Prime Minister

Chapter 606 The emperor's 1 sentence chapter tops you 1 car chapter

Chapter 606
Zhang Yuezhi's method is really novel and ingenious.This is the consensus of officials.

The salary of the ancients rarely advocates this.For example, when Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang to make arrows, he made [-] arrows in a few days, and he couldn't finish it in a few days.

It is not only because of the underdeveloped commodity economy of the ancients that the hourly wage system was used.

However, there are not without exceptions. The porters of the tank boats in the Qingming Shanghe Tu hold the fortune-telling objects, and receive a fortune-telling token for every bag of rice they move.Finally, after finishing the work, the porters get paid according to how much they have raised, and the wages are settled now.

But most of them are paid according to working hours, the total amount will be given to you, and I will finish the work in a few days.

What is difficult about piecework wages is that the common people do not know how to count, and the second is that there are fraudulent statistics.

How does Zhang Yue prevent fraud?

The center of the two pages of the scroll is called the core.

There is a fishtail pattern on the center of the page. Why are fishtails painted on the center of the page? It is said that the fishtail has the meaning of flipping. When you see this in the book, you can read the next page.

But in fact, it comes from the ancient bamboo slips, because there is a triangular indentation in the center of each piece of bamboo slips to fix the weaving rope.

The fishtail in the center of the edition is found in every book.
Zhang Yue added it to the fish tail. On the top of the fish tail on the first page of the Guozijian engraved book, there are generally several large characters and several small characters on a page.

The title, volume and page number are engraved between the upper and lower fishtails.

On the bottom of the fishtail on the next page, the name of the engraver and proofreader is engraved.

Finally, the book was printed. Based on the name of the engraver on each page, the total number of engraved editions, as well as the number of small characters and the number of large characters at the bottom of the book were calculated separately.

At the same time, if there is a problem with any page of the book in advance, the proofreader and engraver will be responsible.

In the Southern Song Dynasty under another time and space history, such blocks were printed in small quantities.That's what Xiao Shao looks like in the Song edition that survived from her previous life.

Because the competition in bookstores was very quiet at that time, the printing and engraving workers also retreated from the piecework wage system quite early.

The piecework wage system is taken for granted. The most important thing is how to count. There must be no such thing as a porter's hand.Otherwise, there is no supervision method, or according to the hourly wages.

From the piece-rate wage system to the statistical method of "counting chips", the officials and the officials saw how Zhang Yue could turn Jiankefang from a loss and bankruptcy to a profit.

All the ministers discussed loudly.

The officials feel that the more Zhang is doing to give himself face today, the more Zhang is personally in charge of Jian Gou Taixue. If I do things well, it shows that I am ignorant of people. If I do well, I will lose my face.

The official asked Jiao Xiuteng, "What do you think of this method, Mr. Xiang?"

Xie Jingwen just casually took out a volume of books and looked at the fishtail in the center of the plate, and stood there creaking for a while.

Jiao Xiuteng knew that the officials seemed to be asking about this method, but they were actually asking whether Zhang Yue Guangou Taixue Guangou is good or not!

Of course, Xie Jingwen remembered what he said when the officials recommended Jiao Xiu Guan Gou Taixue, if it was done well, he would be replaced.

In the face of the official's personal inquiry, Jiao Xiuteng put down the scroll and said, "Piece-based remuneration is indeed a good law. The so-called rule of law has always been taken for granted. As long as there is no rule of law, there is no need to worry about rule of man. As long as there is no rule of law There is no need to worry about having a good craftsman."

Sima Guang said that there is no rule of man, but there is rule of law.

Sima Guang said something, and Chen Xiang, the censor who knew the miscellaneous affairs, said: "This method is good, and it can be thought of without the rules and regulations. It can be seen that the rule of law comes before the rule of law. I hope everyone in the court can learn from it!"

As a teacher, Chen Xiang also took the initiative to help Jiao Xiu get ahead.

The official nodded slightly, thinking that Zhang Yue's method could be implemented.

On the other hand, Zhang Mao said that Qi can be calmed. There is no cure for people, but there is a cure?

Who is Jiao Xiu?I am from Jianzhou, and the bookstore in Jianyang is the best in the sky. I know those strange skills and ingenuity, but there is no good way to cure them.

Zhang Mao slandered, and his face became even more beautiful.

"Jifu, he sees..." An official talked to Zhang Maoze.

Zhang Mao, on the other hand, calmed down and spoke patiently with the other party.

The official's family left the engraving bookshop, although they stayed here for half an hour, they felt that the trip was not worthwhile.A supervisory engraving workshop made me see a lot of things that I saw in the memorials and in the memorials.

At this moment, everyone knows that Wang Anshi is planning to ask the officials, so they can get up and drive back to the palace.

Unexpectedly, the officials were endlessly interested, and asked Zhang Yue: "What do the Tai students do at that time?"

Jiao Xiu said: "Your Majesty, I am eating lunch at this moment. After a short rest, I will be lunch guests."

The official said happily: "Since it's time for dinner, how can we make us wait for me? Those days are the pillars of the imperial court, how can we be hungry."

Jiao Xiu said yes.

Wang Anshi said: "Your Majesty is considerate of Tai students, it is really a blessing for Tai students, but Your Majesty must also take care of the dragon's body, and now it is time to return to the palace for dinner."

The official said capriciously: "I'm still hungry! It's just for me to see what meals the imperial students eat on weekdays, and how the imperial court supports scholars?"

After talking about the official family, he got out of the car and went to the Taixue canteen.

Wang Anshi stood there with a depressed face, and Zhang Yue gave him a smile when he passed by.

When the officials arrived at the Taixue cafeteria, they smelled a pleasant aroma coming from outside.

All the officials walked around with the emperor for an early morning, and they didn't feel hungry when they smelled the aroma.

The official asked Zhang Yue: "What does Taixue have for lunch?"

Zhang Yue replied: "Today should be steamed buns!"

The official nodded and said, "Very good."

When he arrived at the cafeteria, Zhang Yue hurriedly ordered the front chef to bring out a basket of freshly steamed steamed buns.

The steamed buns in the Song Dynasty were buns, and the steamed buns were called cooking cakes.

The official took a steamed bun that was still a little hot from the basket, put it in his mouth and chewed a few mouthfuls, and then signaled to the ministers that he was polite to take a steamed bun by himself.

All the ministers thanked the emperor for the reward in unison.

Zhang Yue thought that the emperor would treat the guests with his steamed buns, it really is!

Zhang Yue was in charge of distributing a steamed bun to the ministers, and stuffed a steamed bun in each hand.

So dozens of ministers picked up the steamed buns and chewed them in their mouths. Maybe they were hungry for a long time, but they all ate with relish.

Zhang Mao took a critical look, and weighed the steamed buns in his hand, feeling that they were worthless.Zhang Mao thought to himself, is it like this every day, or just today?I'm afraid it's just today.

Zhang Mao broke the steamed bun in half, but saw that the middle of the steamed bun was still filled with oily meat in soup.

Looking at the gluttonous meat, Zhang Maoyou also took a bite.

It's very fragrant, and it actually arouses the gluttons.

Yu Shizhi's sister Lu Huiqing is the wife of Xie Jingwen's younger brother Wang Anli.Therefore, Lu Huiqing is also Xie Jingwen's direct descendant, but when she saw me take a steamed bun and asked the cook beside him, "Then how many days do Taixue's steamed buns eat? Every meal is like that?"

The chef said: "Although it is said that there is no next meal, but it is still eaten once a day."

Zhang Mao was unbelievable, and Lu Huiqing also asked in a low voice: "What is it really? Two thousand Tai students all eat the steamed buns with meat fillings?"

The cook said: "Seriously, seriously. The students in the upper dormitory can eat with the students in the lower dormitory and the middle dormitory for [-] Wen per month. Two steamed buns a day!"

Jiao Xiuteng's face was bright, the students of the university spent [-] Wen a month on meals, yet they were able to eat steamed buns filled with meat every day.

Zhang Mao thought at the end that Zhang Yue would subsidize himself with the income from the engraving workshop, but seeing what I did, it was all spent on the students.

That level of incorruptibility makes me, Jiao Xiuteng, ashamed of myself.

Zhang Yue was afraid that the emperor would choke, so he ordered a bowl of rice milk.

The official ate one-eighth of the steamed buns in one go, then turned around and asked the ministers who were eating the steamed buns, "What do you think?"

The ministers nodded one after another, saying that it was delicious, and the minister could eat eight more, seven, one, ten and so on.

It would be even better if the meals for each yamen could also be contracted by Taixue.

At this moment, the official put half of the steamed buns back out of the basket, and said to Zhang Yue in a joking tone: "It seems that Zhang Qing is really good at cooking and cooking. When you were in charge of the Jiaoyin Office, I didn't hear anything about it."

The so-called gentleman stays away from the kitchen, and the officials joked with that sentence, which made all the ministers happy.Officials have always been very measured in their speech, and I, as a junior minister, would say that easily, lest the other party get angry.

But Jiao Xiu is my close minister, so I have no scruples about what I say.

Zhang Yue Shanzhi's cooking was also a joke. When Han Qi and Ouyang Xiushen were dignified prime ministers when they went to the Jiaoyin Supervision and Inspection Office, they ate a meal at the Jiaoyin Institute and praised Zhang Yue.

Seeing what the officials said, Zhang Yue said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, there is nothing good in my life, but my appetite is better. Therefore, I always want to run the canteen better everywhere I go."

"Food is the most important thing for the people. If the people are full, the sky will be less stable. If the officials are full, they will work harder for the court. If the students eat well, it will be less to serve His Majesty."

The officials were very happy to hear Jiao Xiu's words.

However, the former officials said with satisfaction to the right and left officials: "The country is ashamed to support the soldiers with this!"

After hearing the emperor's words, Zhang Yue and all the school officials knew why they were suddenly unmoved.

The officials checked the Zhaishe, the lecture hall and the shooting garden again, but there was no stay in each place.In a few words from the officials, there are very few difficult things that are solved just like that.

For example, there is a row of "red light district" opposite Taixue South Street, Zhang Yuezao unintentionally demolished it and rebuilt it into a "student street".

That is also the way of thinking of elementary school students today.

But they just want to move, so what can we do?

Weak demolition?Have you ever seen hundreds of prostitutes blocking the door?
With a word from the officials, Han Wei, the prefect of Kaifeng Prefecture who accompanied him, immediately agreed to start the matter tomorrow.

At the same time, Zhang Yue also planned to set aside a piece of land for the Tai students in the martial arts discipline to practice the formation of troops here, making it look like a military academy.

That requires the supervisor to be equipped with weapons and armor, which is difficult, and the difficulty is that it is done well, and it becomes private training of soldiers and horses, and the plot is right.

But Zhang Yue played it face to face, and the officials were in a good mood, saying that they would do it immediately.

That's what the emperor said when he said a word.

Before inspecting the school, the officials sat down in the car and drove away from Taixue.

After leaving, the officials announced that they would allocate [-] coins from the inner treasury to reward the teachers and students of Taixue.

Hearing this news, the teachers and students of Taixue looked at the dust from the official cars driving away, and they were very grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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