The villain is invincible

Chapter 141 Guan Zijian Goes to Prison

Chapter 141 Guan Zijian Goes to Prison

She looked at a thick envelope in front of the door, and took it back into the house with some hesitation.

That envelope was prepared by Mai Fan for this family.

This is probably the last point of contact between him and Du Ruosong.

Mai Fan, who watched the gate of the courtyard close from a distance, put on his hat, turned and left.

Today, he will go to the headquarters of the General Bureau of Secrecy at the call of his teacher to hold the annual meeting.

This is a routine report meeting of the secrecy bureaus in several major cities.

It is also the main battlefield for his colleagues to seek credit and compete for favor and demonstrate their abilities.

For this, Mai Fan's desire to express is not strong.

He showed no merit or fault, on the contrary, he gained a lot of deep friendship from his colleagues.

Just as Mai Fan was mixing like a fish in water among this group of people, singing and dancing every day, he was called into his office by Mr. Gu one afternoon, and said some abrupt words.

"Save time tonight when you're dancing with the showgirl."

Mai Fan laughed happily: "Why, the teacher has something to tell me?"

"Yes! Guan Zijian will be secretly executed according to the order from above."

"The execution time is set for tonight."

"The executor is still an acquaintance of yours, Liu Jinneng, you used to be a colleague of the Secrecy Bureau of Shanghai Municipality."

Mai Fan was shocked: "Ah, what does the teacher mean? Let me go over and persuade him not to die? Hurry up and surrender to save your life?"

Gu Shenyan shook his head: "I really didn't overestimate you to this extent. You can solve things that I can't even ask?"

"I thought that this Guan Zijian could be regarded as someone who fell under your hands. Since they are all here, let's meet him before he dies."

"It can also be regarded as respect for the opponent."

Mai Fan's heart skipped a beat, but his face was completely blank: "Ah? See you, let's see you then."

"Teacher, you are too kind to me as a student. This person is going to die. Don't forget to exercise my courage."

Mr. Gu smiled, patted Mai Fan on the shoulder, and said in an unquestionable tone: "That's it, I'll pick you up tonight."


That night, Mai Fan rarely stayed obediently in the hotel. Not long after dinner, he came to take Mai Fan's car and dragged him to the gate of the torture building in Chongqing City.

The torture at the headquarters is stricter than that in Shanghai.

The clerk who was waiting for Mai Fan to come led him through a long corridor.

At the door of an execution room full of bloody smell and gloomy atmosphere, the two stopped.

Mai Fan looked at the dark room and asked, "Where is my teacher?"

The clerk smiled at Mai Fan: "Mr. Gu said that there is another member of the Red Party on his side who needs to be tortured. Now it is a critical period, so I don't care about you."

"He asked me to bring Director Mai over and say goodbye to the person inside, so that the other person will have less to think about."

"After this matter is over, Director Mai will go to the security office in front, transfer a car, and leave on his own."

"Mr. Gu won't match you up tonight."

Hearing this, Mai Fan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. After watching the clerk open the door, he waved at the clerk, indicating that he could leave.

As soon as the door of this room opened, bloody air rushed in.

Mai Fan covered his mouth and nose with the handkerchief in his arms, and probed into the depths of the room.

Even though he had seen the process of torture before, he was still shocked by the tragedy in front of him.

There was only one dim light bulb on in this room, and a man with his head hung down on a chain attached to the wall.

Mai Fan called tentatively against the light: "Guan Zijian?"

In this call, the other party slowly raised his head.

What kind of state is this? If it wasn't for the other party's response, Mai Fan wouldn't be able to recognize that the other party is the former Special Commissioner Guan.

At this time, his face was blue and purple, and there was not even a whole piece of good skin on his body.

Guan Zijian, who woke up, was panting a little heavily. In this quiet environment, the wheezing was extremely obvious.

"I heard that you want to see me? Why? Say something harsh before you die, saying that even if I'm a ghost, I won't spare you?"

"What's the use of that?"

Hearing Mai Fan's words, Guan Zijian shook his head with difficulty: "No... no... I just want to ask... why are you trying to hurt me?"

"You're the only one who hasn't had any conflicts with me even though you're listed in Shanghai."

"I didn't expect that it was you who framed me in the end?"

Mai Fan's face was awe-inspiring, and he returned with righteous words: "Isn't it my duty to be loyal to the party and country and find out all the enemies hidden inside us?"

"You Red Party member, now you can finally get the punishment you deserve! Is this called harming you? You deserve what you deserve!"

Hearing this, Guan Zijian laughed angrily, and asked Mai Fan, "No, I was framed! Have you seen what I look like now?"

"Let me tell you, the harder I've been tortured these days, the clearer my mind is."

"I was thinking, why do you insist on putting me to death?"

"Then I also thought of a possibility."

"Mai Fan, I just want to ask a question. Back then, I arrested two people from the outskirts of Haishi City and seized a batch of goods."

"These are all handled by my subordinates, but when I left Shanghai and went on the market, the batch of prohibited items that I had handed over to the bureau and already existed in the material warehouse, why did they disappear?"

"When the person who interrogated me asked me about this, I just thought it was ridiculous. It's not something I, a person who just passes by, can make such a large amount of goods disappear, right?"

The other party said this, but Mai Fan didn't have the slightest complacency on his face. He tilted his head and gave Guan Zijian a thumbs-up, and praised the other party honestly: "If you want to say that the people of the Red Party are good at turning black and white!"

"I said that the goods in this warehouse have almost become the ironclad proof of your relationship with Guan Zijian. Are you still here to beat me up?"

"You sent that batch of goods under pressure, but did you know that after you left, the people from the Materials Bureau went to take inventory and almost got into a fight with those of us who were blamed?"

"The medicines and cotton coats on your list, right? When we unpacked them, they were all fucking sawdust and bricks!"

"Guan Zijian, Guan Zijian, if you talk about sinister and sinister, no one is up to you."

"This thing was sent to the warehouse by your people, and it was your people who handed it over to our Secrecy Bureau."

"You squeezed out the logistics director of our secrecy bureau first, and then secretly transferred the materials while there was no one in our bureau in charge of this."

"Finally, you put the pot on our heads, one chain after another, you are so cruel!"

(End of this chapter)

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