Prime Minister

Chapter 631

Chapter 631
Han Jiang and Wang Anshi sat in front of the official family, one on the left and the other on the right. Now they are the left and right vanguards of the official reform.

In particular, Han Jiang helped him solve the biggest hidden danger by reducing the forbidden army.

Now Han Jiang proposes to set up the Western Court of Judges to remove 62 powers that originally belonged to the Privy Council, including the most important powers granted by military commanders above ambassadors.

"In the past, the Privy Council's annotated ambassadors were unqualified, so that the officials played their hands in it, so that the order of dismissal was not prioritized, and finally caused a lot of problems. And the power of the officials' palms, the military officials would even kowtow when they saw it on weekdays. The great generals are so humiliated by the subordinates, how can we expect them to be loyal to the country and kill the enemy."

The officials took it for granted.

Han Jiang first solved the redundant soldiers of the forbidden army for him, and then started with the selection of generals.

According to the rules and regulations of civil servants, generals and generals are appointed according to a standard and a procedure, so as to prevent anyone from doing anything in it.

At least the promotion of military generals does not depend on people's faces. The country humiliates military generals so much, how can they be expected to work hard for the country to fight Khitan and destroy Xixia.

"After the establishment of the West Court of Inquisitors, the appointment of the Mokan and above the ambassadors will be assigned to the West Court of Interrogation, and the Third Class Court will be responsible for the selection of military officers below the junior envoys."

"The Privy Council delegated the executive affairs to the West Court of Judges, so that the Privy Councilors could focus on political affairs."

After Han Jiang played, the officials asked Wang Anshi, "What do you think, Wang Qing?"

Wang Anshi said: "Previously, Zhongshu could still send Tangxuan Zhizhou to the trial court. Why can't Wuxuan be removed? This is a small matter of the province, but it can be discussed in general. I think it is feasible!"

In the past, half of the magistrates of the states in the world belonged to the political affairs hall, and half belonged to the court of the Ministry of officials. After Wang Anshi took office, he gave up all this power to the court of justice. Therefore, he was opposed by Zeng Gongliang. In the refutation of the sentence "on generality", Wang Anshi won in the end.

The official nodded, and at the same time saw the fleas on Wang Anshi's temples, he couldn't help thinking, the so-called saving small things can be discussed in general, is it the reason why Qing doesn't like to take a bath?
When the officials saw Han Jiang, Wang Anshi unanimously said, "It's changed in this way according to the opinion of the second minister. It's just how to discuss it with the two prime ministers?"

Han Jiang knew that conflicts with Wen Yanbo and Lu Gongbi were inevitable, but when he was the deputy envoy of the privy to abolish the forbidden army, he and the two were on fire.

Han Jiang couldn't tell the truth, because different opinions mixed up, and the officials wanted to keep Wen Yanbo. Lu Gongbi restricted Wang Anshi and himself in the court. Although Wen Yanbo kept asking him to go out, the officials refused to let him go.

Han Jiang said: "As long as the West Court of Judges and the Third Class Court are still under the Privy Council, there will be no objections now."

The officials were puzzled but agreed.

Han Jiang has been working hard to realize the immunity from military service, the Western Court of Judges, and the abolition of the forbidden army. However, because the power of the reform is too small, he has not succeeded in anything.

Now with Wang Anshi, his political ideas have been realized one by one, and he has accumulated a lot of political prestige, all the way from being an official to being a political advisor, the prestige of the Han family has also increased because of him.

Wang Anshi and Han Jiang discussed several matters with the officials, and finally the officials said: "I plan to get rid of Zhang Heng, and Zhang Yue made the edict because of his knowledge. What do you two think?"

Wang Anshi was a little displeased when he heard this.

Wang Anshi was very happy and angry, whether he was happy or not, it was easy to see that he was dissatisfied with the appointment of Zhang Yue and Zhang Heng.

But this decision was made by the official himself, and Wang Anshi did not refute it, so he managed to save some face for the official.

However, in front of the officials, Wang Anshi still had no good face and said in a low voice: "The minister means to let Zhang Yuewai serve for two years, and then give the imperial edict when he returns to the court. Already!"

At this time, Han Jiang said: "My Majesty, Zhang Yue was born as the number one scholar, and he also took the third class in the imperial examination. There is no second person who can get both in the imperial examination. .”

"It is known that the edict was originally drafted, and it can be written well without the experience of foreign appointments. Since it is a word of authority, it will chill people's hearts."

The officials heard what Han Jiang said was a little funny, but they nodded slightly. Han Jiang made sense, as long as the writing of the drafting edict is good, why do you have to add a foreign experience.

Han Jiang didn't dare to speak up for Zhang Yue before, but now that the official has opened his mouth, he argues with Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi said: "It is true that Zhang Yue is a pillar of talent, but the more talented he is, the more he has to go through honing. The prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce general must be sent to the army. This is what Han Feizi said, and it is also the ancestor's Law, the system of Zhengshitang to train officials."

Han Jiang said: "Participating in politics is very true, but the experience of foreign appointments may not necessarily be before the granting of knowledge and patents, but also after the granting of knowledge and patents. Besides, it is understandable for extraordinary talents to be treated exceptionally."

Wang Anshi heard the words and said: "Since I say so, I have no objection."

The officials saw that Wang Anshi and Han Jiang had reached a consensus and said with a smile: "Since the two Qings agree, I am very relieved! In this way, I will award the title to the Sherenyuan!"

Han Jiang got up with great joy and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty."

The official smiled slightly and asked, "Where does the joy come from?"

Han Jiang said excitedly: "Since Su Yijian learned of the imperial edict at the age of 26, there is no second person. Now Zhang Yue succeeds, which can be called a prosperous allusion."

But the official shook his head and said: "Qing Mo cite Su Yijian as an example. This Su Yijian died of depression after being dismissed from participating in politics because of excessive drinking. I don't want Zhang Yue to be like this."

Han Jiang listened to her heart and said that the king's love for ministers throughout the ages is nothing more than this.

Han Jiang glanced at Wang Anshi, his expression was still the same as before, and he was still a little concerned about Zhang Yue's appointment as a patent.

Inside the courtyard.

Cai Yanqing is now on duty at Zhishe Renyuan.

The edict of Cai Yanqing Zhishe Renyuan was drafted by Li Dalin just before he left.

This is also a process of alternation between old and new.

Li Dalin had been dismissed from office at that time, but suddenly found a problem, that is, the edict of the new Zhishe People's Court had not yet been written.

At this moment, there is no room in the Sheren's Court, and there is no one who writes, so who will recognize Cai Yanqing as the Zhisheren's Court.

Don't look at it as a patent, why so much red tape.But such things cannot be sloppy at all.

For example, the imperial edict of the Song Dynasty emperor must be countersigned by the prime minister to take effect.In history, Zhao Kuangyin worshiped Zhao Pu as the prime minister. It happened that several prime ministers in Zhongshu Province had resigned three days ago. Zhao Pu has not yet become prime minister. Who will sign the edict when it is not ready?
Don't look at this as a matter of detail, but it has been debated for a while.

In the end, Zhao Kuangyi, who was familiar with Kaifeng's prefect, was asked to countersign Tongping Zhangshi. Only then did Zhao Pu really pay homage to the prime minister.

Therefore, before Li Dalin was dismissed, he was finally asked to come back urgently to draft the imperial edict of Cai Yanqing Zhishe Renyuan before he could leave.

And now Cai Yanqing is also very hesitant when going straight to the Human Court, all the officials admire the matter of Sanshe's personality and fate.If the emperor issues another edict to make Li Ding the censor, what should he do?

If you accept it, you will have a bad reputation for thousands of years, and if you don't accept it, your future will be ruined.

When Cai Yanqing was in a dilemma, he suddenly received the emperor's epithet.

Cai Yanqing saw that it was Zhang Yue, and Zhang Heng knew the patent!

Cai Yanqing felt happy when he saw it, but at the same time, he felt a little uncomfortable.

The good news is that someone finally found out that he was taking the blame. The bad news is that Zhang Yue and Zhang Heng have higher official positions than him.

But Cai Yanqing thought about it, the two of them knew that the edict was well deserved, and besides, this is not the time to care about these things, so they immediately started to write the edict.


And at this moment in the house of the Lu family.

Lu Jiawen was looking at Lu Gongbi, the uncle.

Lu Jiawen's grandfather was Lu Yijian's eldest son, Lu Gongchuo, who was Lu Gongbi, the elder brother of Lu Gongzhuo.

Lu Gongbi, as a privy envoy, was the highest-ranking person in the Lu family after Lu Yijian, and Lu Jiawen felt a little nervous in front of him.

The two were silent for a while, and Lu Gongbi took a memorial from his sleeve and handed it to Lu Jia, asking, "I plan to impeach Wang Anshi in a few days, please read carefully, and keep a good word in your heart."

Lu Jia asked in a daze, "Uncle, my nephew doesn't understand your intentions, what do you want my nephew to do?"

Lu Gongbi said in an ordinary tone: "Your third uncle (written by Lu Gong) was dismissed by Wang Anshi from the post of Yushi Zhongcheng, and I also heard that Wang Anshi and Han Jiang discussed the establishment of a Western Court of Judges and took away the Privy Council's right to appoint generals. , I can't just sit idly by and ignore this matter, I will fight Wang Anshi to the death."

"So I want you to memorize it by heart, and then tell Wang Anshi every word."

"Uncle wants nephew to betray you?"

Lu Gongbi nodded and said: "That's right. I will pretend not to know about it, remove you from the genealogy, and list you as a family thief. You will never be a child of my Lu family! under me."

Lu Jia asked Wen Yan, "Did Uncle predict that he would lose, and then want our Lu family to follow the example of the Han family and produce someone who agrees with the new law?"

Lu Gongbi nodded and said: "That's right, it seems that I don't need to say more, you have figured it out. Our Lu family is not afraid of Wang Anshi, but the officials. It seems that Sima Junshi and the others are against Wang Anshi. If things go wrong, it will be a big deal." Resign and leave."

"But our Lu family can't resign, and the Han family can't resign either, so one of our two families must stand on the same boat as the official family! I think you are the most suitable, you are from a Jinshi background, and you are an official. We children of the Lu family, if you go to Wang Anshi, he will definitely not treat you badly."

"As for my memorandum, it is your letter of honor to win the trust of Wang Anshi! It's just that no one in the Lu family knows about it except me. You will also be expelled from the wall of my Lu family forever. Are you willing?"

After Lu Jiawen heard Lu Gongbi's words, tears rolled down his eyes, and he couldn't make a sound.

Lu Gongbi looked at him and said: "This is still too embarrassing for you, forget it."

When Lu Gongbi finished speaking, he wanted to take away the memorial, but saw that Lu Jiawen's hand was already on the other corner of the memorial.

Lu Jiawen wiped away the tears on his face and said, "Uncle, in fact, I don't care about reforms and changes. What I want is that our Lu family will not be difficult for generations to come."

"As long as it's for the Lu family, I'll do it for you!"

Lu Gongbi nodded and said, "I saw the right person, let's go!"

"Yes, Uncle!" Lu Jia asked with a firm look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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