Prime Minister

Chapter 642 Governing Council

Chapter 642 Governing Council
In August of the third year of Xining, the Green Crop Law was implemented in an orderly manner.

The news came that the Xixia people from Shaanxi had entered the bandits, and it seemed that they had fought several battles with the frontier army. The officials outside did not know how the battle was going.

On this day, the officials convened to discuss the state affairs.

Zhang Yue attended the meeting to hear about military affairs.

To be precise, this is an enlarged ruling meeting.

For example, Zeng Gongliang, Chen Shengzhi, Wang Anshi, Han Jiang, Wen Yanbo, and the new Deputy Privy Envoy Feng Jing, these people are the regular staff of the two governments.

Zhang Yue and Lu Huiqing were also named and allowed to attend the meeting.

Zhang Yue and Lu Huiqing are the two people who expanded.

Zhang Yue and Lu Huiqing didn't know that they were extra included in the meeting at first. When the two met outside the hall, they exchanged a few unnutritious nonsense to each other as usual, and then walked into the hall.

After the two entered the palace, they saw that the palace was full of purple-robed rulers, but they were the only ones who were not in power but were allowed to attend.

When Lu Huiqing saw this scene, she felt ecstasy in her heart, but she said calmly on her face: "Could it be that those little yellow men made a mistake, this is clearly a matter of governance."

Zhang Yue also said: "Maybe."

Lu Huiqing nodded and thought, Zhang Yuecheng Mansion is much deeper than himself, or maybe he doesn't know the meaning of attending the meeting?
Of course Zhang Yue understood the political significance of being able to attend the meeting as a humble official.

Officials can participate in meetings of a higher level than their own, which is generally a precursor to gaining reuse.

For example, why is the emperor's attendant awesome?Because he accompanied the emperor, he could always participate in court secrets that they could not hear or smell at their current level.

On the contrary, the precursor of officials losing power is that some meetings gradually stop calling you, and you are gradually excluded from the center of power.

Zhang Yue felt deeply about this point. For example, in the past, when the emperor was in business, Sima Guang and Fan Zhen, the Hanlin bachelors, often appeared in such decision-making meetings, but they did not appear today.

Thinking of Sima Guang and Fan Zhen's recent situation, it can only be said that they are afraid that they are going to leave.

Zhang Yue asked Lu Huiqing, "Why don't we ask?"

Lu Huiqing nodded, at this time she needed to show some 'sincerity and fear'.

At this time, Wang Anshi and Han Jiang were not far away, and Zhang Yue and Lu Huiqing stepped forward together.

Wang Anshi glanced at Lu Huiqing, Zhang Yue didn't say much, and Han Jiang said: "Jifu, Duzhi, today the political affairs hall is discussing the military situation in the Northwest, so you come and listen, Your Majesty, when the prime minister is in charge of the adviser, you will be by the side." answer."


Lu Huiqing, Zhang Yue understands that Han Jiang is telling them this level of meeting, he only has the right to know, not the right to discuss.

If no one asks you, you can only listen but not answer. If you dare to say something more, there will never be a next time...

Having said that, Wang Anshi glanced at Zhang Yue.

When Zhang Yue saw Wang Anshi's eyes, he knew clearly. When Wang Anshi and Sima Guang were still Hanlin bachelors, he had interjected, and Wang Anshi still remembered it.

Isn't it just that there is no right to discuss?It's good to have the right to know.

Wang Anshi asked, "Has everyone arrived?"

Han Jiang said: "There are also Chongqing and Yuyu!"

After a pause, Han Jiang looked at the gate of the palace and smiled, "They are here."

Zhang Yue followed Han Jiang's gaze, but saw that his father-in-law and Wang Gui walked into the hall with smiles on their faces, chatting as they walked.

Speaking of which, Wang Gui has been a Hanlin scholar for more than ten years, and has participated in such decision-making meetings countless times, but he just was not promoted to be the minister.

Even if he is the current Hanlin Bachelor Chengzhi (Hanlin Bachelor ranks first) and Duanmingdian Bachelor (only Hanlin Bachelor and ruling), this last step has never been crossed.

The officials joked that Wang Gui wrote edicts so well that the emperor was reluctant to let him be in power, because he was afraid that no one else could issue an edict as satisfactory as Wang Gui.

But the real reason was that Wang Gui was on the wrong team.

As for the father-in-law, after worshiping the third envoy, more and more people attended the meeting. From this, it can be seen that he is not far away from becoming the prime minister.

Of course, Wang Gui also thought so at the beginning.

Wang Gui and Wu Chong saluted Han Jiang and Wang Anshi, and Zhang Yue and Lu Huiqing also saluted Wang Gui and Wu Chong.

The ten people in the hall, Han Jiang, Wu Chong, Zhang Yue, Wang Anshi, and Lu Huiqing, were comrades-in-arms on one ship, while Wen Yanbo, Feng Jing, Zeng Gongliang, and Chen Shengzhi were on the other side.

But only Wang Gui stood impartially and neutrally.

Is it okay to not take sides politically?
Yes, but I must be good. Whether it is a new party or an old party, Wang Gui can speak on both sides while remaining neutral.

Soon the official family arrived in the hall and sat on the royal floor.

The official said with a smile on his face: "I just received the report that the Xia people invaded Shun'an, Suiping, Heishui and other villages with their own troops, intending to besiege Suizhou. The Xia people built eight forts in Suizhou, and each sent three hundred troops to station there." .”

"Guo Kui sent his prisoner Yan Da to break through the two fortresses, killed several chieftains and commanders, and said: "Xia Guo violated his oath and invaded the city and the border of Han. The crime is very serious.If you can repent, I will listen to you and return it; if you don't, you will be punished without any kind. "

"The people of Xia immediately retreated, Guo Kui led the army to pursue and beheaded hundreds of people!"

Zhang Yue originally thought that the battle in Shaanxi was going to be tight, but unexpectedly he won.

Everyone congratulated the emperor, Wen Yanbo said: "Xia Shuaiyi is cunning and cunning, he will make a comeback, please take precautions early."

The official said: "I have this intention."

Wang Anshi said: "Guo Kui has meritorious service, so he should be added as an official and move his town."

Zeng Gongliang said: "The Xia people will not give up if they lose. How about moving the general at this time? It's better to use Cheng Kan's example and Guo Kui as the envoy."

Wang Anshi said: "How can Jiedu envoys be conferred lightly? Please also cherish the famous utensils, Your Majesty."

After listening to Wang Anshi's words, the official nodded and said, "Jiedu Envoy is indeed too much, and should not be given lightly."

The officials asked Wen Yanbo, "What do the Privy Council think?"

Wen Yanbo said: "I see the same thing as Zeng Xianggong."

Both Zeng Gongliang and Wen Yanbo wanted to help Guo Kui as an envoy, but as soon as Wang Anshi objected, the officials supported Wang Anshi, so Zeng Gongliang and Wen Yanbo gave up.

What Wang Anshi and Zeng Gongliang said was so confusing that most people don't know what they are talking about when they read this passage in books or history books.

But Zhang Yue heard it clearly.

Why did Guo Kui make great contributions, but Wang Anshi asked him to move the town, because Guo Kui served Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi successively.

At that time, Guo Kui guarded the private treasury for Fan Zhongyan. Fan Zhongyan saw that Guo Kui could stay in the treasury all day long, and felt that this young man could be entrusted to him.

Later, Han Qi replaced Fan Zhongyan, Guo Kui continued to serve, and Han Qi appreciated him very much.

In the year of Zhiping, Han Qi was the powerful minister of Zhaowen, and he planned to let Guo Kui declare and appease Shaanxi in the capacity of signing a letter to the Privy Council. Qi.

Guo Kui is a famous general of the Western Army. Some people have called him and Guo Ziyi together, but the reason why Wang Anshi wants to replace Guo Kui is not only because he is Han Qi's.

When Wang Anshi was called to Beijing, the officials asked him about the national policy. Wang Anshi replied that he wanted to enrich the people, enrich the country and strengthen the army.

Now that the reform is in progress, although the young crop law has met with fierce opposition, it has been implemented.

The officials looked at the income of the Green Crop Law, yo, it’s really good, the Green Crop Law can increase the country’s income by several million yuan a year.Although it is said that there is a problem of restraint and allocation, but to be honest, the imperial court is rich.

So the revenue of the treasury has increased, what should we do next?To make the country rich and the army strong is to restore the homeland of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

So Xixia, we have put up with you for a long time.

Wang Anshi said: "Your Majesty, Qinzhou is a key place in Shaanxi. Before Li Shizhong, Dou Shunqing knew that Qinzhou was not competent, so he disagreed with Wang Shao, the appeasement envoy and judge. I ask you to remove Yan Tie, the deputy envoy, and Han Zhen, the doctor of the Ministry of War, as Tianzhang Pavilion Waiting for the system, know Qinzhou!"

Zhang Yue listened to his heart, and he really came.

Wang Shao's strategy of regaining Hehuang and beheading Xixia's arm was officially brought up.

In another time and space history, Wang Shao's strategy of regaining Hehuang was strongly recommended by Wang Yu to Wang Anshi.

But now Zhang Yue has seized the opportunity to take Wang Shao into his account.But Zhang Yue realized that this was actually useless, because Wang Shao had the attributes of a white-eyed wolf and a boss.

For example, within a few years in the Northwest, Li Shizhong and Dou Shunqing were all taken away by him.So Zhang Yue couldn't control the opponent, so he simply recommended Wang Shao to Han Jiang.

But now Han Jiang asked his younger brother Han Zhen to know Qinzhou. This proposal was proposed by Wang Anshi, and the next step may be to use troops against the Northwest.

With Han Zhen and Wang Shao implementing a new strategy for recovering Hehuang, Guo Kui, who has enough influence in the Western Army, will move the town.

Wang Anshi said: "Before Lord Xia died and requested canonization, the court was questioning the Xixia invaders, so Han Zhen was sent to Xixia to question the crime. The Xia people pleaded guilty. Han Zhen's trip did not disgrace the mission, and he has insight into the reality of the Xia people."

Wang Anshi said that Han Zhen had been sent as an envoy to Xixia, not only dealt with Xixia people but also overwhelmed Xixia, and he was competent.

The officials asked Wen Yanbo for his opinion, and Wen Yanbo also said that Han Zhen was competent.

So Han Zhen knew that Qinzhou's appointment was decided by the Dangdian Palace.

The official said with a smile: "Wang Shao is unattainable. I think he has the ambitions of Huo Qubing and Ban Chao. He is really an odd number among civil servants."

Han Jiang said: "Your Majesty has the eyes to know people. This Wang Shao is indeed unavailable. This person not only occupied a piece of land where the Sheng Qiang gathered, but also went deep into the tents of the Sheng Fan many times. It can be said that he is wise and brave. Please use it again, Your Majesty." Of."

The official said: "I heard that Wang Shao set up a market exchange in Guwei, and bought horses and salt with the Qiang people with salt banknotes. Is there such a thing?"

Han Jiang said: "Ask Zhang Yue about this matter!"

Without this sentence, Zhang Yue can only be a boring gourd. Now that Han Jiang has made it happen, Zhang Yue is also showing his merits for Wang Shao by going out of the class. The officials praised: "Qing planned this a few years ago, and now The imperial court wants to take Qingtang, you have prepared for a rainy day."

Lu Huiqing looked a little unnatural after hearing this.

The official then said with emotion: "The imperial court took Suizhou before, and as a result, they fought successive battles with the Xixia people. Millions of money and food were spent, but there was very little profit. But if Wang Shao can take Qingtang, the imperial court will be more You can use Qinzhou as a guide!"

"Wang Shao spends only three to five thousand guan on the Qingtang army for a year, so good!"

At this imperial meeting, the officials set the tone.

Wen Yanbo and others also knew that Guo Kui's appointment as a military envoy must have gone wrong. The imperial court's strategic focus on the Northwest had shifted from defending the Suizhou line to win the support of the Hengshan tribe to seizing Qingtang.

And Guo Kui, who originally supported the advancement along the Suizhou line, will definitely not be reused.

(End of this chapter)

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