hold on

Chapter 44 [Saving Chen Yanluo]

Chapter 44 [Saving Chen Yanluo]

Chapter 41【Saving Chen Yanluo】

beep beep...

With an alarm bell, the winch on the ship quickly turned, and the chain slowly retracted.

On the sea in the morning, this fishing boat floated so alone on the water, swaying gently with the waves.

A diver floated up from the water and waved and made several gestures to the crew on board.

Salvage operations are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Anderson, who was standing on the deck, was smoking a cigarette calmly.The cold sea breeze in the morning was still a bit biting, but Anderson was only wearing a thin coat.

Finally, the salvage surfaced, and there was an uproar on the deck.Workers have gathered around the past.

Anderson took a few steps back. He cast a cold look, took it back at random, but turned and walked towards the bow.

Standing on the bow, Anderson took out the satellite phone and threw the cigarette butt in his hand into the sea.

"The body of Digger No. [-] has been found." Anderson's tone was very relaxed: "Can you not send me to do this kind of boring thing next time. For things like salvage operations, shouldn't you just send someone casually? ?

...well, I know, my investigation has made some progress, and I will send the results back as soon as possible.

...Well, now it seems that our No. [-] Nuggets died a bit tragically, why don't we do something?

No, no, there is no need to say revenge.Just a nugget.

But I think some action is necessary.

We want to send a signal to move our people at will, but there is a price to pay. "

After hanging up, Anderson shook his head.

Looking back at the stern of the boat, some salvage workers saw the salvaged...

Well, someone can't help but vomit.

"Oh, mortal." Anderson pouted, took out his sunglasses from his arms and put them on.

Zhang Linsheng felt that he was finished.

Originally a third grader of No. [-] Middle School and Senior High School (thinking of himself), Zhang Linsheng felt that his career started like the rising sun.

Going to school is not in the mood to go to school, and he won't be able to go to university anyway.This year, I also occasionally followed some gangsters on the street, and also participated in several gang fights.Although most of the time they are waving the flag and shouting, but when they are fighting against the wind, they will go up and kick both feet.

Then these qualifications became the capital he boasted in school.

Well, well, in this era, influenced by the few brain-dead gangster movies that came out two years ago, almost every bad school will have such a group of poisoned second-hand teenagers, imitating the small groups in the movies.Every school has a few Haonan brothers and a few pheasant brothers.

Several other characters, such as Da Tian Er and Banana Peel, no one has robbed them.

Originally, as a third-year senior [Hao Nange], Zhang Linsheng felt that he was still a bit of a card.He can also gather a few brothers, and then grab pocket money from a lower grade student in the school - of course, in his own thoughts, how can this teach grab pocket money!
Obviously it's a protection fee!But the serious job of the underworld boy!
Of course, in addition to collecting protection fees, in school, I usually help a brother in the group fight, or grab a field when playing basketball.

Zhang Linsheng has always felt that he is quite imposing.

However, this morning, he felt that the prestige of all this was crumbling!
He felt that all morning, the classmates around him were pointing and muttering to him.

Even the second person in the small group, the pheasant, doesn't respect himself as much as he used to.

The status of the rivers and lakes is crumbling! !

It is also sad to remember.

Yesterday, I took my brother to pose for a picture, and I wanted to have a good look.

As a result... I was taken away by someone?

hug... go... go...

Can you imagine? ?

Brother Hao Nan in the movie, and the crow boss, the two started the film online!
As a result, before the fight started, the crow jumped up, hugged Brother Hao Nan and ran away...

Is Brother Haonan still using a mix?

Are you still human? !

In the morning, for a small matter, I also had an argument with a pheasant.

This guy is also very cheap. He pointed at Zhang Linsheng and said, "I don't know who it is. I went to fight with someone yesterday, but the fight didn't work out, and I was taken away by a man..."

Zhang Linsheng's blood rushed to his forehead at that time!

If it wasn't for a few brothers around him, Brother Hao Nan of No. [-] Middle School would have had a civil war in Causeway Bay with Brother Pheasant!

no!Absolutely not!
In order to save his crumbling status in the arena, Zhang Linsheng thought about it all morning. The only solution was to find that kid named Chen Nuo!
Give him a hard lesson!And it must be in front of everyone, hit him on his knees and beg for mercy!

This can restore his majesty!

Chen Nuo also had a headache.

The appearance of the long-legged sister was completely unexpected.

I didn't expect this girl to be so persistent, so she drew pictures from memory and recovered the words Jiangning No. [-] Middle School on her school uniform, and then she could find it from a thousand miles away.

And then went straight to school!

If it was someone else who caused him such a big trouble... Yama naturally had a way to deal with it.

But... the long-legged sister is different!

This is the firefly who gave his life to himself in his previous life, danced on the tip of his knife, and accompanied him in life and death.

This is Li Yingwan, who she personally rescued from a nightmare in this life.

What else can I do?Can't be buried!

After a brief conversation in the hotel last night, Chen Nuo set a few rules for the long-legged sister.

First of all, it is absolutely not allowed to reveal the fact that he saved her family in Seoul. ——Li Yingwan said this very clearly.She regarded Chen Nuo as a superhero.

Then the little girl was immersed in a kind of excitement like [I am the only partner around the superhero who knows his identity].

Secondly, Chen Nuo and Li Yingwan exchanged words and made up the pretense that the two knew each other.

And then, there is no more!

This girl won't leave after being beaten to death!

Can't really be buried! !

And... Chen Nuo is very aware of Li Yingwan's character.

This girl is extremely persistent, even a little paranoid!

The tragic experience in her previous life only magnified this trait of her character.

But in her bones, she was the kind of person who was prone to extremes.

It's hard for this girl to give up easily.


It can't really be buried! !
All morning, Chen Nuo was hiding.

In class, it was fine. Between classes, Li Yingwan was like a swallow cheerfully, chatting in her clumsy Chinese in front of Chen Nuo—Chen Nuo had explained to her, she was not allowed to reveal that she knew South Korean, and she also Not talking to her in South Korean in the presence of outsiders.

The little girl remembered this, so she tried her best to speak Chinese with Chen Nuo—Occasionally, when she was in a hurry, she accidentally came up with two words in her mother tongue, and Chen Nuo deliberately didn't understand it.

After enduring two classes, Chen Nuo went straight to the cafeteria as soon as school was over at noon.

I made a shredded mustard soup without shredded pork, and a bowl of sausage and egg fried rice without sausage - well, actually there are very few eggs.

Chen Nuo just took a bite when he saw Sun Xiaohua come over and sat down opposite him angrily.


Hey, this one can't be buried either.

Chen Yanluo looked at the sky outside the window melancholy.

The girl hugged her only last night, she was wronged and resentful, the girl's little tenderness, little grievance, little affection...

Although Sun Xiaohua had a serious face, she was not really angry.In the morning, she had been observing the interaction between Chen Nuo and the little grasshopper from Korea.

Yes, it's the little grasshopper!
Hmph, it's okay to have such long legs, isn't it a grasshopper!

Sun Xiaohua found out that although Li Yingwan had been actively talking to Chen Nuo, Chen Nuo was very passive and even avoided.

Therefore, qi returns to qi, but the main anger is that Li Yingwan.

A paper bag was thrown on the table.Inside were two plump, snow-white buns.

"Eat it, it's stuffed with three fresh bamboo shoots." Sun Xiaohua whispered: "Eat less food in the cafeteria. I heard from my dad that the rice they make is not even scouring."

Chen Nuo smiled, picked up a bun and took a bite.

There was a smile hidden in Sun Xiaohua's eyes, and then several companion girls came over and called Sun Xiaohua to the next table to sit down for dinner.After all, girls in this era in China are still relatively shy, and they don't dare to sit and eat with boys at noon in public.

But... Li Yingwan dares!

Chen Nuo just finished eating the first bun, Li Yingwan ran over with a fragrant breeze and sat directly beside Chen Nuo.

"Oppa! What delicious food are you eating!" The South Korean girl's peculiar tone of voice was astonished.

"……steamed stuffed bun."

"Oppa, I want to eat too!"

Saying that, the little face came up, a pair of almond core eyes narrowed into two crescents, and the little mouth opened: "Ah..."

Swish! !

Chen Yanluo instantly felt a bunch of icy eyes shot towards him. Sun Xiaohua sat on the adjacent table and squeezed the chopsticks with both hands!
Looking at the long-legged girl who opened her mouth in front of her, she felt the eyes cast by Sun Xiaohua beside her...

Chen Yanluohan beads came out!
Really, Chen Nuo never broke a cold sweat in his previous life, even when he was dueling with another top-level boss in the underground world, the "Wizard"!

He looked at the two girls with complicated eyes.

Still that sentence... I can't bury it all!
"Oba, just one bite, don't be so stingy." Li Yingwan rubbed her hands together in a coquettish tone, "Please!"

Then he continued to open his small mouth, and the small face even got closer: "Ah..."

Snapped!The disposable chopsticks in Sun Xiaohua's hand were broken.

Chen Yanluo's heart: how to break...

"Chen!!! No!!!"

A sound of drinking came from the door of the cafeteria! !
In an instant, more than half of the eyes in the cafeteria were cast in the past!

Zhang Linsheng strode forward with his head held high in front of everyone's eyes!
Chen Yanluo let out a long breath.

"Chen Nuo! You can't run away today, I..."

Zhang Linsheng deliberately shouted harsh words loudly, and more and more eyes were cast, making this No. [-] middle school brother Haonan even more excited!
The turnaround is today!
No one noticed that the chopsticks in Chen Nuo's hand shook slightly, and a small piece of slippery scrambled egg landed on the ground silently.

Zhang Linsheng walked faster and faster: "...I won't let it go... oops!"

The foot suddenly slipped!Zhang Linsheng's body suddenly became unstable!

Because the walking is too fast, the steps are too big, this time, the front foot goes forward, the rear foot goes back...

Everyone heard "Zira"!
The pants are pulled!
Brother Haonan used a standard split, and pia landed on the slippery floor of the cafeteria!
People around: Sigh...

Zhang Linsheng wailed: "Fuck~~"

The word behind this slot is already trembling.

When Zhang Linsheng was on the ground, he felt a violent tearing sensation in his crotch, and the pain all over his body was empty.

Chen Nuo has stood up!

Zhang Linsheng was pia on the ground, looking up at Chen Nuo...Fuck, an ominous premonition!
Chen Nuo looked down at Zhang Linsheng.

The two exchanged a tacit glance in an instant.

Zhang Linsheng: …No, don’t…

Chen Nuo: No, you want it!
"Student Zhang! What's wrong with you? Why did you fall like this! Don't be afraid, I'll take you to the infirmary!"

Chen Nuo bent over and ignored Zhang Linsheng's weak push with both hands.

Leave you!

The surrounding classmates once again: Hiss…………

If the one who carried him away on the playground yesterday afternoon wasn't cool enough... After all, he was carrying people around like he was carrying rice.

At this moment, this standard [public!host!hug! 】……Um……

Chen Nuo held her head high, hugged Zhang Linsheng in a standard princess hug, and strode out of the cafeteria and across the playground...

Walk through the classroom building...

Walking past the classroom again...

Countless students along the way cast their gazes and point at...

Zhang Linsheng had given up his resistance.

Lying on Chen Nuo's arms, he had a thought in his mind:
His career in the arena where he was stunned by the situation is over...

No. [-] Middle School... No more Brother Haonan!

[I, Shura Field 2.0, make money! 】

And at night...

(End of this chapter)

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