Datang Happy Landlord

Chapter 169 Please enter the urn

Chapter 169 Please enter the urn
Chapter 170 Please enter the urn
Li Yu pondered for a moment, and then said; "In this way, you can pack the first two pots of liquor into one catty and one small pot, then make a hundred pots, and put the rest into a big jar.

The three pots of baijiu that came out later were filled with two pots, and they were all made into five catties and a small jar. In this way, 48 jars could be produced, and two jars were added together to make an integer.

Mr. Ben Lang went to Chang'an City, and first invited the Supreme Master and the generals to taste it, and it would be Yuanzheng's door-to-door gift. "

"Yes, don't worry, my lord. In our brewing workshop, your lord has arranged for a dozen or so young men to be apprentices, and the manpower is much more tidy.

The work assigned by Mr. Lang can be completed in less than an hour. "

"Everyone stop what they're doing, Mr. Lang has an order to fill the three pots of white wine into a small jar every five catties.

Hurry up, Tiedan, Sun Jin, Saturday Pin, hurry up, hurry up. "

Old man Liu got two bolts of cloth and four hundred dollars today, and he started working as if he was ten years younger.

More than a dozen people were divided into two groups, those who carried the jars, those who carried the wine, and those who filled the wine, and cooperated with each other in an orderly manner.

Li Yu looked at the more than a dozen family servants who had been dispatched, almost all of them were men in their early twenties, with quick hands and feet,

Li Yu, the supervisor, asked a familiar face when he had nothing to do, "Tie Dan, have you learned how to make wine these days?"

Tie Dan, who was called, held the wine jar in his hand, and took the time to reply; "I want to report to the master, I haven't learned it yet, but what is the boss called, I will do as I am told.

We have read these ways several times, and have done it several times. If we don’t know how to do it, we will be able to learn it in half a year or a year. "

"Well, yes, use dim sum, you guys, our wine making workshop will use all the ones from our own mansion in the future,

Except for the two stewards, He Daniu and Zeng Gui, no outsider will be allowed in the future, not even the farmers in the Zhuangzi, unless I nod my lord.

You have to take care of this brewery, you can't just call people in, you know? "

More than a dozen young people agreed in unison.

That Tie Dan also said a few more words; "Patriarch, our wine is only one family in the Tang Dynasty, so we should use our family to have children to be more reliable. After all, it is hard for outsiders to tell whether these secret methods will be passed on to the public!"

After Tie Dan finished speaking, he looked at Daniel and Zeng Gui on the other side.

In his heart, except for his own family servants, everyone else is an outsider, and he may not be completely devoted to the Patriarch.

Li Yu couldn't help laughing, so he slapped Tie Dan on the shoulder without any hassle.

"You're an idiot, you have a heart, but you are loyal, don't guess, Da Niu, and Aguike are also our own people,

I got them out of the prison, and my loyalty to my lord is not much less than yours.

You are so close to each other, don't create any gaps, so as not to delay the important affairs of my lord, "

Although Daniu and Agui on the other side didn't pay attention to this, they kept listening attentively, seeing Li Yu defending them both made them happy.

After all, they are from Chang'an City, and they haven't developed a deep relationship with the farmers in this village.
Therefore, it is a bit awkward to be always slaved by the children of these families and look like a prisoner.

Tie Dan has a straightforward temper, and he is afraid that outsiders will learn the secret technique of his patriarch.

The children of these families are very xenophobic, and the head of the family will say that these two outsiders are their own people and can be trusted, so they look at them differently.

"Oh, the Patriarch has already said it, from now on I Tie Dan will treat them as my brothers."

After Tiedan finished speaking, he buried himself in his work and stopped talking nonsense.

"That's right, work hard, and when you learn it in the future, I will arrange a workshop for you and ask you to be a manager too,"

It can also be regarded as repaying your friendship when you braved the heavy rain and came back to the mansion to report the letter.

If you hadn't come back to report to Uncle Liu, my lord, I'm afraid I would have to stay in the rainy field at the Dragon Gate of the Qinling Mountains for a while longer. "

When Tie Dan heard this, his eyes shone like a wolf.

"What is the owner talking about, the villain is the son of the Li family, let alone rain, even if it rains, the villain will report back quickly.

"Patriarch, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job and follow the chief steward to learn from the dead."

"You don't need to work so hard. You are still Dalang in the family and you have just become a man. If something happens to you, why don't you cry to me?"

"Hey, Patriarch, don't worry. What I said is to do a good job. If you work hard, nothing will happen."

"Yesterday, you mother asked me, Mr. Ben, but I told you well, saying that you endure hardships and work hard, and you are a good seedling.

You have to be more promising, lest a certain family's words become a laughing stock. "

Tie Dan didn't speak, but nodded fiercely, expressing his determination!
"My lord, everything is done."

Liu Zheng, who was in charge, finished the task assigned by Li Yu and came to report.

Li Yu watched a dozen people pack all the liquor in an hour, and then asked someone to arrange a carriage to put all the liquor in.

They also deliberately found a few people who could shout, and a large group of people took seven or eight carriages and headed for Chang'an City.

"My lady of the Zou family, sir, did you really say that if the fields are within ten arrows of land on both sides of the river, every time you harvest in the future, one mu of land will give my family two stones of rice?

Could it be that the lady is coaxing me? "

In Lijiazhuang New Village, at the gate of a farmyard, a dark and thin middle-aged woman looked at Zou Shufang at the gate of her house in surprise.

"The Zheng family, you know who I am, when did I say big things?
This is what my lord asked me to say to the farmers, without adding a word,
Besides, don't you believe what Mr. Lang said?At the beginning, Mr. Lang fired cement and red bricks, and said that he would build new houses for several Zhuangzi.
Everyone is dubious, but now, don't we all live in such a grand new house?
Dare I ask my sister, has this gentleman ever spoken big words? "

The black and thin woman hurriedly answered; "Why should my lady choke on me? Where did I say that I don't believe you, sir. Since he said it, it must be true.
It's just that when Lin Wu came, he only said that he wanted to gather the fields on both sides of the river into one place, and the mansion would arrange the cultivation in a unified way in the future, so I agreed on the spot.

But I didn't hear what Lin Wu said about giving two shi of rice for one mu of land in the future. The lady would be a little surprised at this time, so don't be surprised. "

"It's okay, but you have to have land on both sides of the river. If there is no land on both sides of the river, it's a waste of spit."

Zou Shufang also had some thoughts, and used the aggressive method.

The black and thin woman immediately defended; "So that my wife will know that my house is on the west side of the river,
But there are 43 mu of Yongye farmland, and [-] mu of koufen farmland. How can it be said that there is no land on the other side of the river? "

"Oh, since we have land, we can register and make a book, and in the spring of the next year, we can cultivate it in a unified manner according to the arrangement of the government.

First of all, I want to make it clear to you that two stones per acre is determined by the Lord. If there is a good harvest, the Lord said that he will share more.

However, this land still needs to be planted. In the future, every adult man will get a share, and the strong men will get more, and the old men will get less.

After all, I have to work, but I am not told to wait to be an uncle.

Don't do any work, just produce some fields, sit still, just want to take two stones of rice in Bai's house, but there is no such good thing! "

The black and skinny woman decided to have an acre of land. Every time she harvested, she would distribute two stones of rice to her family. She was already smiling from ear to ear.
Hearing what Mrs. Zou said, I followed the words; "What what your lady said is true, how can there be two stones of grain in Baina's mansion.

Naturally, we have to work hard to cultivate. If we peasants don't work in the fields, why don't we still learn from the masters of those big households? "

"Okay, I've passed on the message to you, and I have to go to the next one, so I won't delay you."

After Zou Shufang finished speaking, she walked to the next door to the black and thin woman.

"Miss Zou, go slowly, I'll go to my sister's house to hang out, come and sit when I'm free."

"Thank you, since the lady wants to drop by, she can go by herself."


The black and thin woman left quickly, heading to the east of Zhuangzi, two streets away to her sister's house.

He wanted to tell his sister about this good thing quickly, so that he could go to the mansion to register, so as not to be left behind.

Here Mrs. Zou walked into the yard next door to the black and thin woman, and she had already talked about the matter with the owner of the house.

"Ms. Zou's family, I heard what you said to the Zheng family next door just now. I don't need to say more. You just said when you can go to the mansion to register and make a book."

"My younger sister is refreshing, I always know that.

Starting tomorrow, the mansion will arrange for an accountant to wait for the farmers to register in the wing room in the front yard, and you will know when you go to the mansion to see.

I just don't know how many fields are there on both sides of the river in your family? "

Zou Shufang is careful, she wants to get some background information, so that she can explain clearly when meeting her husband.

"Oh, Mrs. Zou doesn't know something. My family's field on the river only has thirteen acres.
Just now, my lady, you and your neighbor are talking, and I feel anxious,
The Zheng family next door is lucky this time. They have more than 50 mu of land on both sides of the river. When harvesting in the future, there will be hundreds of shi of rice in the warehouse!

I am really envious of others, I only hate that my fields are all behind Zhuangzi, too far away from the river. "

The woman shook her head and sighed.

Zou Shufang finally found someone with less land, and what she wants is you.See, I don't need a three-inch tongue to tell you a lot of hype.

"Sister, why is this so? This road is blocked, and there are other ways. Can this living person be suffocated to death?"

"Huh? What can Mrs. Zou do? Tell me quickly, I want to hear the details!"

This woman was already in a hurry, but she heard that there was still a solution, how could she hold her breath.

Mrs. Zou saw that her appetite was whetted, so she didn't make any further decisions; "Sister, don't worry. Since there are not many lands on both sides of the river, let's go get the ones at the back of Zhuangzi and exchange them with those on both sides of the river."

"Oh, that's right, why did I forget this, I'm really brain-dead, thank you Mrs. Zou for reminding me.

It's just that none of us Zhuangzi are willing to exchange with you, so we can only find outsiders.

Fortunately, I have a deep relationship with the two ladies of Bali Village on the east side. In their village, there are many fields on the east side of the river.

Even if he spends some effort, at least he will get [-] mu to compare with the Zheng family next door. "

"Your sister is right to think so, my family also has dozens of acres on the west side of the river,
But I still don’t think it’s enough, I’m going to find someone tonight, go to Waizhuang and exchange for tens of acres of land, and return all the remaining land of my family, which is not by the river. "

"Change all of them? Then the lady will not want the land here in the future?"

"Sister, don't be surprised. Since the Lord wants to collect the land, the slave family of course agrees. Thinking back, who didn't flee here in the year of the catastrophe and was taken in by the old lord?
After Mr. Lang inherited the position of the head of the family, he built these houses with us, piece by piece. How much kindness is there? "

"That's right, what Mrs. Zou said, even if I say it all over our villages, no one will say it's wrong. If anyone dares to sing a different tune, I will spit on him first."

"That's right, this time the gentleman said that he wanted to collect the land and cultivate it in a unified way, and he also used some ancient secret method of farming, and gave us two stones per acre of land. Isn't the young gentleman's intentions as kind as the old master's?

Besides, there are two stones of rice to take, so what do I need those other fields for?
If two days of land are exchanged for those on both sides of the river, wouldn't it be possible to earn hundreds of shi every year?
I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid, it's better to rely on the lifeline of Langjun, which is insurance, I'm not stupid, the division is clear. "

"That's right, what my sister said is very reasonable, instead of farming recklessly and relying on the sky for food, it's better to rely on the mansion for food and rely on the Lord, that's the safest way.

Those of us Zhuangzi, who else can we rely on if we don’t rely on the gentleman. When my man comes back in the evening, I will explain to him that he has a lot of friends, and it shouldn’t be difficult to change to someone from another village! "

"That's exactly the case. What's more, Mr. Lang will pay one hundred dollars per mu of land to any family that wants to replace the farmland!"


When the woman heard that there was money matters, she immediately grabbed one of Zou Shufang's sleeves.

"Sister, don't coax me. Is there such a good thing?"

"Sister, can I still lie to you? It's all from Mr. Lang himself.

Mr. Lang said that some farm households exchanged their land, and if people from other villages refused to exchange it, it was inevitable that they would exchange more for less, so this rule was established.

For example, if your family has ten acres of land and you exchange it for a farmer, no matter how much you exchange for it, the government will give you a regular subsidy for your ten acres of land. "

"Sister, are you serious? Did Lang Jun say it himself?"

"Seriously, everything is true. If my sister doesn't believe it, when I go to register tomorrow, I can ask the gentleman in the mansion. If it's true, it can't be fake, and if it's fake, it can't be true.

The woman exclaimed, "Then my family still has more than 100 acres allocated by the county government. If they are all replaced, wouldn't they have to give my family more than a dozen acres?"

"Exactly, what is there to worry about my sister, don't you believe the words of the man in the mansion?"

"I don't believe it. It's just such a large amount. It's not a matter of ten or twenty dollars. I must ask clearly. My sister will leave in a while. Who else can I ask?

What's more, my family doesn't have any relatives working in the mansion. It's still unknown whether these ten or so family properties can be taken into our hands, so how can we not be cautious. "

"Don't worry, our sisters have been friends for so many years, and other people's sisters can't handle it. As for your more than a dozen things, just leave it to your sister. You must be a big boy!"

The woman smiled when she heard this.

"I knew my sister's appearance was the first in our Zhuangzi, and her ability has never been inferior to others.

I heard that the day before yesterday, Mr. Lang took a fancy to my sister and asked her to go to the mansion at night to serve her. My sister has climbed a high branch. Don't forget about her talents in the future. "

"You stinky mouth, you can talk nonsense, sir, you don't have time during the day, so you ask the servant to talk about some important things at night, where can you come to wait for me?"

"Then sister has never been to the mansion?"

"I have been there, but I went there during the day. These things are all talked about by Mr. Lang with my slaves during the day, and then I will explain the errands. I am the only one who runs errands."

"Since we went there during the day, why is my sister's face so red? Hee hee!"

Mrs. Zou hurriedly defended; "I've been standing in your yard for a long time, with the cold wind blowing, can you not be red?"

"Oh, look, I'm only talking about land exchange... I'm really rude,

Sister, please come to the house, don't leave tonight, when my man comes back, tell him to go to the gate of Lantian County Yamen behind, get some drinks,
Let's make some more stir-fried vegetables, and let our sisters eat a few, so that we can have a good time. "

(End of this chapter)

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