Chapter 257
Therefore, while Police Officer Jing was concentrating on navigating, Feng Xiaoju had the opportunity to whisper a few words to Mai Fan to ask the reason.

"You ask me why?"

Mai Fan smiled a little embarrassedly: "The two of us travel in different ways. You travel through the body, and I travel through the soul."

"So the person you saw absorbing the reincarnation novice is not me at all."

"He's just a shell that looks very similar to me and is also named Mai Fan."

"When I finished my task, people followed me back!"

"If you meet a person who looks very similar to me in the world of reincarnation, don't go up and identify relatives blindly."

"If you're like this, it's hard to say what will happen in the future. What if I am unfortunately bound to your horrible reincarnation again?"

"The two of us should just make a secret sign."

"In the future, when you see someone like me, you go up and make a sign first."

"What's a good sign? Why don't you just ask me which day you invite me to your house for tea."

"Today is July 7th."

"If I can answer it, you can talk to me again."

This is a good idea. After Feng Xiaoju knew that Mai Fan was not wearing the same way as him, she was quite regretful.

Because he wants to form a long-term team with Mai Fan.

In that world, there are too few teammates who can give their backs to the opponent.

Knowing his difficulties, Mai Fan just sighed, unable to help.

By the time they finished talking, Jing Xin, who had studied how to get there, had already driven the car to an area they were not very familiar with.

"Isn't this area being demolished and remodeled? Usually, no one would come here? The mysterious market was chosen here? Isn't this crazy?"

Due to the nighttime construction regulations, even in the suburbs of the capital city, there are still a large number of residential houses.

In the middle of the night, all construction units have to stop work and rest.

Even if there are some construction vehicles passing by near the construction site, they all try to slow down as much as possible, basically doing it quietly in the night.

If it weren't for the few streetlights here, Officer Jing and his pedestrians would have thought they had been tricked into a ditch.

"Isn't this King of Thieves fooling us? The IQ of a superhuman is not so low!"

Mai Fan didn't complain, because he found that his sixth sense started to work at this time.

"Wait, no, maybe it's really here."

"You camouflage the car on the side of the road, come with me."

There was a voice somewhere in Mai Fan's ear: "Yes, it's here."come with me. '

Since it is a new sense unlocked by the diary, it must be really feasible.

Mai Fanzhen followed his intuition, turned on the flashlight, and began to walk towards the warehouse where sand, gravel, rubble and small construction tools were stored on the construction site.

It is said that the warehouse is actually a simple shed.

Behind the warehouse, there is a thin hollow partition that isolates the scope of the construction site.

This partition, like a wall, was actually built casually with very crude materials.

After the construction is completed, within half a day, these walls will be demolished on the spot, and together with the construction waste left over from the construction site, they will be transported to the garbage disposal site in the suburbs.

But now, only relying on this wall, the sight of the outside spying on the construction site is cut off.

But while this wall cuts off passers-by from prying into the interior of the construction site, it also makes the back of the wall a blind spot for people passing by.

"It should be behind the wall, and I have a hunch that might be where we're looking."

The three looked at each other, and none of them circled around a kilometer to see what was going on behind the wall.

They all spat into their palms at the same time, whoosh, whoosh, and the three of them leaned against the wall together.

"Hey, Officer Jing is very skilled!"

Isn't this nonsense?A high-achieving student who graduated from a formal police university, even if she is a person with psychic mutation ability, she is first and foremost a people's policeman.

As for Feng Xiaoju, Mai Fan should worry about himself.

The three of them were like three cats, quietly poking their heads out of the wall.

It was pitch black, and there was nothing.

Officer Jing and Feng Xiaoju turned left and right, and looked at Mai Fan who was in the middle.

Mai Fan made a quiet gesture with his hand, and when he came here, his brain was jumping. He can guarantee that the place they want to find is behind this wall.

But here is an empty wasteland, nothing.

Mai Fan, who squinted his eyes, automatically triggered the 'observation into the subtleties' again

It didn't matter if he squinted his eyes, he immediately noticed the strangeness behind the wall.

"It's here, look!" Mai Fan lowered his voice to remind the people around him: "There is wind in summer, but the grass on the ground is completely motionless."

"What we see may not be real. Maybe it's an illusion, maybe it's a kind of ability."

"Is there any way you can handle this situation?"

After being reminded by Mai Fan, Officer Jing and Feng Xiaoju were not worried anymore.

Seeing Feng Xiaoju take out a compass from her arms, she smiled at Mai Fan: "Have you forgotten what I do?"

"Just look at it!"

After finishing speaking, he took out another piece of jade from his bosom, and pressed it into this weird compass.

"This is a formation disk, not a feng shui master's compass. Look, it looks like this, press the formation eye..."


A faint white light emerged from the array.

Along with this strange sight... was the wasteland before them.

In front of their eyes, the scene began to distort, and a wall of air like a mirage slowly rose out behind the wall.

"Sure enough, a strange blinding method was used. I'm sure that this is not a Taoist formation, and it may not even be a blinding method that I am familiar with in China."

"There's something weird about it, it's beyond the scope of my knowledge."

"What now? Do we go in or not?"

After Feng Xiaoju broke through the maze in front of him, the two gentlemen turned their attention to the real caller, Police Officer Jing.

Regarding this, Officer Jing did not want to give up.

After thinking for a while, she made up her mind: "Before we go in, let's call the police station to come for support."

"Also, tell your master about it, and I'll report it to my superiors."

"If we can find the entrance, our identities cannot be revealed for the time being."

"If the people among them just want to trade and contact, we should not act rashly before doing something illegal."

"After figuring out what abilities the people inside have, how many people there are, and what purpose they have..."

"We'll discuss what to do with them."

"Just hope that this market is not the worst outcome I thought."

(End of this chapter)

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