Chapter 452;

Chapter 450;
It is said that Changsun Wuji came to the royal study of the palace and reported Li Shimin's story carefully, saying that he was guilty of arbitrarily making the decision to open up the country's secrets to a group of big households, and wanted to set the selling price for each county. Li Shimin said with a cheerful smile;

"Wuji, don't blame yourself like this. I don't feel at ease handing over the household department to anyone. After all, the household department is in charge of the important matters of money and food in the world. Only by entrusting it to you can I feel at ease.

Sure enough, you live up to expectations and can make a decisive decision. If you change to someone who is useless, gossip about this matter, and waste another day, you will have a party with those big families tomorrow, but what should you do?

Wuji, you must not underestimate the price. If the price is set too low, the court will inevitably suffer big losses. If the price is set too high, those big households are not fools, and they will just buy one or two at that time. In the county, the rest are left unattended, isn't it a delay in the big event?

Now it's not that the fire is imminent, but that the fire has already burned to the head, and the situation is urgent and urgent. I am waiting for this money to solve the big trouble, but I can't be a little sloppy.

You have done a good job, and that Nie Zhan is also clever. He knows how to arrange more than a dozen big households to participate in person, which is even more beautiful. Only by letting them participate in the pricing can other big households be convinced.

How about this, I have nothing to do with you, so I will go to the household department with you, and I will watch from the side without saying a word, listen to a few words, and ponder in my heart. "

"According to the order."

The two monarchs and ministers went out of the upper study together, and arrived at the Ministry of Households without a word, Changsun Wuji stopped an official and asked;
"Don't be in a hurry to run errands, where did those people go to discuss, His Majesty wants to see what happened, so please tell me carefully."

"Yes, Your Majesty, report back to the Shangshu, the Shangshu walked forward, and then Xiao Langzhong and Liu Yuanwai brought a dozen or so father-in-law in, and a group of officials from our household department were staying in the T-shaped study in the west wing. Noisy."

Li Shimin asked strangely;

"Isn't it necessary to negotiate the price? Why are there quarrels? What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, the dozen or so old men, Langzhong Xiao, and Yuanwai Liu are talking about the division of spirits sold in our Chang'an city. The officials of our household department propose to make two divisions according to Chang'an County and Wannian County."

Changsun Wuji couldn't figure out the way, so he didn't say much, and listened quietly. Li Shimin thought in his heart that he was right?

What's the fuss about this? The original division of Chang'an City was governed by two counties, one east and one west. It's correct to divide the two counties, but it's normal for Li Yu to experience some abnormalities, so Li Shimin Neither speak.

The official who replied had no choice but to continue talking;
"But those people think it shouldn't be like this. They said that Chang'an City should be divided into four or six parts. They also said that if Chang'an City is divided into two parts, the big households will definitely be crushed. The officials in our headquarters are used to it. The division of the two counties does not agree with this proposal, so it is arguing right now."

Li Shimin immediately woke up when he heard it;
"What's the fuss, you should listen to the voices of the common people, the imperial court is not a bandit or bully, why doesn't it ask others to speak?

Wuji, let's go in and see if tomorrow's business will continue if we quarrel until midnight? "

"According to the order."

Li Shimin walked the road easily, not to mention that the evil barrier is really tossing, he actually thought of cutting up Chang'an City, this kind of weird idea of ​​cutting up a whole county, only he can come up with it, it's better for four yuan Ah, in fact, it is not bad to divide into six pieces...

The two monarchs and ministers came to the big study where they were discussing, and everyone who was holding on to their own opinions stood up and saluted when they saw the emperor coming;
"I will pay my respects to Your Majesty, and wish you good fortune."

"Everyone who loves you is free of courtesy, free of courtesy.

Sit down, you can discuss whatever you want, as long as I don't come, just come to the Ministry of Households if you have nothing to do today, I heard that all the lovers are discussing important matters, so I want to join in the fun, you continue to discuss, Then discuss. "

"The ministers obey the order."

After everyone agreed to continue, a member who was speaking just now continued to stumble;
"Since the day when the world was stabilized in my dynasty, Chang'an City has been divided into two counties, east and west. Now you suddenly say that you want to divide it into four regions. How do you collect taxes?"

Another official from the household department also rushed to help;
"Exactly. What Yuan Wai said is exactly what I want. If the land is divided into four parts, and two additional counties need to be established, wouldn't it be superfluous?"


"That's right, isn't this redundant?"

Xiao Tong didn't even look at His Majesty the Emperor, and was the first to speak;
"I agree with his proposal of more than a dozen families. This Chang'an city is obviously a piece of fat, and any big family wants to get it. May I ask who doesn't want it?

I am afraid that every family is determined to win, and whoever disagrees with this, and who is not happy with this, will always cause a lot of trouble.

Why not split up into a few more families to stabilize the situation, and secondly, the court can also collect more money into the account, so why not do it?

As for the trouble? It is indeed a little more, and can the court carry out it as appropriate, such as the method proposed by Li Xianbo, I think it is feasible.

The two counties are still two counties, and they are still divided into east and west, but each is divided into several areas, and then each county has a few additional yamen, which are still subject to the previous county government management. I think there is nothing wrong with it. Yes, Mr. Liu, what do you think? "

Of course, Liu Qi and Li Yuxiao were out of the same nostrils. Without these two friends, I guess I would be free at home, how could I be promoted to three levels and wear a sixth-rank official uniform to go to court?
"Xiao Langzhong's words are very true, and the lower officials agree."

Some people from the household department immediately disagreed. Although these two guys are also officials of the household department, everyone always feels awkward.

The two of them were not on duty at the household department at all, but went to the winemaking workshop in Lantian. How is this different from the servants of Li Xianbo?

It's really brazen, just use your salaries to talk less, and even come to the household department to point fingers, even if what you say is correct, you can't be arrogant and domineering.

"I don't agree with Xiao Langzhong's words. Since ancient times, the county has been the lowest institution for the imperial court to directly manage the people. I have never heard that the county should set up another level of yamen. If the doctor can quote the scriptures and say that the predecessors did this The past history, the lower officials can be convinced."

Xiao Tong really couldn't tell which county in history had to set up a lower-level yamen. The questioner was speechless and unable to answer, and Liu Qi choked up immediately;
"My doctor did not do it for his own self-interest, but he did it loyally for the imperial court's great plan. Please colleagues to distinguish right from wrong."

This is the first time for Liu Qi to feel that it is a big disadvantage if there are fewer people. No wonder the county uncle of the Li family likes people to be neat. Let’s just say that this will be the case. There is only one doctor in his family, and he is the only official under the doctor.
As soon as someone spoke to the other person, a group of people responded immediately. There were only two leaders on my side, and I didn't have a single official under him, so I would suffer a lot if I farted.

"I didn't say that your doctor is doing it for personal gain. Isn't it all for the court? You don't have to mess around with Mr. Liu, and you can only convince the public by saying that those below the county level are still under the control of the court."

"Why not, aren't those village chiefs just managing the people for the court? They can also reduce taxes because of their status as village chiefs. Isn't this the salary that the court gave them for their contribution?"

"Mr. Liu, you are making unreasonable words. The head of the village is only in charge of the people of one or two Zhuangzi's households, and it's not a first-level yamen. It can't be counted."

Xiao Tong also came to his senses after Liu Qi's words;
"If the head of the village is not counted, then I would like to ask Han Gaozu to be the head of the pavilion. The head of the pavilion has a salary. He not only manages the peace of one side, but also has a few people under his command. Is it a small yamen?"

"It counts."

Everyone was just arguing, and forgot that His Majesty the Emperor was by his side. When they heard His Majesty speak, they realized that they were all old fritters. As soon as the Emperor spoke, he immediately got the weather vane.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot about it, there is indeed something about the pavilion chief that Langzhong Xiao said..."

"Hey, I forgot too..."

Li Shimin didn't bother to talk to these people who were ignorant of the wind, so he just made a final decision;
"Chang'an is tens of miles north and south, and tens of miles east and west. If it is only divided into two counties, it is really a big fat sheep. Xiao Aiqing's idea is also novel. A big city like Chang'an can indeed be divided into several regions. Share some of the pressure on the county government.

Today, it will be divided into four regions. After a few days, we will discuss carefully at the court meeting how to divide the small yamen at the first level under the county.

At that time, both official administration and taxation will be handled separately by the lower level. The two counties of Chang'an Wannian are only responsible for controlling the officials at the lower level. Ladies and gentlemen, let's directly discuss the price of the right to sell each area. "

"The ministers obey the order."

Liu Qi directly took a book on the table, opened it and muttered;

"Chang'an City has two counties, east and west, with a total of 92 household registrations, 23 miles from east to west, and two food and eight miles from north to south. If it is divided into four blocks, each block can be estimated to have about 20 people going out.

According to the estimation that about one person in every 50 people can afford Wuliangye, 500 people get ten people, 5000 people get a hundred people, 5 people get a thousand people, and with a population of more than 20, about 5000 people can afford Wuliangye.

Each person eats once and rests for ten days. They can eat three times a month. Each time is calculated as two catties. Each person has six catties of spirits per month. Every two people consume one bucket per month. Ten buckets for 20 people, one bucket for 200 people, 2000 Thousands of buckets per person, 5000 people eat about [-] buckets per month,
According to the price of wine set by our imperial court, it is 750 yuan a bucket, and it is sold to the common people for [-] yuan, and the money is [-] yuan. The money for fighting fine wine is about [-] guan, and the money is [-] guan every twelve months.
A shop in an industry can pay back its capital in about five years. That is to say, Chang'an City can be divided into four regions.

Of course, this is just a minimum estimate, an approximate amount, and the actual purchase volume is much larger than this. For example, the three-day sale plan arranged by Li Xianbo released tens of thousands of spirits, but only two days It was sold out, so it can be seen that under the real sales situation of Chang'an City, the official estimate is much larger.

The next official is to estimate the approximate minimum number, colleagues watch and discuss, oh!There are also more than a dozen clan elders, everyone can participate and confirm each other's complementary strengths and weaknesses. Let's try to set a reasonable number, so that all the big families in the world can be convinced. "

After Liu Qi finished speaking, she raised her head and looked at a group of old men from aristocratic families, signaling that they could speak. Li Shimin over there looked calm, but was extremely happy in his heart. He just agreed to sell the rights. You can get 50 crowns back with your name, so why not do it?
The ruthless Li Shimin secretly stretched out two fingers towards the eldest grandson Wuji next to him, signaling that the sales rights of Chang'an City would be more satisfactory if he strived for an income of 200 million yuan. Li Shimin made a quick gesture and then withdrew his right hand. smile.

Changsun Wuji put on an understanding smile and nodded, the monarch and his ministers did not speak but continued to discuss over there.

"Liu Yuanwai's starting price of 12 yuan is acceptable to all the wealthy households, and we will just see who bids the most tomorrow.

Patriarch Li also told me the rules. The small counties below, not to mention the poor places in the border, have marked out 720 counties that can sell spirits.

Most of the towns here are counties, and there is no need to participate in the competition. In Chang'an City and Luoyang City, the right to sell is for the highest price.
In addition, each of the ten provinces in the world has a large county and city, and they also want to participate in the competition. According to Li Xianbo, there are 300 large cities in the more than 160 state capitals that need to be contested.

So I thought that for these big cities that need to be competed for, we can just set a starting price, and there is no need to negotiate the specific amount. I wonder if you think so? "

A group of officials nodded in approval, and the elders of more than a dozen big families who came together agreed very much. This time, there were no different voices, so the official who recorded it was the first to write down the first stroke. , The starting price of each piece is 12 Guan.

Here, Li Shimin pretended not to care about everything, while talking with Changsun Wuji in a low voice, but secretly asked in a low voice;
"What kind of tricks did that evildoer play? Why didn't half of the more than 300 state capitals follow the method of scrambling, so how much money was lost by the imperial court? This bastard! I'm really angry."

Changsun Wuji also had a calm face, as if the monarch and his ministers were gossiping in a corner;

"Your Majesty, don't be impatient. I heard them say something before, saying that everything is done according to the method of scrambling. It is too absolute.
Slaughter the big households like lambs. They can't taste the sweetness and only look at the court's profits. They are afraid that they will not go up, so they choose half of the population of the state to adopt this method.
The other half of the state cities with an average population will directly set the price, as a match, no matter who competes for the right to sell which state capital, they will find a nearby one with a low price, half sell and half give away.

It can be considered as a sweetener for those big households, and by the way, get out of all the places where the business is not so prosperous, so that it can make people feel more balanced.

Your Majesty is extremely wise, of course he can guess that this is the best policy, but he dare not make them too hard at once, otherwise it will be difficult to make money when there is a business in the future. "

Who is Li Shimin?Of course it was clearer than anyone else, Li Shimin figured everything out halfway through Changsun Wuji's words, but he was still complaining relentlessly;

"Wuji, how can you let that wicked temperament do things like this? You are his elders who should pay more attention to him. Look at his life of debauchery all day long. He spends money without blinking an eye. You can pay more attention in the future, no matter what he says, you have to suppress him to be the right move."

"Yes, I obey the order. Keep in mind His Majesty's teachings, and I will pay attention to it in the future."

Li Shimin agreed casually, picked up the green tea Qian Dehai sent, and sipped it absent-mindedly, while paying attention to the crowd.

Only Liu Qi's voice continued to ring;
"So the lower officials divide Luoyang City into southeast and northwest, but they can't be priced according to Chang'an. After the lower officials' estimates, it is most appropriate to set the sales rights of the four areas of Luoyang City at [-] Guan."

An old man speaks directly;
"Mr. Liu, please forgive me for speaking bluntly. I live in Luoyang City. Although Luoyang City is not much smaller than Chang'an, its population is only half of Chang'an's, and the rich households are almost half of Chang'an's.

The total price should start at 24, which is just right. If it is [-] more, the four districts will have to pay [-] more. The big families are not fools, so you can figure it out. "

Liu Qi deliberately said more about the price in Luoyang, which was also taught by Li Yu, Xiao Tong immediately stood up and sang a blush;
"That's right. I agree with what the old Cui clan said. Mr. Liu, your number of [-] is indeed a bit high."

A group of officials from the Ministry of Households agreed with Xiao Tong's opinion, so the number of Luoyang City was also fixed, and then the price of the ten lands in the world was set to be comparable to the price of the first district of Chang'an City.

Li Shimin pondered carefully in his heart, it was almost 200 million, and if it could be doubled tomorrow, it would be 400 million. It is really unexpected that only these few big cities produced 400 million silver and silk.

During the whole process, the imperial court did not pay anything, just nodded and allowed the big households to sell, and then formulated a law to protect their profits.

I didn't expect to be able to reap such profits just by being a fair banker. It's really comforting. Li Shimin only hated that there are too few such big cities, and he was still thinking that he should build a few more of this kind of big cities in the future. , who knows what other deals that evil will come up with...

(End of this chapter)

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