hold on

Chapter 8 [Descendants of the Sun]

Chapter 8 [Descendants of the Sun]

Chapter 7

M2 anti-infantry mine.

Weighing about 2.9 kg, the loose tip exploded, the metal fuze chamber, and the mine jumped 2 meters high.

Effective killing range, a radius of 10 meters.

To put it simply in one sentence: If Chen Nuo stood up now, he would be dead!

The fuze probe has been fired and the compression spring has been conducted.

As long as he moves his knees away now, the lightning body in the lightning shell will jump up like a pressed spring, and then...

Chen Nuo thought about it for more than ten seconds, and then he moved his body carefully and made himself stand up on his knees. His left knee was still pressed against the mine, not moving at all!

Chen Nuo started to take off his coat!

He took off the ugly blue and white school uniform. He carefully took out the scissors and cut a piece of cloth from the school uniform.Then little by little, put it under your knees
This process is very slow, took a full 5 minutes.

His hands have always been very stable, even though his frozen snot in the cold wind flowed out, but Chen Nuo's hands have always been extremely stable like a rock!

Having done all this, he began to pull the largest paper clips out of his bag.

One by one straightened, and then insert the edge of the cloth under the knee, insert it with a paper clip, and nail it deeply into the soil on the ground!
He used sixteen paper clips to make sure the cloth was firmly nailed to the ground.

This creates a pressure pocket.

Chen Nuo thought for a moment, took a few deep breaths, did not move without permission, but took out another mechanical pencil.

Carefully pull out a lead.

The first time, his hand finally shook, and the lead of the mechanical pencil broke.

Chen Nuo looked calm and pulled out the second one again.

After finishing this process, Chen Nuo pinched the thin lead with two fingers, pressed it against the ground cloth, and touched the shell of the mine.

He needed to use the lead to reinsert the mine safety pin and fill it back in as a fuze probe.

In this way, the activated mine will fall asleep again.

This process took him 15 minutes.

Drops of sweat fell from his forehead and landed on the black soil...

"Next program, chorus "The Same Song", performers, JN No. [-] Middle School Choir!"

In the small auditorium with a quite Soviet-style architectural style, Sun Xiaohua and her classmates filed in.

Under the stage, Yucai's students were full.

Sun Xiaohua was a little uneasy.

She hadn't seen that nasty guy for two days.

When taking the roll call on the first morning, Mr. Liu said that the number of people was full, but he didn't seem to see Chen Nuo's face that always had a relaxed smile.

Well, maybe I saw it myself.

But when I called the name in the small auditorium today, I could be sure that the guy wasn't there at all.

And then Mr. Liu said that he sent Chen Nuo out to buy mineral water for everyone.

Hmph, Sun Xiaohua won't believe the first one!

buy mineral water?

That nasty teacher Liu must be the clan Chen Nuo who went out to buy cigarettes for him!

This nasty guy!When I go back, I will have a good talk with my dad!How can you bully your classmates like this!

In Chen Nuo's ears, this slight to almost inaudible metal slamming sound was like the sound of nature!
He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That lead was plugged back in as a replacement probe.

Well, now the mines should be back to sleep...


However, Chen Nuo still has the second layer of insurance, which is the pressure pocket made of cloth pieces of the school uniform.

The spring on the mine shell can be suppressed as much as possible to prevent the mine body from jumping out and detonating.

"Double insurance, God shouldn't play me." Chen Nuo laughed in a low voice and looked up at the night sky: "God, you send me back to this era, you won't let me die so soon. Bar."

He held his breath, moved his knees slightly, and leaped aside like lightning!
His tactical movements are extremely agile.


My heart almost jumped out of my mouth.

Chen Nuo did not wait for the sound of the explosion.

He knew he was alive.

"Fake, M2 mines, American-style ones, must have been buried by the sticks in the south. I've written down the account."

Chen Nuo slowly got up and rubbed his already half-numb body.

After 1 minute, he walked out of the minefield, and then quickly bent over the wilderness and ran.

After 200 meters, he jumped into the bunker.

There are many such pits on the border, and they have always been left behind when the two sides penetrated in an arc.

But this time, the accident happened again!
When Chen Nuo jumped into the pit, before he could stand up, suddenly from the south, two figures jumped into the pit one after another!
Black special combat uniform, imitation American helmet, and M automatic rifle...


The White Tigers... ugh, Descendants of the Sun?
Both sides seemed to be stunned for a second.

The two guys on the opposite side probably had no idea that there were actually people in this pit!
There are at least hundreds of such pits on the special border!
But everyone jumped into the same one!
it's fate!
How difficult is it, you say?
"Axiba!" A descendant of the sun roared directly and raised his gun at Chen Nuo...

"Starlight fills all childhood, wind and rain traveled all over the corner of the world"

In the choir, Sun Xiaohua was bored and lip-synching—but she didn't sing at all.

"The same feeling gives us the same desire..."

Nasty Chen Nuo!
Damn it! !
Sun Xiaohua's eyes were still searching around the auditorium, hoping to see that familiar and disgusting smiling face in a corner. ...

Without waiting for the muzzle to be raised, Chen Nuo had already turned his back, pressed his back, directly approached the arms of the descendant of the sun, and knocked the gun away!At the same time, Chen Nuo shot out with a backhand stab.

Before another Sun Descendant could draw his gun two steps away, the dagger was already stuck on his forehead and fell to the ground!

The Sun Descent, who was knocked away by him behind him, turned over, and before he had time to pick up the gun, he drew out his saber.

Chen Nuo saw that the other party did not shout a warning, and he immediately understood: the other party was obviously also carrying out an infiltration mission, and he did not dare to raise the alarm loudly, otherwise once the movement came out, the mission would fail.

It is a common practice in the world that this kind of hostile infiltrating personnel will meet in this dark environment. ,

It was a silent bloody fight!

Looking at the saber in the opposite hand, the guy gestured to himself with a grim face.

Chen Nuo understood his gestures: Come here!

- This is unbearable!

...Mom to Fake!Past is past!Do you think you are Shen Teng!

Chen Nuo touched his pocket and took out a ballpoint pen.

No way, there is no way to control knives in China, especially for a middle school student.

As for the North Korean dark whistle that was stunned before... Except for a pistol, there was only a military thorn, and that thing was used up just now.

The saber of the descendants of the sun is fierce, and its movements are also very keen, and its pace is fast... Step by step, Chen Nuo is forced to retreat...

Ten seconds later, he lay down clutching his throat, his body twitching.

Between his fingers is a ballpoint pen stuck in his throat.

Chen Nuo picked up the saber.

"The knife is good." He slipped it into his belt.

After comparing the statures of the two guys, Chen Nuo chose the one with a similar stature to himself, stripped off the opponent's combat uniform and put it on for himself, then he quickly left and disappeared into the night...

[Receive the recommendation ticket, students, those who haven't paid the ticket yet... I've called my name! 】

(End of this chapter)

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