Chapter 489;

Chapter 490;
After dealing with the refugees and refugees, Li Yu and Gongshu Ban went out of the mansion together. At the corner, they passed the gate of the brewery, and next door was half a Zhuangzi to the east of the former site of Lijiazhuang's original village.

When Li Yu left Lantian for Chang'an, the place had already taken shape and some of the beams had been erected. When I came back to look at it now, except for the dirt road on the ground, the rows of red brick and large tile houses followed a certain layout. Guarding the brewery.

Li Yu casually walked into the yard of the first house in the first row. Not only were all the doors and windows in place, but the land in the yard had also turned into a clean concrete floor.

Still facing north and facing south, there are five large houses on the north side, two side rooms on the east side not to mention the gate into the courtyard, three side rooms on the west side, and three side rooms on the south side in the middle, forming a neat courtyard.

Sitting in the Kan Palace as the main seat, the southeast Xun Palace opens the gate, the configuration of the door owner is Kan water and Sunda wood, the aquatic wood is in harmony with the law of heaven and earth, and the hearth is made in the Zhengdong Zhen Palace, the east chef is the chef, and the northeast Gen The position of the five ghosts in the palace is suppressed by the hut.

Li Yu touched the wall in the courtyard and nodded in satisfaction;
"The Gongshu family really lives up to their reputation. They built the half of Zhuangzi to the east in such a short period of time. I admire it!"

Gongshuban didn't do its best for such a trivial matter, but it was just arranged casually.

"Hou Ye is being polite, it's not a big deal, if we can't do it well, our public losers won't dare to say that they are the descendants of the patriarch."

"Of course the father-in-law doesn't take it seriously. It's not difficult for those who meet it, but it's not difficult for those who are difficult. The masterpieces made by the Gongshu family are a skill that many craftsmen can't learn in their entire lives. It's really more annoying than others."

Gongshuban laughed heartily twice and invited Li Yu and his party to go out to check. After a while, the group of people looked at half of the old Zhuangzi, and came to the west side, Li Yu said with a smile;

"My father-in-law, how long will it take for half of the old Zhuangzi on the west side to be built exactly like the one on the east side?"

Gongshu Ban didn't even frown, and asked casually;

"I wonder how long Master Hou wants to use it?"

"This half of Zhuangzi doesn't care about time, anyway, everyone has a place to live for the time being, and the road repairs in the east can make those who want to separate their families move here to live.

But the new winemaking workshop and the new granary, these two things must be done as soon as possible. It would be the best if they are ready for use in January. "

Gongshuban stretched out his left hand to carefully calculate the procedure, then raised his head to look at Li Yu;

"If you go back to Lord Hou, if it doesn't rain, you can give it to Lord Hou for 23 days. If it is not good, it will be delayed for another three to five days at most.

It may take another three months for the remaining farmers to live in, but after this time, our Li Family Village should be the biggest village in the world.

According to someone's cognition, there should be no other Zhuangzi who can catch up with us. Regardless of the width of Zhuangzi's east, west, north, south, north, and length, or the shape and structure of the house, scale, and style, we are all number one in the world. "

Li Yu couldn't stop laughing when he heard that he was number one in the world. After traveling from somewhere, he gained enough strength, the power of a whole big family and nobles to support Li Yu, and he also had the most powerful group of important ministers for him As a backing, Li Yu wants to be number one no matter what he does, it's so boring to be second...

"Number one in the world is good. What you want is number one in the world. My father-in-law doesn't know yet. The court has already made a final decision. After we finish building Zhuangzi, the court will officially send officials from the Ministry of Industry to inspect it. Your Majesty has to do it." If it’s feasible for the Holy Master of the Ages, then we can compare it to our Zhuangzi and promote it to the world.”

Seeing Li Yu's excited expression, Gongshuban shook his head and responded blankly;

"Hou Ye's thinking is too simple. For a Zhuangzi of this scale, apart from our Li family's second house, it may be very difficult for a third and second house to appear in the world. The Supreme Lord's idea is good, and he has the hearts of the people of the world. , This is the wise Lord, but it is not easy to get the wood materials for beams and columns in other places, and this strong red brick, only our Li family has the secret method, and there are only two alternatives in other places, or The firing of extremely expensive blue bricks, or the use of mud embryos, needless to say, how can the common people have so much money?
The mud embryos made by the old method are not as strong as our red bricks. In addition, there is a secret method of making cement, which is not available anywhere else. Besides, all the materials used in our Zhuangzi are brand new materials, and there is not even a piece of old wood!

This kind of price... I am afraid that it will be difficult for a second Zhuangzi to appear, so we public losers have invested 100% in it. It is because we know that it is very difficult for this Zhuangzi to appear next, this is a masterpiece, and it will be handed down for many generations..."

Li Yu looked at Gongshuban and fell silent, and then took over the quarrel;

"Yes, what my father-in-law said is a great resistance, and it is impossible to imitate it elsewhere, but there is something that my father-in-law must not have imagined!"

"what's up?"

Li Yu said with a smile;

"My father-in-law, why don't you take a guess?"

Gongshuban thought for a while and still couldn't think of anything unusual, so he couldn't help shaking his head;
"If you can't guess what Master Hou is going to do, please let him know."

Li Yu looked at the three-quarters completed Lijiazhuang, then turned his head to look at the remaining one-fourth of the dilapidated earth embryo wall, his face was very serious, and his voice was extremely calm;
"I plan to hand over the secret method of making cement to the imperial court to benefit the people all over the world, and then hand over the secret method of making red bricks...

I was thinking that if these two secret methods were used, the common people would definitely benefit endlessly, and only a hero like His Majesty can use these two secret methods well to benefit the Han people in the world.

If it were someone else, I wouldn't do this. I believe His Majesty will be able to make good use of these secret methods. Father-in-law, are you right? "


"My father-in-law, what's wrong with my father-in-law?"

Li Yu realized that no one answered his words, so he turned around and found that Gongshuban was holding on to the wall of an old courtyard with one hand, gasping for breath, while his right hand kept smoothing his heart.

A group of maidservants who followed Li Yu all stared at their Patriarch with dumbfounded eyes, some of them could put an egg in their mouths, Gong Shuban raised his right hand and shook it;

"Master Hou, don't worry, I just didn't make it through in one breath. It's okay, there's nothing serious..."

"Oh that's good, my father-in-law should pay more attention to his body, and use it with care. We still have a lot of things to do, but we can't do without him!"

"Don't worry, Lord Hou, I'm only sixty-five this year, and there will be no problem in using it for another 20 years. No matter what work Lord Hou wants to do, the Gongshu family will accompany him to the end.

For the rest of my life, I also want to see if we can realize the wonderful ideals of our ancestors after Lord Hou is backed, and we public losers can take charge of the power of construction with the support of Lord Hou. "

Li Yu carefully looked at Gongshuban's face, and said calmly;
"My father-in-law doesn't need to think about it, the superb skills of Grand Master Gongshu will definitely be carried forward and improved to a higher level, there is no problem with that.

But Patriarch's ideal world cannot be realized, Datong will always be just an ideal and will not be realized, and the equal share system only existed in ancient times!

Since the beginning of bartering, people have had greed and selfishness, Datong has ended, and the equal share system is no longer suitable for human development, so it has withdrawn from the stage of history.

In the future, as long as there are people, there will be transactions, and there will be struggles if there are transactions. If you say that you are older, the dynasty will change, and if you are younger, the two brothers will compete for the ancestral property. It will never stop, unless there are no more animals like humans in this world. ! "

Li Yu was shocked by what Li Yu said. The Datong world, the equal distribution system, these are hidden in the secret code of the Gongshu family. Only the patriarch of each generation and the three elders of the same generation know about it. How did Lord Hou know this secret?Did he really come from another world?
Gongshu Ban is not ordinary ignorant people, and the patriarch of the Gongshu family is not ordinary people, he is very powerful, not just a craftsman...!
The patriarch of the Gongshu family is good at Qimen Dunjia, the five elements of yin and yang, and he knows the art of reconciling heaven, earth, earth and people very well!
The patriarchs of each generation of the Gongshu family are not inferior to Yuan Tiangang, the second strange man in the Taoist sect. The Gongshuban knows everything that Yuan Tiangang calculated, and because of his personal contact with this descended star, the Gongshuban knows more than Yuan Tiangang. ...

Before the age of 14, I met Li Yugong Shuban many times, but since that night of lightning and thunder, the previous young man is gone...

Standing in front of me is the real young master, unparalleled in wisdom, extremely intelligent, and extraordinary in agility. Although he is still the same person, everyone has not noticed anything strange, but Gongshuban is very clear that this is not the young gentleman from before. , the current Young Master came down from a place that does not belong here...

"What Hou Ye said is only recorded in the secret book of my Gongshu family. Only four people in each generation of the Gongshu family know about it. Unexpectedly, they can't hide it from Hou Ye. It is true that the ideals of the patriarch include restoring Datong and restoring the equal share system. I thought about it too, why did Lord Hou say that it will never be possible in the future?"

Li Yu looked at Gongshuban and said indifferently;
"Because people have greed, selfishness, distracting thoughts, emotions and desires, no matter how they are replaced, no wise king or lord appears, it is impossible to reproduce the equal share system, people will only become more and more greedy, and their ideas will become more and more Miscellaneous, more and more, endless greed!"

"Greed without limit?"

"Yes, there is no limit to greed. If there is a wise lord, the people's life will become better and better, and the people will be prosperous. Therefore, the people will need more, want more, and be more greedy. No one can control it."

After thinking about it, Gongshu Ban couldn't help asking tentatively;

"If Lord Hou becomes an official, with the protection of His Majesty and His Majesty the Queen, and the support of many capable ministers, uncles and uncles, he must be an extremely capable minister. It should be a different scene then, right?"

Li Yu shook his head fiercely;
"That's right. From ancient times to the present, I am indeed very different. I have the support of a thousand-year-old family, countless servants and maids, and the opportunity that Aye created for me. I am friendly with so many important ministers, and I have to be accepted by the empress." Being an adopted son is truly blessed and should not be underestimated.

If I intend to become an official, I will indeed have the opportunity to become a minister, but after that day, not only will I not support the ideas of Datong, but I will go the opposite way.

And I will re-edit the code, increase the allocation of punishments, restrain all living beings with the law, and never condone adultery. All violations of the law will be executed ten times harder. There is no human feeling at all.

And I also want to abolish the sentence of not being a doctor, breaking the thousand-year-old rule, anyone who breaks the law will be treated equally, and for those who do not obey the rules, I will only give one result~that is to show their heads to the public!Never waste the court's food to feed them. "

This time even Gongshu Ban opened his mouth wide;

"Master Hou... So Master Hou is the descendant of Legalism? I always thought that Master Hou studied Confucianism. Someone once told me that Master Hou's teacher was a descendant of Han Feizi, a descendant of Legalism. I couldn't believe it. ,
I always thought that Mr. was a great Confucian in the middle of Sichuan, but now I hear Hou Ye’s statement, and the sages and great talents ~ Guan Zhong, Shi Gai, Zichan, Li Kui, Wu Qi, Shang Yang, Shen Dao, Shen Buhai, Ju Xin, Han Fei, how similar are they?
Especially Han Feizi, Lord Hou and Han Feizi have the same kind of cruelty, so you are not afraid... I advise Lord Hou to be more gentle and not to learn from that Han Feizi. "

Gongshuban's kindness reminded Li Yu to understand, but he just mentioned Han Feizi's matter, which immediately stimulated Li Yu's stubbornness and blood in his bones. Li Yu turned around and looked at the dozens of male and female servants following him and said loudly ;

"Don't worry, my father-in-law, I will never be plotted against by others, let alone hurt by anyone, because I am the head of Li's second wife, the head of the clan!
Anyone who wants to harm me has to go through the gates of all the clan members of my second house of Li. I only need one year, and give me another year. I will tell all Li's people, regardless of men, women, young or old, to eat mutton and beef every day. Drink a goat's milk, milk!

From now on, all the troops of the Li family will be well-fed and strong, and one person can be used as a hundred people. All the troops of my Li family will be warriors, all of them can fight in battle, and all of them are bloody men.

Even my Li family's women are not afraid of death, difficulties or being bullied, they can kill enemies with a knife! "

Li Yu's servant was originally from Longxi. During the Qin Dynasty, he was the general's military household, and it has been passed down. The Li family in Longxi is famous for being tough and not afraid of death. Li Yu is right. Everyone in the Li family in Longxi It's all so savage...

The servant who was already extremely tough, heard the owner say that after one year all the clansmen must eat mutton, beef, and drink goat milk every day. Hearing this, he was extremely excited, and his hands and feet trembled with excitement. It is well known that the guards of the owner can only eat meat in a short time. Drinking goat's milk every day is to protect the Patriarch, and of course you have to eat goat's milk to be strong, which is understandable.

But even if Li's second wife treats her servants the best, the best in the world, she can't stand such a torment, but the servants of Li's second servant all believe in every word of their master.

First of all, this is the advantage that family-born servants are born with. They obey the orders of the patriarch unconditionally. Secondly, every generation of patriarchs treats the clansmen as their own children. It is an iron fact that no one has starved to death for hundreds of years.

Now the patriarch of this generation inherits the position of patriarch, and he cares more about everything about the clansman than any previous patriarch. He spared no expense to build brand new houses for everyone. Enforcement of house rules.

Everyone receives food and millet according to the number of people. Adults, children, old people and women are all distributed according to the rations of adults!
Go out and inquire all over the world. Of the five surnames and seven Wang families assigned in this way in the whole world, only the second wife of the Li family in Longxi dares to allocate this way, and only the head of the family has this kind of courage. A kind of blind trust, and blind worship!

Li Yu looked at the extremely excited crowd and roared at the top of their voices;

"If someone wants to harm me, what should you do? Speak up and tell me what you should do?"

The dozen or so guards who followed Li Yu immediately turned to the sky and roared;

"Killed his grandson."

"Kill his whole family, young and old, leave no one behind!"

Liang boldly blushed, separated from the guards around him and stepped forward;
"Patriarch, don't worry, whoever dares to harm the Patriarch, I, Liang Daudao, will tear him to shreds, and kill his whole family so that there will be no future troubles."

"Destroy his entire family!"

Liang Boldly roared the last four words loudly, and everyone who seduced them started to learn.

"Destroy his entire family."

"Destroy his entire family."

Even Li Yu's maid yelled, and the scene was very lively. Not long after, more servants and refugees were attracted, and they yelled as soon as they asked why.

"Destroy his entire family!"

"Destroy his entire family!"

The tidy voice became louder and louder, and reached the Lantian New County Government behind Lijiazhuang. The magistrate, who was having sex with three concubines in the back hall, heard the louder and louder roaring outside, and finally shocked The sky rang, and the county magistrate, who was covered in white and clean, stopped his movements and listened carefully...

"Oh my lord, don't be distracted, my family is enjoying it..."

(End of this chapter)

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