hold on

Chapter 15 [Old Sun]

Chapter 15 [Old Sun]

Chapter 13【Old Grandson】

After the old grandson became the head teacher, Chen Nuo swept the snow for three days in a row.

The first day was to fail the class test - he'd be damned if he could.

The next day, Chen Nuo passed, and he copied the answer from the classmate next to him.But he was still careless.

In the name of not handing in the homework, Lao Sun asked Chen Nuo to join the voluntary snow sweeping team again.

On the third day, Chen Nuo went to school in the morning to copy the homework...

"I won't take the exam today and I won't check the homework. Let's randomly check the current political issues." Lao Sun said slowly while standing in front of the podium.

The students in the audience let out a long sigh.

"When is the [-]th National Congress held?" Lao Sun pointed to the monitor.


Old Sun nodded: "How many representatives are participating in the meeting?" One pointed to the study committee.

The study committee got up: "A total of 2074 official representatives and specially invited representatives."

The old sun pointed at Chen Nuo, and Chen Nuo stood up.

The old grandson asked blankly, "The names of these representatives?"

Chen Nuo: "..."

Are you trying to embarrass me fat tiger?

After school, Chen Nuo carried a broom and swept the boring east side of the playground and scratched it on the west side.

He already understood that Lao Sun was deliberately rectifying himself.

Not only he understood, but the whole class understood.

Not only the whole class understands it, but the whole class probably understands it.

Occasionally, twos and threes of classmates walked past the playground after school, looking at Chen Nuo who was cleaning the snow, pointing and laughing.

"Fuck, this is the hero who made the daughter of the director of the teaching staff?"

"A real warrior!"

Damn, why is this.

Well, it's actually self-inflicted.

On the first day of snow sweeping, it is estimated that Lao Sun just wanted to give Chen Nuo a slap in the face.

But who knew that when Chen Nuo was sweeping the snow after school that day, the school flower classmates ran over, not only gave Chen Nuo a bottle of hot water in a thermos, but also found a broom to accompany him to sweep up.

At that time, the old grandson, who was standing by the window of the teaching and research room on the second floor, almost had a heart attack!

So to be precise, Chen Nuo was not wronged at all for the snow removal on the second day and the third day.

Fourth day.

Old Sun walked into the classroom with square steps.

Stand up in class, good teacher.

After the students sat down, Chen Nuo immediately became full of energy!

He would like to see what kind of moth the old grandson can play today.

In the past three days, in order to say goodbye to Lao Sun, he spent one night memorizing all the key points of this semester's political book, and another night to memorize all 100 topics on current politics.

Well, today's homework is also handed in!

If you dare to ask me to answer questions like the names of more than 2000 representatives, I will...

Only thinking of this, Lao Sun has already spoken.

"Chen Nuo, you stay after school today to sweep the snow."

Nani? ?
No exams?

No Q&A?

Didn't check homework?
Lao Sun, you don't play cards according to the rules! !
No martial arts! ! !

"Why?" Chen Nuo stared.

Lao Sun slowly picked up his thermos cup, opened it, took a breath, took a sip, and said, "Didn't you submit the application for joining the group this semester, you should work for the collective and cultivate your collective honor. sense of responsibility and responsibility.”

Chen Nuo looked at the old grandson.

I thought I was not a human, but you are a real dog!

In an instant, Chen Nuo made a decision!
Tonight, the school flower stopped Lao Sun when she was delivering dinner and ate both of his chicken legs!

No, Lao Sun, you haven't eaten any chicken legs this month!
After school, Chen Nuo, who was carrying a broom to the playground for the fourth time, was suddenly stopped.

The monitor hurried over: "Chen Nuo, Teacher Sun asked you to go to the office, now!"

"Huh?" Chen Nuo raised his eyebrows: "Why, you won't let me sweep the playground?"

The squad leader shook his head: "I don't know."

But before he walked away, he patted Chen Nuo on the shoulder with a grin and gave him a thumbs up: "You're a genius!"

Chen Nuo took a broom, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked slowly to the grade-level teaching and research room, opened the door, opened the thick cotton curtain, and the hot air from the stove inside rushed in.

Lao Sun was sitting at the desk, and when he saw Chen Nuo walk in, his face was a little complicated... Well, the old guy's eyes seemed a little guilty and embarrassed?
A man sitting on the sofa in the office stood up and walked towards Chen Nuo.

Chen Nuo frowned.

The man was wearing a police uniform.

"You are classmate Chen Nuo."

"I am." Chen Nuo replied steadily, and then looked at the old grandson.

The old Sun sighed and said calmly, "Chen Nuo, this is Teacher Zhang from Longtan Prison."

Following Lao Sun's words, the teacher Zhang took out his credentials and showed it in front of Chen Nuo.

"Is something wrong?" Chen Nuo's expression was very calm, without any fluctuations.

"That's right, your mother, Ou Xiuhua, is undergoing rehabilitation in our prison. Because of her good behavior last year, her application for a family visit has been approved, and the prison authorities have also notified her family members, that is, you. According to our records, when the call was made at that time. , you answered the phone yourself."

Chen Nuo nodded, of course he didn't remember this, it obviously happened before his rebirth.

Teacher Zhang's tone softened and said slowly: "But the visit application has been approved for half a year, and you did not visit the prison. Ou Xiuhua entrusted us to come and talk to you, um, let me put it this way, I am for your family. I don’t know much about the relationship in prison, but from the experience of doing ideological work in prison, family visits are conducive to prisoners’ ideological reform.”

After a pause, Teacher Zhang looked at Chen Nuo and whispered: "Your mother's mood has been very bad recently. Child, do you really want to see her? She misses you very much."

The old Sun next to him looked a little emotional.

He came over and patted Teacher Zhang on the shoulder: "Teacher Zhang, he is my student, let me talk to him. Or, you go back first?"

Saying that, Lao Sun made a move, which made Chen Nuo suddenly feel a little surprised.

Lao Sun stopped between Chen Nuo and Zhang Jiao with his own body. He looked at Zhang Jiao with a low voice, but his tone was very determined: "After all, he is still a child! Don't talk about many things, lest children There will be mental pressure... I am his teacher, I will talk to him slowly! Teacher Zhang, you go back first, if there is any situation, I will contact you by phone! "

Teacher Zhang hesitated for a while, but still nodded, sighed, shook hands with Lao Sun and left.

Chen Nuo remained silent, in fact... he was a little dazed, weighing how to deal with this matter in his heart.

But the boy's silence, in the eyes of the old grandson, may be a misunderstanding.

Old Sun walked to the door first, looked outside, and then closed the door.Turning around and returning to the house, he pointed to the sofa next to him: "You sit down."

Chen Nuo sat down, and he suddenly had a good impression of Lao Sun's series of actions just now.

The old man is indeed a good man.

"Drinking water?"

Chen Nuo shook his head.

Lao Sun still poured him a glass.

"Young people, I can understand the burden of thinking. In the case of your family, I have seen the school's files. Well, when I took over this class, the original head teacher, Mr. Wu, also told me. I was planning this Go to your street in two days to check the situation again."

Lao Sun tried to soften his tone as much as possible: "I know that you fell into this kind of family predicament when you were young. Actually, Chen Nuo... You are a very smart child and you are also very characteristic. This matter, as your teacher, I will not put any pressure on you, and you should not have any pressure on your own. The prison side just came to understand the situation. The final decision of everything is up to you, so you don't have to worry about it. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me."

Chen Nuo looked at the old grandson, and he saw the sincerity and serious concern in the eyes of this middle-aged man.

After thinking about it, he smiled deliberately: "Can you give me a cigarette?"

Lao Sun glared: "Don't be ridiculous!"

Saying that, he touched the drawer and took out a pack of fruit candies: "Learn to smoke and eat candy at a young age!"

Old Sun watched Chen Nuo peel off a piece of candy and put it in his mouth, and then smiled at ease.

He looked at his watch: "It's getting late, um, there should be no one in your house to cook, go and come home for dinner with me."

Chen Nuo was a little surprised, but after a sigh, he smiled and said, "If I don't go, will you punish me for sweeping the playground again tomorrow?"

Old Sun glanced at Chen Nuo: "Don't play ghosts with me, why did I let you sweep the playground, you won't understand? I tell you, you are not allowed to play cocoa, otherwise the school playground will not work until you graduate. It's all up to you, do you believe it or not?"

Chen Nuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Old Sun, you are a girl-loving madman."

"Okay, don't laugh with me, let's go, go home for dinner! Tonight my wife is going to make braised chicken thighs, and her craft is very good."

Well, old sun, you may not believe it, that braised chicken thigh, I know, it is really delicious.

[Bangbangbang, do you understand?Anyone who understands. 】

(End of this chapter)

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