Prime Minister

Chapter 621 The Way of Appointment

Chapter 621 The Way of Appointment
Seeing the official lower his figure, he apologized to himself.

If it were other courtiers, they would have been terrified, or moved beyond measure.

But Wang Anshi didn't notice it at all, instead he discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the new law with the officials very seriously, saying: "Your Majesty, I believe that as long as the new law can be implemented, and villains are not allowed to break the law, there will be no reason to lose money and property!"

Seeing that Wang Anshi didn't express anything, the officials liked him even more when he said honestly: "I'm not aimless. I heard that the method of green seedlings is inconvenient, so I sent everyone to know Zhang Ruoshui, and the escort Lan Yuanzhen checked the green seedlings in the government. They reported the convenience of the green seedlings. , I realized that I really blamed my husband."

Wang Anshi seemed to have some impressions after hearing the names of these two people.

On weekdays, Wang Xi and Lu Huiqing seem to have some contacts with the two of them.

Is it?

"As for the matter of Sima Guang's edict, you don't have to worry about it. Sima Guang, Fan Zhencheng is a loyal minister, and you are also a loyal minister. I hope you will help me with one heart and one mind."

Wang Anshi said: "I heard that Your Majesty wants to worship Sima Guang as the Deputy Privy Envoy, but he said that he wants to abolish the new law, so how can we be of the same mind? It's just your Majesty's wishful thinking."

Speaking of this, Wang Anshi reprimanded the officials: "Sima Guang's nine resignations as Deputy Privy Envoy have made him stand out and have a stronger reputation! Your Majesty is wrong."

What else can the officials say?
Many people resign from general official positions, but privy deputy envoys rarely resign.

From Hanlin Bachelor to Privy Deputy Envoy, it can be called ascending from earth to heaven.

This status is incomparable.

However, what did Sima Guang say when he received the edict? He said that since ancient times, there are not many scholars who have been ruined by such officials.

When he learned that Sima Guang had resigned as the Deputy Privy Envoy, Wen Yanbo praised Sima Guang's character, which is unmatched by people today and needs to be sought after by the ancients.

And Han Qi, who was politically opposed to Sima Guang, also praised Sima Guang, saying that his great loyalty and righteousness filled the world and traversed the past and present.

You must know that Sima Guang, Lu Huo, Han Qi, and Ouyang Xiu fought to the death because of Pu Yi's incident.

Now that Han Qi is showing his favor to Sima Guang in this way, once the two get together, not to mention Wang Anshi, even the officials will have to back down.

But Sima Guang was indeed very virtuous, and ignored Han Qi's overtures.Anyway, Sima Guang wanted to be a lonely minister, but instead, people who opposed the new law gathered around him.

The official is also a bag, saying: "Sima Guang did not serve as the chief minister, because of the Qingmiao Law. Now that there is a gentleman in charge of the overall situation, I can feel at ease. A few days ago, I ordered Lu Huiqing and Zhang Yue to change the Qingmiao Law to the Changping New Law. Has your husband ever seen it?"

Wang Anshi said: "I have read it when I reported it. Changping's new law is better than what I originally drafted. It can be done!"

The official said: "I and several prime ministers also discussed in the same way. It is a good law to distribute money for young crops according to households. The government will not worry about being mean to the people, and the people will not suffer from being exploited."

"As for the remaining money distribution workshop, Guo also kills two birds with one stone."

Officials are still full of praise when they talk about Changping's new law.

"Most of these laws were drafted by Lu Huiqing. This person is really talented and can do what others can't. It's a pity that Sima Guang, Lu Gong's works often refer to him as a villain, and he really doesn't know people."

Wang Anshi said: "Your Majesty, when the new law was first implemented, the old officials were unwilling to move forward, so they used all capable people. When the law has been established, we will chase it away, but let the old people guard it. It is said that the wise do it, and the benevolent keep it. That's the truth."

Hearing the words, the official said with great joy: "Only talents are promoted. Lu Huiqing is very talented. I have planned to use Lu Huiqing as a treaty system and let him participate more in the affairs of the new law. I don't know what you want?"

Wang Anshi heard that the officials wanted to use Lu Huiqing's words: "Your Majesty, this Changping New Law was not drafted by Lu Huiqing, but by Zhang Yue. This matter has been reported to my minister by Lu Huiqing, and I will report it to Your Majesty today!"

The official was taken aback and asked, "Why is this?"

Wang Anshi said: "Your Majesty asks Zhang Yue himself."

The officials couldn't help being surprised that this method was actually created by Zhang Yue, but why didn't he speak out to the court, but gave the credit to Lu Huiqing?
Could it be that Zhang Yue restrained himself from following others and did not want to compete with others for merit.Thinking of this, the officials both liked Zhang Yue and felt guilty.

The official looked at Wang Anshi for a moment and asked, "What do you think of Zhang Yue?"

Wang Anshi said: "This person's law is not in line with my minister, but it is also different from Su Shi and Su Zhe!"

The official said: "However, he has done a good job in reforming Taixue and Changping's new law, so what Yiqing said just now, is Zhang Yue a wise man or a benevolent man?"

Wang Anshi said: "Whether it is a wise man or a benevolent man, I think it is better to take responsibility!"

The officials didn't know Wang Anshi's attitude towards Zhang Yue and Lu Huiqing for a while, as if he said it could be used or not.

So the official took a step closer and said, "How about using the chapter to know how to make a patent?"

Wang Anshi said: "No... Zhang Yue has no experience in serving as an official in the local area. I think that letting Zhang Yue go out first and then returning to the court to appoint officials is the way the court employs people! Otherwise, officials will be greedy to stay in Beijing, fearing difficulties and dangers. not to the place."

"This." The officials murmured, and Wang Anshi was right.

In the past, the number one scholar was released for two years, and then transferred back to Beijing to be awarded a post in the embassy. Before being awarded a pending award, an official was usually appointed to go to Khitan first.

Zhang Yue has never been sent abroad, nor has he been sent to Khitan. If he is promoted to Zhigao and becomes a minister of the two systems, it is indeed not the normal order of employment.

The official said: "That's all."

Wang Anshi said again: "If Your Majesty really wants to reward Zhang Yue, you should quickly let him go to the place to practice. You can't reward and reward again and again, this is not the intention of the imperial court to sharpen talents. The minister thought that Wu Chong, the third minister of power, could be rewarded and appointed as the deputy minister of the privy to replace Sima Guang."

Wu Chong has repeatedly sided with Wang Anshi, and this time everyone is against the young crop law.However, Wu Chong, as the third envoy, the highest financial chief of the imperial court did not criticize the Green Crop Law.

The officials also had a good impression of Wu Chong, so they nodded: "Wu Qing is indeed loyal and usable."

Wang Anshi said again: "I refuted Han Qi's article before, which was drafted by Zeng Bu, the storyteller of Chongzheng Palace. This person can also be used greatly."

The official said: "I see."

The official said again: "Fortunately, you have come back to watch matters, and the country will be entrusted to you!"

Wang Anshi immediately said: "I will do my best!"


After Wang Anshi returned to the court, he reactivated the new young crop method.

Sima Guang immediately resigned as the Deputy Privy Envoy, and Wang Anshi annulled the appointment of Sima Guang.

Knowing that the young crop law was being implemented again, Han Qi asked to resign as the comfort envoy of Hebei. Wang Anshi agreed without hesitation, and let Han Qi be sentenced to the Daming Mansion only.

Jiang Qian, the county magistrate of Chenliu County, opposed the method of scattering green crops and obstructed it secretly. After Wang Anshi learned about it, he sent officials to investigate, and Jiang Qian said he was ill and left.

After Wang Anshi returned to the court, he implemented the Green Crop Law with great boldness. The officials were afraid and dared not disobey.

As for Su Zhe, Huang Lu appointed him as the Imperial Academy to speak directly, and Wang Anshi agreed.

Su Shi had been attacking Wang Anshi all the time, but Wang Anshi was willing to promote his younger brother, and everyone was surprised.

Those who know know that it is Zhang Yue who contributed.

In March.

The imperial court held a provincial examination.

(End of this chapter)

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