Prime Minister

Chapter 648

Chapter 648
The early winter of the third year of Xining.

It was snowing finely on the school grounds, and Han Jiang followed the officials to review the command of the military guards in the snow.

When Han Jiang served as the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, the number of troops in the forbidden army was reduced, and the barracks were added to save military expenses.This time the reduction of the forbidden army has accumulated enough political reputation for Han Jiang, so that he was promoted to be a political adviser.

Now the reduced and refined Wuwei Army is undergoing review.

On the school field, 230 and eight imperial guards lined up and practiced various battle formations.

Vigorous killing sounds burst out.

Very satisfied after the official inspection.

After the review was over, the eunuch on the side announced the decree: "The training of the military guards has been effective, and the promotion and review of Chongyi envoy Qi Yun moved to the three capitals, and there are deficiencies and shortages in the imperial equipment; Li Xiyi, the deputy envoy of Zuo Zangku, and four others In the first millennium, 28 instructors and platoon soldiers were moved to one level each. From the bottom up, the military has different gifts."

But listening to the soldiers of the military guards in the field cheering in unison, Shan Hu long live!
The officials were very satisfied seeing this scene, and the streamlined military guards now seem to be well-trained.

After the decree was announced, the officials walked down the school field and said to Han Jiang who was following him: "The military guards along this road will be temporarily transferred to the northwest with you!"

The military guards have been rewarded and their morale is booming.Seeing that the officials assigned these more than 1000 elite imperial troops to herself, Han Jiang said gratefully: "Thank you, Your Majesty Long En."

The official said: "Is there anything else you can ask me about going to the northwest? I will agree to everything."

Han Jiang said: "The minister thanked your majesty first, and the envoy of Xuan Fu is also in charge of announcing Wei Ling, Fu Sui border, commanding generals, and supervising the military. If you go to Pingxia, Shaanxi, you must return the Hengshan Fan tribe to your heart." , The minister intends to make all the roads in Shaanxi who surrender to the Han family, no matter how much, accept them all, and save them generously, so that there is no plan to return."

"The resettlement of the Fan people requires farming land, as well as money and food, and rewards, so I want to ask Your Majesty for more silver and silk!"

The official nodded and said: "Since we are going to attack Hengshan, we must have a second strategy of war and peace. You are the envoy of Xuanfu. Then you can use the money and food from Shaanxi and Hedong."

The power of the Xuanfu envoy is very large. Generally, the appeasement envoy leads the army, the transfer envoy leads the people, and some criminals and prisons are in charge of punishment, but the Xuanfu envoy has all the power of the army and the people.

Therefore, the power status of the Xuanfu envoy is like that of the Jiedu envoy in the Tang Dynasty, so once the war is over, it must be withdrawn immediately, and it must not be held for a long time.

The officials knew the reason why the three armies hadn't moved and the food and grass went first, but Shaanxi and Hedong were very poor due to the war, and they were worried that Han Jiang would not have enough money and asked Wang Anshi, "What is Wang Qing's strategy?"

Wang Anshi said: "Your Majesty can also issue an order to the three divisions, in addition to the gold and silk used in Beijing, to offer gold and silk on the Xichuan Fourth Road and to sell the monk's money to the fourth road, and to detain the Shaanxi Transit Department. Put them in Yongxing or Fengxiang for side expenses, and when you see the amount, you can convert it into the amount of silver silk that will be sent to Shaanxi in the future, and it will be used as a reward for the soldiers."

Hearing this, the official said with emotion: "The revenue of the treasury has only improved a little now, and the money has been spent like running water. The people in Hedong and Shaanxi have implemented the new law for a year!"

Thinking of Hedong, the suffering of the army and the people in Shaanxi, the officials can hardly eat. Now in order to win the battle of Hengshan, the imperial court poured almost all the resources of the people and materials into the northwest.

Before the war started, only the Yongxing Army reported along the way, and confiscated 3000 pairs of armor, [-] guan, [-] taels of silver, [-] silver bowls, and other trivial things. Can not remember.

At this moment, countless chariots and horses, loaded with food, grass and weapons, are being continuously transported to various roads in Shaanxi.

This is the so-called national war.

But as long as this battle is won, the people in Hedong and Shaanxi can be freed from the heavy burden once and for all.

Therefore, no matter how much money there is, it must be used by Han Jiang's Xuanfu!

However, if such a large amount of financial resources were poured into it, if it was a war, it would be a defeat for Da Song.

Now the official has no way of turning back, and said solemnly: "The ambition of the ancestors was to swallow the swallows, Lingwu, but they were defeated and humiliated the country by losing their masters. Now I am ashamed for countless generations!"

"This money cannot be saved, it is in Wang Qing's opinion."

Thanks to Han Jiang and Wang Anshi.

The official said: "I have agreed that Mr. Zeng should be dismissed. Now Han Qing is going out to serve as the envoy of Xuan Fu. There is a lack of people in the middle school. Who do you think will be the minister?"

Zeng Gongliang was dismissed. Zeng Gongliang opposed the young crop law before. Later, during the imperial examination for Jinshi, Zeng Gongliang fell while walking down the steps of the palace. Since then, his illness has been good and bad, and the officials simply let him After dismissing the prime minister, he will go to court once in the next five days.

Now that Zeng Gongliang and Han Jiang are gone, only Chen Shengzhi and Wang Anshi are left in Zhongshu.

Who will replace?

"How about letting Feng Jing try it?"

The official did not agree, but instead asked, "How is Wu Chong?"

Wang Anshi immediately said: "Wu Chong and the minister are suspected of being relatives."

The official said: "It's okay, with your loyalty, you will not form a party."

Wang Anshi did not want Wu Chong to be included in the Zhongshu, and finally asked Feng Jing to be a political adviser, and Wu Chong filled Feng Jing's position as the deputy envoy of the Privy Council.

Both Han and Wang knew that the reason why the officials appointed Wu Chong as the deputy envoy of the Privy Council was to facilitate Han Jiang's communication with the Privy Council. Wen Yanbo had always opposed Hengshan's use of troops, and had a feud with Han Jiang.

However, Wu Chong was the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, so he didn't have to worry about Wen Yanbo envoy's stumbling, and he could fully support Han Jiang's westward expedition.

After talking about the personnel affairs, Han Jiang suddenly said: "I have one more thing, which was requested by Zhang Yue!"

The official said: "Didn't I hear that you asked Zhang Yue to be the judge of the Xuanfu envoy? What's your request?"

Han Jiang said: "Your Majesty, Zhang Yue has already resigned from the position of Xuan Fu envoy and judge."

Hearing this, the official said angrily, "What is this for? Can't you be angry with me? Doesn't he go to Shaanxi if he doesn't go to Hehuang as he wants?"

Han Jiang said: "That's not the case..."

When Han Jiang told Zhang Yue's request, the officials were stunned when they heard it.

Both Wang Anshi and Han Jiang could see that the officials were somewhat ashamed, but they still said on the face: "This person is really stubborn, but now I don't have any extra money, food, soldiers and horses for him."

Wang Anshi said: "Your Majesty, Zhang Yue has nothing else to ask for, but only one state to pass a judgment."

Han Jiang also cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, Zhang Yue really doesn't want soldiers or food from the imperial court, but only wants to help his ministers capture Hengshan!"

The official said: "The dignified foreign minister, if you don't take office, you must bow down and become a state judge!"

After speaking, the official left in a huff.

Seeing the officials like this, Han Jiang and Wang Anshi couldn't help but glance at each other.


After Han Jiang led his army to the west, the imperial court issued an edict.

Feng Jing, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council and the doctor of Zuo Jianyi, was the political adviser, and Wu Chong, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, the doctor of Yousi, and the envoy of the third division of Quan, was the doctor of the right advising and the deputy envoy of the Privy Council.

Wu Chong and Feng Jing are the prime ministers. This is a major event for the imperial court and has its own system.

Especially Wu Chong, who was appointed as the Third Secretary last year, just this year he was a Bachelor of the Imperial Academy, and within two or three months he was the Deputy Envoy of the Privy Council.

Just in terms of the promotion speed of this Hanlin scholar worshiping the privy deputy envoy, it can be said to be nearly a hundred times that of Wang Gui!
As for Wu Chong, after Feng Jing, it was a seemingly ordinary personnel transfer.

Yousijian, Zhizhigao, and Tianzhangge servant Zhang Yuetong judged Qinzhou military affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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