Daming Town Haiwang

Chapter 785, Daming Medical Journal

Chapter 785, Daming Medical Journal
In the southern suburbs of the capital, the newly established Daming Medical College has temporarily rented a building as a temporary office space. On the one hand, it is planning to establish the Daming Medical College; Started to collect various medical books according to Liu Jin's requirements, and then sorted these medical books, and began to construct the medical school system according to the requirements.

There are too many things that need to be done to establish a medical school. Liu Jin also recruited a lot of people from some industries under his command.

Although several famous doctors have excellent medical skills, their management is a mess. In addition, they are not good at the construction of the medical school. The main job is to study medical skills and study the new things Liu Jin said.

In a laboratory, Wu Yuntu is trying to use a microscope to observe the surrounding world.

"It's unbelievable~ there really is such a tiny life."

"Buddhas say that one grain of sand is one world, and one leaf is one bodhi, which is actually true."

Through the microscope, Wu Yuntu saw extremely faint bacteria, germs, etc., and things that were invisible to the naked eye were clearly displayed in the eyes under the microscope.

"These tiny things are the bacteria and germs that Liu Jin said?"

Wu Yuntu carefully observed the surrounding world, and soon found all kinds of different bacteria and germs. He remembered something Liu Jin said.

"It really works, it really works~"

"What a god!"

At this time, Qian Hui walked in excitedly and said loudly.

"What's going on?"

Wu Yuntu looked at Qian Hui and asked.

"Two days ago, I got some cinchona bark from Mr. Liu, and used it to boil water for a patient who was shaking. In less than three days, he was cured. The effect is amazing. .”

Qian Hui said excitedly.

In the past, it was very difficult to treat the disease of swinging. The mortality rate of this disease was extremely high. Only a few people with extremely high self-resistance could survive it.

Liu Jin said that the bark of the cinchona tree could cure the disease. At first, everyone didn't believe it. After he tried it himself, he believed it.

"I want to tell more people about this news, so that more people who suffer from wiggle disease can be cured quickly."

Qian Hui is still very kind to doctors, and the first thing he thought of was to tell more doctors the good news, so that everyone would know that he could quickly cure the disease of swinging with this medicine.

"Mr. Liu is right. Overseas is very vast, there are countless new things, there are many overseas countries, and there are all kinds of medical skills. We should not be limited to my Ming Dynasty, but should look at the world and learn from the whole world. "

"Who would have thought that such a disease as swaying can be cured by making soup from this tree bark."

Qian Hui was really excited. He had seen too much of the disease of swaying. Too many, too many died of this disease. It was very difficult to treat, but now it was easily cured.

"Of course, Mr. Liu will not lie to us. Come and take a look. This microscope is very magical. Under the microscope, you can observe the extremely small and onlooker world, some bacteria and germs that we cannot see with the naked eye."

Wu Yuntu smiled and nodded solemnly, then pointed to the microscope and said.

"I'll see~"

Qian Hui leaned over to take a look, and immediately couldn't help but widen his eyes, then opened his mouth and said, "These are the bacteria and germs that Mr. Liu said?"

"It should be. These things are everywhere, even in our human body, but the types and quantities in normal people are different from those in patients."

"I'm going to have people collect the blood of some special patients, such as the swing patient you just mentioned, maybe we can understand why some people have the swing disease."

Wu Yuntu nodded solemnly. With the help of a microscope, he can observe the surrounding world, and naturally he can also classify and summarize the bacteria, germs, etc., and sort out some laws. If you don't understand, you can figure out the diseases that you don't understand.

"Old Wu, Old Qian~"

At this time, Liu Jin walked over with a smile all over his face.

Anyway, there is no need to go to the morning court, and Liu Jin will come to see the medical school every now and then, wandering around.

"Young Master Liu~"

When the two looked at Liu Jin, they also hurriedly said respectfully.

"I just heard from you, Lao Qian, that the bark of the cinchona tree has cured the sickness of the pendulum?"

Liu Jin smiled and nodded, then asked Qian back.

"It's cured, it's cured, it's amazing, the medicine will cure the disease, and it will be completely cured in less than three days."

"I was thinking of writing to some of my fellow disciples and my apprentices to tell them about this. If they encounter the disease of swinging in the future, they can be cured directly with this method."

Qian Hui nodded quickly and replied.

"write a letter?"

Liu Jin thought for a while and said, "This way of writing letters is too slow. Even if you know it, it is only limited to some people you have contacted. If you want to really spread a useful medical skill to the world, you still have to There are more efficient means of dissemination."

"A more efficient means of communication?"

"Unless it is published in the Ming Morning Post, otherwise it can only rely on letters or word of mouth."

Qian thought about it and said.

"Yes, we can also use newspapers~"

He said it unintentionally, but the listener meant it. When Liu Jin heard it, he couldn't help but slapped his thigh fiercely and said.

Liu Jin has always had a headache, that is how to spread some correct knowledge to everyone and correct some bad customs of Ming Dynasty.

For example, the issue of early marriage.

The phenomenon of early marriage in Ming Dynasty is very serious. Whether in rural areas or in Chengdu, many people are only thirteen or fourteen years old when they get married.

At this age, the body has just begun to develop, and it is in the stage of growth, but it is going to get married. Both the body and the mind are not yet mature. Once married and have a baby, the physical casualties will be extremely serious.

As a result, many of the children born died, the survival rate was very low, and their bodies were also seriously injured.

This is a very bad habit and needs to be changed.

But the way Liu Jin thought of was to report the incident in the Ming Morning Post. This phenomenon has improved in the Beijing and Tianjin areas, but it will not affect the rural areas.

Another example is the matter of shaving and growing long hair. Originally, the hair and beard are like fingernails. They should be cut off when they grow. This is not only convenient for maintaining hygiene, but also convenient for work and life.

But since ancient times, people have paid attention to the body, hair and skin, and received it from their parents, and dare not damage it.

This hair and beard cannot be moved, which is a serious misinterpretation of this sentence.

The employees of Liu Jin's own industry all wear short hair and shave off their beards. There is nothing wrong with it, but life and work are more convenient.

This also led to the Beijing-Tianjin area. Many young people also cut their hair short and shaved off their beards, but the entire Ming Dynasty was basically the same as before.

The impact is there, but still relatively limited.

The same is true for the promotion of new medical techniques and new medicine.

How to quickly promote the newly researched medical techniques, medicine, medicines, etc., so that more people can benefit, this is what Liu Jin has been thinking about.

Now that Qian Hui mentioned the Daming Morning Post, Liu Jin also had an idea. Could he start the Daming Medical Journal, which is dedicated to introducing various new medical techniques, medicines, and medicine, and popularizing some new medical attempts along the way? , so that more people can learn useful knowledge from it.

At the same time, more doctors can learn some medical skills from reading newspapers, improve their skills, and treat more patients.


When Wu Yuntu and Qian Hui heard this, they were even more dumbfounded. They just said it casually, but Liu Jin took it seriously.

"Of course, we want to create a professional newspaper, publish it regularly, and send it to various provinces at home and abroad in Ming Dynasty. At the same time, we are also soliciting articles from doctors all over the world. We can not only discuss new medicine and medical techniques, but also share some good cures. Methods and prescriptions, medicines and so on.”

"At the same time, it is also possible to popularize some basic medical attempts to everyone, so as not to be deceived by some magicians and quack doctors, so that more people can benefit."

Liu Jin nodded solemnly.

Well, it is necessary, very necessary to establish such a professional newspaper, even called a periodical. Of course, it is still unrealistic to run a periodical now, and a newspaper will do.

Popularize some things to everyone, promote new medical skills, and provide a platform for communication.

"Can this work?"

When Wu Yuntu and Qian Hui heard this, they were also slightly excited. If it is really successful, doctors all over the world will be able to read this newspaper, and many newly researched medical techniques can be quickly promoted, allowing more people benefit.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Isn't it that you need money? I have a lot of this stuff. I'll give it to everyone for free in the early stage. It doesn't matter if I give it a few issues first."

Liu Jin smiled, and said with confidence, and then left the laboratory immediately, and started to make preparations for the Daming Medical Journal in a hurry.

 Do you think it is feasible?

(End of this chapter)

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