The villain is invincible

Chapter 228 Underground passage

Chapter 228 Underground passage
You can't have the idea of ​​getting something for nothing, this little brother doesn't look like a master who can let people take advantage of it casually.

Regarding the next actions of these three men, Mai Fan was noncommittal.

Eating soup, drinking meat, and temporary cooperation are very necessary in this world.

With these coupons as a basis, Mai Fan felt that he could lead Peng Xiaotian to expand the scope of the search.

He has already seen almost everything on the bright side.

But the train ticket that the conductor said has not been found yet.

Everyone was scrambling for coupons.

Mai Fan looked around, and found that the twelve people he was looking for with Feng Xiaoju were no longer in front of the station.

Mai Fan set his sights on the downward exit.

As a railway station that wants to cross the track and get out of the station, it generally chooses an underground tunnel as the way of passage.

He can be sure that those who think they have some skills should be in that tunnel now.

The ticket he hadn't found was definitely in that location.

As for the group of people who ran out first and the most courageous, they must be in that underground passage now.

This is also his and Peng Xiaotian's next goal.

Go and see what this ticket to the next station looks like.

"let's go!"

Mai Fan dragged Peng Xiaotian to an unknown underground passage.

The three of Wu Youyi, who were digging in front of the cabinet, poked their heads and hesitated.

"Then what, Mai Fan, our area hasn't been tidied up yet, why don't we just follow?"

"I know, Mai Fan, you are a capable person, but when it comes down to it, it's hard enough for you to just protect your girlfriend, right?"

"The three of us won't be dragging our feet?"

Hearing this, Mai Fan smiled.

Still afraid, three big men are not stronger than one woman?

But Mai Fan wouldn't expose them, he just pointed at Peng Xiaotian and said, "Okay, if my friend comes up later, please help me."

"Just don't let her be besieged by people here."

What kind of man is this?
Wu Youyi waved the steel pipe in his hand, looked at the people around him who had been beaten badly, nodded and agreed.

"Then let's go, remember, always follow me."

Peng Xiaotian nodded vigorously. Ever since she saw the end of the mist...

I consciously think that Mai Fan is the most powerful person in this station.

Instead of following the most awesome boss, follow the three trash behind him who even she can't talk about?
Fearlessly, Peng Xiaotian followed Mai Fan into the darkness where light and shadow disappeared.

'Stab, sting...'

It shouldn't be this dark.

Mai Fan looked at the lights above his head. Most of these ancient wire-mounted light bulbs were broken.

They occasionally flash a spark in this somewhat depressing space.

It was this short spark that made Mai Fan barely see the road ahead.

'Instigate Suo Suo...'

There was movement in front of him, Mai Fan squinted his eyes, and after a short period of adaptation, he was able to see things clearly in the dark.

Sure enough, there are people.

Those who touched down ahead of time were just a dozen meters ahead of them.

But how long has it been?
Why don't they come up?Are you still wandering around here?

Mai Fan raised his vigilance and slowly rubbed forward against the edge.

Unexpectedly, the ground turned out to be very slippery, and the footing was obviously smooth, but the soles of Mai Fan's shoes were slippery, and his body slid forward uncontrollably.

Thanks to his skill, he pressed his hand against the wall to stabilize his body.

But, why is this wall sticky?

Mai Fan straightened his body and wanted to take his hand away, but found that this viscous liquid stuck his hand to the wall, and it was too strenuous to pull it out.

'Thorn La'

The light bulb above his head burst out another string of sparks. With this light, Mai Fan could clearly see what was on the wall he was holding on to and what was under his feet.

It is a jelly-like substance similar to jelly, transparent, and as thick as two or three pieces of turning heads...

And under these gelatinous objects... there is actually a lifelike person buried...

His body language is very vivid, but his facial expression is ferocious enough.

Mai Fan knew that he must have struggled a lot.

It's just...he gave a little bit of strength, and the jelly glue on his hand was like a living body. When Mai Fan vented his strength, it swallowed his palm again.

Is this why it can't come up?

A humming and chirping sound came from the phantom.

'Crack! ! '

When the next electric spark flashed by, Mai Fan narrowed his eyes and did the opposite. He didn't break free from his palm at a very fast speed, but followed the pulling force and exhausted his strength. Give those gelatinous species a shot...

'Grunt, grunt, snap! '

Mai Fan's hand penetrated the gel and slapped it on the slippery and cold wall.

"Mai Fan!!" Peng Xiaotian was terrified.

Mai Fan waved his hand at her: "The deeper you go, the more things there are."

"According to your strength, standing here will not be dangerous."

"I finally know what it means to have both ability and opportunity."

Mai Fan moved his palm while talking.

'Snapped! '

When he pulled his arm out vigorously, there was a pink card between his fingers.


"Yes, the ticket!"

Mai Fan turned the ticket over and saw the words printed on it.

Endless train, car D1212, 22 seats, 003K Departure time: It is counting down, and there are less than [-] minutes left before the official departure.

And the station to go to is...a small forgotten station→Bone Town

For such a station, the difficulty is doubled at first glance.

Because the station where they are now is still a normal name on the ticket.

But the next stop...

Mai Fan took a deep breath and handed the ticket to Peng Xiaotian.

"Here, you just stand here, don't shout, keep quiet."

"I haven't found any danger yet, and the thickness of the gel here is not enough to trap you as an adult."

"But inside, it's not easy to say..."

Peng Xiaotian didn't know why Mai Fan had already got so many things, and he wanted to explore deeper.

But she knew that whatever her boyfriend said was right.

ok, ok...

Consciousness is generally too important at this time.

Peng Xiaotian loosened Mai Fan's clothes, and saw his boyfriend pull out his leg with a strange gesture.

Then, Guji Guji... took a big step forward, and before his body continued to sink, pa... he took another step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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