruited more Hengshan Fan tribes as an army. This time, most of them followed Zhong Er to take down Luowu City. At present, many of the Hengshan Fan tribes have fallen to the Song Dynasty. They think that the Song Army will be there. The fortification of Wucheng was successful."

Liang Yibu turned around. He was handsome and handsome, but he wore a felt hat with a round hoop on his head and a leather robe on his body. He looked like a party member.

Liang Yibu vigorously promoted fan customs in the Xixia Kingdom. Although he was a Han Chinese, he not only had fanatic converts, but also believed that the differences between countries were not only military, institutional, political, but most importantly, cultural.

If Dangxiang wants to be independent from the Song Dynasty, not to be attached to him, and not to be assimilated, he must have his own culture, so he vigorously promotes the customs of Dangxiang.

Liang Yibu said: "It didn't take a day or two for the Song Dynasty to win over the Hengshan tribe. This time, Han Jiang sent troops and distributed a lot of gold, silver, money and silk to them, and also ordered the Han people to move from their homeland and give the land to the tribe for farming. Now Once Wucheng is lost, the Hengshan Fan tribe will not listen to my orders, and if no soldiers come to gather, we will know."

"Damn it!" Du Romeo said angrily when he thought of being defeated by Zhong Er.

Wang Mengxuan held her chest and said: "Moreover, the Song army also came out of Hehuang. At the beginning, Yuzang Huama had already said that there must be a long-term plan for the ancient Wei Song army to win over the Qingtang and Tibetan tribes. It's a pity that Xiangguo didn't listen."

Liang Yibu said: "I have ordered Renhe to lead the army to garrison beside the Yellow River. The Song army on this road is just a suspicious soldier, and there is no danger."

"I hope so!" Liang Yibu saw Wang Mengfei's sarcasm clearly.

Liang Yi regained his composure, the most urgent task right now was to deal with the Song Army in Luowu City, he must not be distracted, he was disturbed by the Song Army's suspicious soldiers along the way.

Liang Yibu said: "The Song army's partial division can only be dealt with by three military supervisors, which is not a problem. However, if the Song army refuses to defend Luowu, all the Hengshan tribes will be lured away by it. This is really a heartache."

Xixia's southern invasion of the Hengshan Fan tribe in the Song Dynasty played a big role. Once the Hengshan Fan tribe was drawn over, the Yinling and Yinling states would be lost, and even the Xixia Kingdom would be shaken.

Du Luowei said: "I sent someone to look at it. The Song Army's food road from Dinghu County to Luowu City is 170 miles from the beginning to the end. How can this 170 miles be fully protected? Even if you give him 10 horses, it is not enough. "

But we don't have too many people.

Liang Yi said from the bottom of his heart, the Song army left Guwei, and he restrained three of the twelve military supervisors. Once Luo Wu was lost, the Hengshan Fan tribe would not come no matter how much he urged.

The military discipline of the Xia army is very strict. Once the order is ordered, the leader who is one to five days late will be imprisoned for one year, and all those who are more than five days old will be dismissed for two years. Those who fail to catch up will be dismissed and added three years.

If the soldiers are not in order, the weapons are not ready, and they leave the team without authorization, they will be punished.

The fact that Hengshan's tribe failed to gather, also made Liang Yibu furious.

Du Romeo said: "It's spring now, and the war horses are all thin, so it can be saved if they don't get enough points."

Liang Yibu said: "When the late emperor was here, there was no shortage of gatherings in spring. How dare they not come. When I break the city of Luowu, I will lose these people from the Hengshan tribe."

"Then we have to lay it down." Wang Meng said falsely.

"What can we do if we don't have enough troops now?" Liang Yi said angrily.

Wang Meng falsely said: "The lack of troops is due to the loss of Luo Wu. The Empress Dowager expected this a long time ago, and just sent an envoy to ask the Lord of Liao to send troops. In this way, the morale of the country will definitely be restored!"

(End of this chapter)

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