Chapter 180;

Chapter 180

"Are you going to do those merchant things?"

When Empress Changsun heard that Li Yu was going to do business and sell wine, her happy face immediately darkened.

"Empress Qi reported that this is exactly the case. From my child's point of view, only money is enough..."

Just as Li Yu explained, he was interrupted by his eldest grandson, "In your opinion, what knowledge do you have?
Look at the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. Although they all do those things, they are all taken care of by servants. How can anyone run up and down by themselves? "

The eldest grandson leaned forward a little, stared at Li Yu and said;
"According to my opinion, you should stay in the mansion peacefully and do your research, and entrust this kind of matter to the servants.
Do a good job of learning, and then ask your uncle Qin for advice on the art of war and strategy, so as to lay a solid foundation for future official career. "

When Li Yu heard that his eldest grandson underestimated his business, he immediately regained his spirits.

The ancient people didn't know the charm of money, so they regarded businessmen as shit.

He came from later generations, so he is naturally clear. As the so-called first-rank officials and second-rank merchants, the economy is not active, so how can there be prosperity?
The national strength is not strong, and it cannot withstand fierce battles. Why don't you just put your tail between your legs and bow your head to other races?
"Your Majesty, I have some doubts in my child's mind. I don't know whether to say it or not?"

"Just say it."

"Dare to ask my lady, do you need money to support this march?"

"That's natural. Back then when the Supreme Emperor rebelled, it was the elders of the Li clan who tried their best to pool more than 80 guan to gain a firm foothold. If there is no money to support it, it must not be possible!"

"Then I dare to ask my lady, do you need money to change the armor and weapons? Do you need money to spend in the harem?"

Li Yu spoke very fast, and ended the question in a few sentences.

"Of course, it is well known that what you said requires money.

But what does this have to do with you being a businessman?Could it be that you can still sell 80 bottles of wine a year? "

The eldest grandson didn't want to see Li Yu become a businessman, so he hit him everywhere, trying to draw Li Yu's mind back to his studies.

"Of course, Niang Niang, please taste the fine wine brewed by the baby before explaining the details."

Li Yu can't wait, but don't be in a hurry, these people have to be persuaded one by one, how can they succeed without paying for something?

Li Yu is very clear about the truth of what you sow and what you gain. It seems extremely cumbersome to explain one by one now, but it will be much more convenient in the future.

"Forget it, I will taste the fine wine that you have praised so much, what is it like?"

Li Yu first took out a catty of forty-degree liquor, poured out a little, and handed it over.

"Your Highness, it's better for the slaves to drink first."

Ye Qingzhi looked at the fine wine Li Yu poured out, and hurriedly stepped forward.

"Back off, can this child still come to murder me?"


The eldest grandson held up the wine lord; I have never seen your wine before. In the past, I have eaten many times at court banquets. It was all dirty wine. Today is the first time I have seen this clear white wine. "

"Qi empress, this wine is very strong compared to turbid wine. It is pungent in the mouth and has a lingering fragrance. It is brewed from five kinds of rice. Empress must be prepared when eating it, so as not to choke on it."

The eldest grandson nodded and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Good wine, as you said, it is extremely spicy, and has an endless aftertaste. It is the best wine in the world."

Although the eldest grandson is not good at drinking, he also knows the difference between good and bad.

"This wine is bound to be sought after by people all over the world. Where did you get the secret brewing method?"

"Qi Niang Niang, the child got it from an ancient book in the pre-Qin period, and tried it again and again, spoiling a lot of rice, and then found an old man who brewed wine, and with the strength of everyone, made it into this thing.

What the empress drank was just a pot of wine when she was just successful, and there is also fine wine when she is done, which is even better than the former one. How about eating half a cup again? "

"Come here."


Li Yu poured out a little too much this time, he was afraid that the Queen drank too little and would not be able to taste the taste. He didn't know the charm of this fine wine, and it would be more difficult to persuade.

"'s indeed much stronger than the one just now, but it's also a bit more mellow."

"Your Highness, please take some water."

Seeing the queen's expression after drinking, Ye Qingzhi quickly brought a tea bowl of water.

The eldest grandson drank half a bowl of clear water and rinsed his mouth before asking Li Yu, "This wine is indeed not only, how much do you want to ask for?"

"I would like to report to your empress, the boy imitates the fine wines on the market and fights for ten thousand wines."

"Oh! Fighting wine for ten thousand is too expensive, but it's worth it. For ten thousand, you can only sell it to princes and princes. How much money can you earn?"

Li Yu started to get excited!

"Then if a bucket of wine is only sold for three thousand yuan, or three hundred yuan per catty, what will happen?"

Empress Changsun was surprised, "Such fine wine must be rich in capital, if it sells for three hundred yuan a catty, wouldn't it be a loss?"

"Your Majesty doesn't know something about this money..."

When Li Yu said this, he turned his head and looked at the servants and maids beside him, hesitant to speak.

"You all step back and take Chengqian to play in the side hall!"

"According to the order!"


"We can still earn two hundred dollars per catty for three hundred dollars, my lord!"


Empress Changsun heard that the cost of a catty of such fine wine is only one hundred yuan, which is really unbelievable.

Li Yu smiled happily when he said this.In fact, he was lying,

Not to mention, the cost of the grain output of his own [-] mu of land is almost negligible.

According to the records of Zizhi Tongjian of later generations, in the early days of Zhenguan, there was a shortage of food in Guanzhong, and a horse of juan could only exchange a bucket of rice for one horse.

This is to describe the price of food during a famine. Even so, a horse is two hundred yuan. According to this price, ten buckets of rice are one stone, which is only 2000 yuan.

Brewing 60 catties of liquor costs only 30 yuan per catty, not to mention that in reality, it is not so expensive.

In the fourth year of Zhenguan, there will be a bumper harvest in the world, and a bucket of rice will cost four or five yuan. At that time, a catty of baijiu will only cost six or seven yuan, and ordinary people can drink it.

Let’s say he went to the rice store to buy grain and take it back to make wine. At present, the cost is less than 30 yuan per catty.

But he told Qin Qiong 60 yuan, which is equivalent to doubling the capital.

He also said that freight is required, and the cost of pulling it over and over is set at 100 yuan per catty.
In this way, sell it into wine for 300 yuan a catty, and share the 200 yuan profit with the emperor and generals.

I have to say that Li Yu is really cunning.

"That's right, after careful calculation, my boy, I asked the accountant to do the calculation for a month.

The cost of this wine is only sixty or seventy qian, plus the cost of people eating and horse chewing, and the round-trip carriage and horse expenses, one hundred qian is enough. "

After careful calculation, the boy said that if a bucket of wine cost three thousand dollars, he would be a moderately decent rich peasant, and he could eat it several times a year.
There are so many merchants and wealthy households in all the counties in the world. When the time comes, there will be a steady stream of money coming into the account.

With the money, Your Majesty can also replace the armor and weapons, expand the military system of the sixteen guards, and make our Tang Dynasty strong and powerful. "

"Nowadays in Chang'an City, the best wine, ten thousand dollars, is inferior compared to our wine.

If our wine is born, we only sell it for three thousand a bucket, the price is much higher than it, but the quality of the wine is sky high,

Under the ebb and flow of one... "

Li Yu knew that the Empress Dowager was extremely intelligent, so she only had to tell the profit from it, there was no need to explain it too thoroughly, everything was considered by the Empress herself, and that was enough.

The eldest grandson called out in a deep voice, "Come here."

Ye Qingzhi, who was waiting outside the hall, entered in response; "I don't know what orders your Highness has."

"Go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony yourself, and see if Your Majesty is free at noon today..."

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(End of this chapter)

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